Lan Shuiyuan and the two reacted violently. They were angry just now. They just wanted to come over and ask Mrs. Tai to reason, but they were blocked when they came.

  The maids who blocked them even looked contemptuously, and secretly twisted them a few times.

  They are the young ladies of the Blue Mansion. When did they fall so down that even a few maids dared to attack them?

   became so angry at that time, he didn't care about anything, just wanted to kill the maids.

  Now they ran in front of the lady, they threw away the stone and hairpin, and knelt on the ground with a ‘pop’, crying, “Grandma, grandma save us.”

  Seeing that there was no threat in their hands, Madam Tai breathed a sigh of relief, turned her head and winked at Mother Song.

  Manny Song immediately took advantage of the two people not paying attention, so that people kicked the stone and hairpin aside.

Mrs.    looked at them coldly, "Save you? Are you good, what do you save? Didn’t you say that you are sick? It seems to be all right now, how can I save my grandmother?"

"Grandma, we heard that you asked Matchmaker Su to find someone for us? Grandmother, who is the matchmaker Su? You know in your heart that the people she finds for us must be fierce and evil. If we get married, we will get married in the future. Is there a good life? Isn't that jumping into the fire pit?"

Mrs.    squinted her eyes, and took a look at Mother Song.

  Song's grandmother looked serious, and she understood that the Youran Courtyard was still not clean.

"How could it be so fierce and evil? What do you call it, it's like grandmother pushing you into a fire pit. You must know that now your reputation has been ruined in the imperial capital, and grandmother is also for your good, that's why I want to find someone for you in a farther place. You two can rest assured that your grandmother will not harm you. Then matchmaker Su still facilitated a lot of good marriages."

  Promote many good marriages? That's just a rare occasional phoenix.

  This person who knows the inside story, who doesn’t know who Su matchmaker is? It is because of knowing that many big family elders, who are not well-known, will look for Su matchmaker.

  The marriage of the two of them fell into the hands of Su matchmaker, how about it?

   "Grandma, why do you say such a thing." The two have suffered a lot of toss and grievances these days, and their hearts have long been filled with anger. Now that Mrs. Tai is still talking coldly and coldly, the two people only feel chills in their hearts, and they can't help but rushed, "Grandma, when you were looking for Su matchmaker, it was not just to let Lan Shui pour out anything. Are people married? Now that this is applied to us, you clearly see that Lan Shuiqi is gaining power now, so you think of Fa'er to please."

Mrs.   's face suddenly turned dark, and she was not polite at all, she almost fell down with anger.

"What nonsense are you talking about? My grandmother worked so hard to pull you up and grow up. That's how you returned me? I dote on you every day, but I have cultivated you all into lawless temperament. Do you still have my grandmother in your heart? What is to please? I need to please my granddaughter. You don’t have to ruin your reputation. Now you are putting all the responsibility on your grandmother’s head, right? Fortunately, your grandmother is still planning for you, if you don’t My granddaughter, I don’t even want to care about your marriage, so I just ask you to go to the nunnery to be an aunt. You don’t need to talk about this. You will get married when the day is fixed."

  She was so angry that she snapped a shot on the coffee table.

  But she is weak now, and when she pats that palm, she has no strength at all, and she can't act as a deterrent.

When Lan Shuiyuan heard her words, his heart surged, "Grandma loves us? Grandma just uses us as a tool for climbing dragons and phoenixes. You just want to listen to good things. Our sisters used to serve you like that, mother. I have never rebelled against you. When you are happy, you treat us as your beloved ones. Now that we are losing power, you will step on us to please the blue water. Be a sister? If our sisters become a sister, I am afraid it will be embarrassing. Grandma, you."

  "Shut up, shut up." The blue veins on the lady's forehead began to jump suddenly, her eyes swelled, as if she was about to plant her head on the bed.

Lan Shuiyuan really said that, and when she heard Mrs. Tai's words, it seemed that there was no room for change, without even the least respect, and she stood up directly from the ground, "Did we say something wrong? You are just a tyrant. An old pious woman who is bullying and afraid of hardship, you only have yourself in your heart, and you have never thought about it for others. You are just a selfish person."

Mrs.   's pupils shrank suddenly, grabbing something on the table and smashing them on the heads of the two people. But just as he stretched out his hands, his head suddenly buzzed, and when his body softened, people fell aside.

   "Shut up!" At this moment, an angry yelling suddenly came from outside the door.

   followed closely and hurriedly walked in Lan Shilang.

  As soon as the curtain was opened, I saw my mother's face pale and vomiting blood, her face changed drastically, and she ran over quickly.

   "... Niu, Niu, this is your good daughter, your good daughter." Madam Tai took a sigh of effort, speaking intermittently, but she was really angry enough.

  As soon as she finished speaking, people fainted.

   Lan Shi Lang hurriedly asked Mother Song to go to the doctor, looking very anxious.

  It took a while before he lay down the wife carefully.

  When she turned her head back, her cold eyes seemed to be able to poke people into the ice cave.

  He looked at the two sisters Lan Shuiyuan coldly. Without a word, he stepped forward and kicked them to their hearts, kicking them directly and almost vomiting blood.

"Unfilial daughter, you are so embarrassed of my Blue Mansion. I tell you, if your grandmother has something good or bad, I want you two to look good. Come here, drag them down, put them in the wood house, and starve for two days Say it again."

  As soon as his voice fell, a ruthless lady came up immediately.

  Lan Shuiyuan two people no longer have weapons that can attack people, plus the guards of the Blue Mansion next to them, they want to break free is simply a delusion.

   The two screamed and begged for mercy, but Lan Shi Lang looked impatient, turned around and returned to the bed.

  The doctor came over soon, and his complexion became very bad after the pulse examination for the wife.

   Lan Shi Lang looked worried, "What's going on?"

   "Lord Lan, the old man said last time that Mrs. Tai can't stand the stimulation anymore, she should raise her up properly, but now..."

  Lan Shilang heard that, "How are you now?"

   "Hey..." The doctor sighed and whispered, "Everything, wait until Mrs. Tai wakes up and talk about it."<

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