The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Vol 2 Chapter 97: Take him down for me

  Yu Qingluo’s face sank on the spot, raised his hand quickly, and said to Ye Lanwei and Ye Lanping, "Take him down for me."

   "Yes." Ye Lanwei was very excited, and immediately rushed over.

  Ye Lan Ping Ye Lan Li, the two of them looked miserable, Nan Nan's skill...much better than them, isn't it embarrassing them?

  Could not be so, they still rushed over together.

Nan Nan grinded his teeth and kicked at Ye Lanwei, who was the first to pounce.

  In the small garden, all of a sudden there was a goofy jump.

  Probably because he was afraid of hurting the young lady inside, a few times, the opponents jumped out of the arch and handed over to the outside.

  The guards in the palace quickly ran over and surrounded the fighting people in a circle.

  Shen Wenxian and Lan Shuiyuan Lan Shuitian were excited when they saw this scene.

  It seems that Princess Xiu is indeed angry, yes, take the person down first, and then Lan Shuiqi will be indefatigable.

  Their eyes fell on Lan Shuiqing's body, for fear that she would run away.

  Blue water poured in, but his face was calm, as if he was not worried at all.

  Everyone came out of the small arch again, and ran to the open space outside to see the people in the fight.

Among    family princes, many of them are skilled. Seeing a few people fighting against each other, they quickly figured out the doorway.

  The man who was regarded as an adulterer was also able to deal with several people at the same time. Ye Lanping and Ye Lanli were merciful, which meant a lot of meaning.

  Probably only Ye Lanwei, issued a vicious move against Nannan, and the more he fought, the more he hated it, and he couldn't stop it, as if his opponent owed him money for several lifetimes.

  However, Nan Nan's skill was what shocked them. They knew who Ye Lanwei was. He was the prince who was guided by the martial arts by Lord Xiu himself, and he was trained in the army, and his skill was solid.

  Now that he has a dead hand, he can't do anything with that man. It's incredible.

   "Princess Xiu, I think there may be a misunderstanding in the middle, so let them stop first and ask the ins and outs carefully."

  Among the people who had been quietly watching the fight, suddenly there was a low female voice.

   Everyone turned their heads to look, Lan Shuiqing couldn't help but surprised. She didn't expect that the first person to come out to help her was actually Yang Shan who had met her before, but only introduced her own name.

  Su Yao stood beside Yang Shan, and couldn’t help pulling at her sleeve. “Yang Shan, don’t talk nonsense, the princess has her own decision.”

Yang Shan pulled back her sleeves and took a step forward. "Princess Xiu, Lady Lan has clear eyes and a clear heart. It really doesn't look like someone who teaches and accepts men in private. What's more, if you really want to do this When things come, how can she admit it openly? After all, Lady Lan is the fiancée of the royal family's son, and this matter must not be wronged to her today. Besides, Lady Lan’s current identity is really jealous. The possibility of being framed is not ruled out."

  Su Yao jumped a little, lowered her voice and said to Liang Yuzhi who was on the side, “She doesn’t talk on weekdays, but one is a dull gourd. Why did she suddenly say so much today.”

  Liang Yuzhi thoughtfully, "In fact, I also think this matter is strange."

"Why is it strange? Isn't it really set up? Not so, that man admitted that the purse was poured by blue water. But it is not surprising that the man is really good-looking, and Lan Shuiqing loves it too. normal."

   "..." Liang Yuzhi stopped speaking, and his eyes fell on Yang Shan.

  It's not just her, half of the eyes of the people present also fall on her.

  Yu Qingluo looked at the speaker unexpectedly. She mostly didn't know the lady of the family, but looking at the appearance of the woman, she felt awe-inspiring.

  The three princesses on the side whispered, "She is Yang Shan, the daughter of General Yang Long."

  Yang Long...Yu Qingluo knows that Ye Xiudu loves and hates this person, is capable, but has a grumpy temper.

  Yu Qingluo looked at Yang Shan, and there was a smile in her eyes, "You said that Lady Lan is jealous, so you can't rule out being framed?"

   "...Yes." After she said so much, why did the princess only remember this sentence?

  Yuqing dropped his chin and thought.

  Shen Wenxian and Lan Shuiyuan on the side could not bear it. They were talking about Sang Shuhuai, weren’t they talking about it?

   "Yang Shan, what do you mean, we framed the blue girl and failed? If you don't believe it, grab the man and have a fight, and then ask."

  The three princesses showed horror in her eyes, so she had a fight? Her idea is really creative.

  In this world, no one dared to grab Nan Nan and beat him. It was Yu Qingluo and Ye Xiu Duo, who wouldn't do that now, she was shocked by her thoughts.

  Yang Shan pursed her lips, “I’m just telling my thoughts, Miss Shen doesn’t have to be angry. The identity of Lady Lan is indeed sensitive, and this possibility is inherently great.”

Lan Shuiyuan burst into tears immediately, and looked at her sister and said, "Big sister, you can say something quickly. Tell everyone, what we saw is not the truth, right? You tell everyone that the purse was picked up by the man. Just go, you tell everyone that you didn't make the clothes that the man wore. You told everyone that you were wronged. Don't say nothing. Isn't this a tacit agreement?"

"Yes." Lan Shuitian immediately agreed. "Sister, you are saying something. Everyone is here now. If you are wronged, the princess will definitely help you. Honestly, we, we don't believe it either. The eldest sister will do this kind of thing. But now everyone has seen it, and now only you can prove your innocence. After all, seeing is not necessarily true. We may, perhaps, have missed the sight. Is it possible that the man threatened Yours, or do you have other secrets?"

   The two seemed to be anxious for Lan Shui, but there was still a lot of information revealed in the words.

  That Mrs. Qin has always been good at grasping the key points, "Second girl, do you think the clothes on that man are made by the older girl?"

   "Wow, doesn't this mean that the two have hooked up?"

  "Big girl, you should just think of an excuse for yourself."

  Lan Shui Qing ignored them, just walked to Yu Qingluo, "Wang Hao, if it is hot today, if you continue to fight, you will get heat stroke."

   "What do you feel so distressed for?" Yu Qingluo gave her an angry look.

   Then, she raised her voice and said, "Stop it all."

  As soon as the words fell, Ye Lanping and Ye Lanli immediately flew out of the encirclement, and they breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

  Only Ye Lanwei, still chasing Nannan desperately.

  Yu Qingluo's mouth twitched twice, and her voice became colder, "Stop."

  Ye Lanwei is still not reconciled, wants to quit, but can't help but do it.

  Until he suddenly slapped a palm in the air, he suddenly shook the two people who were fighting each other three steps away.

  After that, an angry voice suddenly sounded, "Qing'er, who dares not listen?"

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