Lan Shilang didn’t get to the bottom of it, but from the doctor’s wink, he knew that the situation was very bad.

  He was very anxious for a while, so he could only hold his lips to the side and asked about what happened to Mother Song by the way.

  Song's grandmother looked embarrassed, but she told the story again.

"...Master, the madam has nothing to do. The second girl and the third girl have ruined their reputations themselves. The officials and eunuchs in the capital city dare not come back to propose marriage, and even those matchmakers are keeping away from the Blue Mansion. But the two of you. The young lady is a girl from the Blue Mansion, the granddaughter of Mrs. Tai, and she can't be an old girl in the mansion without marrying her all her life. Mrs. Tai wanted to marry the two girls a little bit further. Those people didn't know the two young ladies. Even if you are doing things in the Blue Mansion and the in-laws of the Royal Palace, you will treat the two girls well. But the two girls just couldn't help but..."

  Lan Shilang's face becomes more ugly as he listens. The person he respects most in his life is Mrs. Tai. He had listened to Mrs. Tai all his life, otherwise he wouldn't have been skeptical in his heart when Lan Shuiqing was born, and he would stay away from the two of them under the influence of Mrs. Tai.

  The mother who has raised him for a lifetime, was vomiting blood from the anger of Jin's brother and sister, but now was fainted with anger by their two daughters. When he thought of this, he regretted the birth of their two daughters.

   Raising two wicked girls, it is better to drown in the first place.

  The more he thought about his face, the more unsightly his face became, his fingers creaked, and it took a long time before he slapped him on the table.

Mother Song was taken aback and looked at Lan Shilang cautiously.

"Just according to Mrs. Tai's intention, let the Su matchmaker finalize the matter as soon as possible, and don't make any changes." Those two daughters are too stupid. Mrs. Tai is right. If she stays in Lan Mansion again, she doesn't know what will happen. Come.

  When the emperor summoned him two days ago, the look of thunder was furious, and he still sweats coldly when he thinks of it now.

  His two daughters have offended King Xiu's Mansion more than once, and he doesn't think that King Xiu's Mansion will continue to tolerate their next stupidity.

  Now that he sees the two of them marrying out, it can be regarded as Lan Mansion and for the good of them.

When Mother Song heard this, she nodded immediately.

  At night, Mrs. Tai woke up quietly.


  "Stroke???" Lan Shilang stood up from his chair abruptly, looked at the doctor who was shaking his head and sighing in front of him, he almost couldn't get up.

  The doctor nodded, "Yes."

  Lan Shilang suddenly turned his head to look at Mrs. Tai. Mrs. Tai was trying hard to speak at the moment, but no matter how hard she tried, except for the continuous emergence of water from the corner of her mouth, she couldn't say a word.

   She was ooh, her appearance became more and more ferocious.

  Lan waiter looked sad, and hurriedly walked to the edge of the bed, took the hand of the wife, and choked up, "Mother... it's a bad son, and she gave birth to two evil obstacles."

   "Ah...ah..." Madam Tai's eyes widened, and the corners of her mouth were slightly tilted, looking very painful.

The more he watched, the more he couldn't bear it, he could only keep calming her, "Mother, don't worry, the two evil barriers will never show up in front of you again. If you want to marry them, your son will marry them out and look back. I'll find matchmaker Su over here."

Mrs.    blinked, opened her mouth, and her saliva came out again.

  Lan Shi Lang's face was dark, and he instructed Mother Song to take good care of Mrs. Tai, and then ran out in a hurry.

  As soon as he left the house, he saw Wu Shi and Lan Shuiqin walking towards each other.

  He was taken aback, Lan Shuiqing had already bowed slightly, "Father, my mother and I heard that Mrs. Tai is sick, come and have a look..."

   "Hey." Lan Shilang sighed, feeling a little relieved in his heart, "You have a heart, but fortunately, you are still there. Go in and take a look, but don't stay too long, let the lady take a good rest."

   Lan Shui looked at the red in his eyes, it seemed that Mrs. Tai's illness was very bad this time.

   She and Wu Shi looked at each other, then turned sideways and entered the Youran Courtyard.

  Madam Mrs. Sure enough, she was already unable to move. Mother Song was waiting on the sidelines, and the room was quiet and terribly quiet.

  Blue Shui poured up and suddenly smelled a bad smell.

  Grandma Song also smelled it, and she suddenly reacted. When she looked at Mrs. Tai, she saw her face flushed and her whole body looked very irritable, and she immediately yelled, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...".

  Grandma Song realized that she was embarrassed, so she quietly invited Lan Shuiqing and Wu to go out, and then she personally changed the pants and bedding for Mrs. Tai.

  He sighed heavily in his heart, how could it go on like this?

  The blue water poured out of the courtyard door, with no expression on his face.

Mrs.    had stroke and hemiplegia, which she did not expect.

  Lan Shuiyuan and the two are also good talents, and even hit this knot of bones to find death.

  She shook her head secretly, and helped Wu back to her yard again.

  Wu family was very emotional, "Unexpectedly, Mrs. Tai has been strong for a lifetime, but now she has been so angry with her granddaughter who was once the most beloved. Jinshi, big and small...I'm afraid I can't let it go."

   "En?" Lan Shui was puzzled.

  Wu’s just patted the back of her hand and whispered, “Your father always respects Mrs. Tai. Now it’s a fire, it’s impossible not to post it.”

  After all, he has been a husband and wife for many years, and Wu still understands that point.

  Sure enough, that night, Lan Shi Lang went to the yard where Jin Clan lives now, and heard that he cursed in it. King Jinshi heard that his daughter's marriage had been dragged into the hands of Matchmaker Su. He couldn't hold back for a while, crying and making trouble, and even brought Lan Shilang's anger to the commanding heights.

   Then... Lan Shi Lang asked them to get the two of them... Nothing.

   claimed to be seriously ill and died soon afterwards. No one cares about this kind of thing.

  When Lan Shuiqin got the news, he felt all kinds of feelings in his heart, and didn't know what to say for a while.

  Although she had long hoped that the big and small Jins would not end well, she is really gone now, and she felt a little empty in her heart.

  Wu looked at her like that, shook his head and smiled, "You have been in a state of unwillingness recently. The wedding date has been set, but you are in trouble."

   "Mother..." Princess Xiu came to Lan Mansion the day before, and Mrs. Tai is now like that, so their marriage was naturally discussed with the Wu family.

  Sure enough, the time was set for the second day of next month. As soon as the time was set, Fushang immediately began preparations.

  Lan Shilang has had bad luck during this period. Now that he heard that Lan Shuiqing’s marriage was finalized, a big rock in his heart finally fell, and there was a smile on his face, and the Blue House became lively.

  Wu’s body is already in good shape, and she has to manage her daughter’s marriage by herself.

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