As soon as this remark was made, the scene was in an uproar.

  Lan Shuiyuan Lan Shuitian was at a loss for a while, and couldn't find the words to defend themselves. They could only kneel on the ground in cold sweat, moving their lips twice, and couldn't say a word.

  Seeing this, everyone immediately pointed at them.

   "It turns out that everything was designed by them secretly, but it looks good, but I didn't expect it to be so scheming and so vicious."

   "Yes, they are all sisters anyway. In order to frame their sister, they can even think of this kind of indiscriminate trick."

  "Tsk tusk, what are the two girls of the Lan family picture? It has corrupted the reputation of the girl of the Lan family, and they think they can do well?"

  "Did you not hear that maid said? It was all for selfishness, which shows how narrow their hearts are."

   "That's right, and how can a nice girl let people get that kind of medicine? It's really shameless."

  Where there are women, there is never a lack of such slanderous existence.

  The faces of the two sisters of Lan Shuiyuan became more and more ugly, and gradually turned pale.

  Yes, the love potion was indeed prepared by them, just in case.

   But unexpectedly, this thing now became the straw that crushed their last hope.

Yu Qingluo let out a sigh of relief secretly, and when everyone was talking about it, he shouted angrily, "You are so down to do it, and you treat your own sisters even like this, what else in this world you can't do? Last time you insulted the princess's daughter, the princess didn't care about you because of Shui Qing's face, but now it's good, but you have become more serious and started to design the princess's son. You are really good at it."

   insulting Princess Xiu’s daughter?

  Everyone was surprised, they didn't expect this to happen.

  Not only these ladies don’t know, but the three princesses and others have heard of it for the first time.

  Niannian has always been a girl who everyone holds on the cusp of their hearts, and even they are reluctant to scold them. I didn't expect the two girls from the Lan family to be really timid.

  Ye Lanwei was the first to stand up and look at Nian Nian in the crowd, "They scolded you?"

  Everyone was taken aback again, and the little princess who repaired the palace was also present today.

  The big guy followed Ye Lanwei's sight, and he really saw the girl standing aside watching the excitement come out.

  Su Yao, Liang Yuzhi, Yang Shan, the three of them couldn't help but their eyes widened. How could it be her?

  Su Yao regretted for a moment, why didn’t she think of her identity at that time? At that time, seeing her dressed normally, she didn't answer directly where she was. She thought she was just a concubine of a small official, so she was embarrassed to explain her identity.

  Unexpectedly, she turned out to be the little princess of the palace.

  Su Yao couldn't help taking a step forward, only to be held back by Liang Yuzhi.

  She was taken aback and turned her head away.

  Liang Yuzhi pursed her lips, shook her head slightly at her, and whispered, "Don't go, why bother?"

   Although Su Yao looks friendly to everyone, she still has a scale in her heart. She will deliberately get close to anyone with a high status. For example, when he knew that Lan Shuiqing was the future wife of the royal mansion, even though there was a trace of jealousy in his heart, he still greeted him with a smile on his face.

  Liang Yuzhi does not spend all his thoughts on such a Su and Yao even if he communicates. It's just that the two are in-laws and they are tied to a rope, so she has been dating Su Yao and sometimes reminds her of one or two.

  Su Yao bit his lip, his face full of reconciliation.

  Ke also knows that this is not a good time.

  Nian-nian has walked to Yu Qingluo’s side, and the third princess also asked, “Nian-nian, did she really insult you?”

  Nian-nian glanced at Yu Qingluo speechlessly, mother-in-law wants to use the topic to play, why should she be pulled out? "Forget it, the matter is over."

  This is to admit that the two girls from the Lan family really abused her.

  The complexion of the three princesses suddenly became difficult to look at. Not only her, but also the six princesses and the others, also stared at Lan Shuiyuan with anger.

   "I really don't understand. Why are the girls from the Lan family so different? Shui Qing is smart and polite, how about you? No one thinks viciously and has no tolerance."

   Lan Shuiyuan's body trembled. At this moment, he was really guilty of public anger. She wanted to faint, but someone was faster than her.

   Lan Shui Tian already looked like she could not bear the pressure, her eyes rolled white, and she fell directly to the ground.

  Everyone was shocked, Princess Jinxiu saw that this was not a solution, and several princesses blamed it together, and the power was very powerful.

  Everyone said one thing, but it seemed that the two sisters were pitiful. When the time came, the sympathy of those present would be counterproductive.

Therefore, she immediately snorted coldly, "It is shameful to have that wicked buying maid intervened in a spy and listened to other people's conversations and bought a love potion. Now that the Dongchuang incident has happened, she has no guts to bear it. It is really shameful. Third aunt, this The evidence is already conclusive. Designing to frame the world is a serious crime. Let's report this matter to the emperor."

  Now, even Lan Shuiyuan fainted.

  Only this time, she was really frightened and fainted.

  Yu Qingluo glanced at the two who fell on the ground with a smile, and said to Ye Lanwei, "Let them take them down to rest. This matter will be discussed later."

   "Yes." Ye Lanwei waved his hand, and let the sturdy grandma on the side support the two of them.

  It's just that they are gone, and there is still a lot of discussion among the crowd.

  Someone was outspoken, and one couldn't help but raised his voice a little bit, "After all, it was raised by a little woman. It is not as serious as Mrs. Lan's original partner. Even the raised daughter is so different."

  These words resonated with almost everyone. Yu Qingluo was very satisfied, and raised her eyebrows to glance at Nan Nan.

  Nannan said that she pretended not to see anything, and quietly poured away with blue water.

  Finally, the banquet didn’t last long, and soon broke up.

  What happened in the Three Princes' Mansion, it didn't take long for Shi Lang to drift into Lan Shi Lang's ears, and he even took the sentence raised by a little woman and pierced into his ears like a needle.

  Lan Shilang really wants to strangle King Jin to death at this moment. Look at what daughter they brought up? He simply lost his face.

  I am so bold, even the elder son who repaired the palace dare to harm him.

  Also, still love potion? A young lady who has not been out of the cabinet dare to touch that thing.

  Shui Qing is their sister anyway. Even if they don't regard her as a relative, don't they think of the Lan family? Two evil obstacles of selfishness.

When Mrs.    heard the news, she rolled her eyes with anger, especially when she heard that Lan Shilang was recruited into the palace by the emperor, she fainted. <

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