The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Vol 2 Chapter 102: Use his own way to rule his body

When Mrs.    woke up again, Lan Shuiqing was already on the edge of her bed.

Mrs.    opened her mouth, only to realize that her throat seemed to be blocked. She slammed Lan Shui's hand and asked, "Where is your father?"

   "Dad has returned."

   "The emperor, what did the emperor say?"

   "The emperor said that Lan Mansion's tutoring is not strict, and he asked his father to take a vacation at home temporarily to rectify Lan Mansion."

Mrs.    closed her eyes and breathed a sigh of relief after all. Mother Song helped squeeze the quilt, and whispered, "Madam, this is an decree from the palace. The old slave secretly heard from the servant. The servant said, the emperor Longyan was furious. , I was almost about to condemn the Lan family. It was Nan Shizi who interceded and said that he didn't want his future father-in-law to be convicted because of him, so he only allowed the master to take a vacation at home to rectify the Lan House."

Mrs. Tai opened her eyes suddenly and looked at Grandma Song carefully.

   Mother Song is a little guilty in the end, but she can only say these words. She has lived for most of her life and has long been a sensible person. Now in the entire Lan Mansion, the only promising person is the eldest lady. In the future, the wife will return, and that will be the head of Wu family. She is not selling well to the eldest lady now, when will she wait?

After all, Mrs. Tai didn't say anything, she just sighed and looked at Lan Shuiqing and said, "I really wronged you. Grandma didn't expect that the two beasts could even do this kind of thing. I said How can they be so peaceful recently? It turns out that they have been thinking about these inferior things, Shui Qing, you and Nan Shizi talk about this matter, it will not be a misfortune to the entire Blue Mansion, huh?"

"I know." Lan Shui pursed his lips and smiled, then frowned. "The world will not involve the innocent. It's just that this matter has been spread in the entire imperial capital's official house, and those people are sure. There is still a long time to discuss the meeting. In fact, it is good for Daddy to take a vacation, so as not to prevent those people from talking nonsense and make Daddy upset when he hears.

Mrs.    nodded, indeed, at this time, Lan Shi Lang would still stay in Lan Mansion.

   "Just what?"

   Lan Shui pursed his lips and sighed, "It's just that the second and third sisters have been ruined by this incident."

Mrs. Tai was taken aback, and then coldly snorted, "That's what they are doing for themselves, the water is poured, you don't care about these things, grandma will teach them well. This time they brought such a big disaster to the Blue Mansion, I really can't wait Pull out a layer of their skin."

  She was really very angry, if she hadn't desperately suppressed the sweetness of her throat, she would have to spit out another mouthful of blood.

  The blue water poured down her eyes, and said nothing, "The grandmother has a good rest, I will go back first."


   Lan Shui leaned up, and when he turned around, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and then he slowly stepped out of the Youran Courtyard.

  When I passed the back garden, I saw Luluo next to Aunt Luo waiting there. Seeing her coming, she immediately greeted her with joy, "Miss."

  "Well, you go to tell Aunt Luo, the dust has settled, and the future Lan Mansion will calm down. In the future, whether it is her or Aunt Qi, there is no need to worry about it."

Luluo took a deep breath, "Yes, Missy."

  After speaking, she immediately ran back.

  Yes, in the future, she will no longer have to be trembling all day long, and she will no longer be verbally abused and beaten by the maids who were arranged by the Jin family beside Aunt Luo, but she did not even dare to say a word.

  No longer need to watch Aunt Luo gritted her teeth and weeping at the cold meal in the middle of the night, no need to bear the cynicism, no need to worry about her own life.

  Kim and the others, finally fell.

   Lan Shuiqing also laughed, all this is his credit. He knew what she couldn't worry about, so all the bumps in the road ahead were cleared up for her carefully.

  In this world, there is no better man than him, no more.

  She was fortunate enough to meet him. She must have been doing good deeds in her previous life to have the chance she has now.

   "So happy? Are you planning to agree with your body?" A soft and familiar voice suddenly sounded in her ears, and Lan Shui turned her head, with an extra hand on her waist, holding her all the way back to Shuixi Garden.

   Lan Shui turned his head to look at his beautiful face, his eyes suddenly became wet.

   After blinking, she leaned forward and kissed his chin.

  Nan Nan’s pupils suddenly enlarged, his feet were unstable, and he almost fell to the ground.

   Lan Shui bowed his head eagerly, afraid to look at him.

  Nan Nan’s whole heart was rippling, and the deep voice entangled as if it got into her ears, "You also like what I like, can’t you?"

  Who is so shameless?

   "My mother said, the second day of next month is a good day."

   "..." Lan Shuiqing suddenly raised his head, before he could speak, his face was already close, he bit her lower lip quickly, and kissed him bit by bit.

  Wait when Blue Shui Po reacted, only to find that they did not know when they had landed on the roof of Shuixi Garden.

  She can only cling to him weakly to prevent herself from falling, and therefore let him do whatever she wants.

  For a long time, Nan Nan let go of her contentedly, helped her sit on the roof carefully, smiled and looked at the moonlight above her head.

  Lan Shuiqin felt that the entire lips were hot, and couldn't help regretting the emotions at that moment. He knew that he couldn't go to tease him at all. This person is clearly a hungry tiger.

  She covered her mouth, glared at him, and then whispered, "That Tan Xiu, how did you buy it?"

"It was not Lan Shuiyuan and the others' powerful confidantes, but because of the incident that happened before, the Taifu was temporarily transferred to serve her, and her heart was not on them. What's more, she was in her heart when she encountered such a big event There is no bottom, I am afraid that I will die, and I am worried that the plan will not succeed. The first person to die is myself. So as long as I tempt it, I will soon stop self-defeating. It’s just a human body."

  The way of the person still governs the person's body?

  The blue water was taken aback, and reacted suddenly.

  Yes, didn’t the Jin family only bought the maid Xiaojing beside her mother, so that they would have their mother and daughter for more than ten years of hardship?

  Now they are also ruined in the hands of a little maid.

   "Then how is Tan Xiu now?"

"Let your cousin stole her deed, gave her a sum of money, and let her live on her own life." That money was enough for her to live a lifetime. Anyway, Tan Xiu also betrayed her. The person of his own master, he definitely wouldn't let her stay in the Blue Mansion and stay by Lan Shuiqing's side.

  But they wouldn’t be as cruel and cruel as King King Jin, but he found out that King King King and King directly killed Xiao Jing back then.

  The blue water pours and nods, that’s fine. She put her head on his shoulder and hooked her lips.

  There was silence in the Shui Xi Garden, the lady in the leisurely courtyard, but her eyes gleamed slightly, her face was gloomy and she attracted Mother Song...<

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