The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Vol 2 Chapter 107: Take you to a place

  The child is very well-behaved and cute, with little hands around Aunt Qi’s neck, and bubbles in her mouth. It feels very funny.

   Those eyes that are very similar to Aunt Qi Niang are like crystal grapes, which makes people love it at first glance.

  It's just that Lan Shilang was shocked that the child's appearance... it was carved out of the same mold as himself, it was so similar.

  He came forward in three or two steps, subconsciously reaching out to hug the child.

  The child was taken aback. He twisted his body abruptly, held Aunt Qi's neck and shrank, and started crying.

   Lan Shi Lang was dumbfounded for a while, and asked nervously, "What's wrong with him?"

   "Master." Aunt Qi knelt down cautiously, her voice still timid, "This child has been raised in the village, and it is the first time I saw the master, so I'm afraid of getting angry, master don't be angry with him."

  "Get up, do something on your knees, get up quickly." Lan Shilang hurriedly helped the person up, but the line of sight seemed to be pinched on a child.

   Aunt Luo on the side looked sad, but she still had to say something.

"Master, this child is the eldest son of the Lan family. He is very well-behaved and obedient. He is a good child." Aunt Luo's voice is very low, but very powerful, "It's just that we have kept this matter from the master all the time. Don't blame it."

   Lan Shilang turned his head to look at Aunt Luo, thinking of what Lan Shuiqing had just said, a trace of guilt flashed in his heart, and his voice became dumb, "...what the **** is going on, you say slowly."

  The voice of "Ahhhhh" came from over the bed again, and Lan Shilang's thoughts were all on the child's body at the moment, but he didn't pay attention for a while.

  Blue Water heard it, but pretended not to hear it.

  The next thing is left to Aunt Luo and Aunt Qi to explain.

  She paused, and silently withdrew from the Youran courtyard.

   After leaving the courtyard, I saw Wu clan standing there waiting for her.

  The blue water dipped for a moment, and hurriedly walked up, "Mother, why don't you go in?"

   "What are you going to do? Aunt Luo will explain the cause and effect clearly."

  Lan Shuiqin looked at her, very sad, and took Wu's hand with her warm hand, and said softly, "Mother, you still have me."

"Well, looking at you now, my mother has nothing to worry about." Wu Shi laughed, "I have seen that child too, he is very well-behaved, and I like it very much. I will be well-educated in the future, and he will definitely have something to do. Achieved."

   Lan Shui laughed, and walked to the Shuixi Garden with Wu.

  This time, the dust is really settled.

  Lan Shi Lang accepts that child, it is far easier than imagined.

   After all, there is no Jinshi Xiaojing who is blowing in the ears, there is no maid who betrayed the master like Xiaojing, and the wife is suspicious. In addition, the child and Lan Shi Lang look almost exactly the same, and this is the son that Lan Shi Lang has been looking forward to for a long time.

  This pile of piles is piece by piece, where does Lan Shilang have half doubts?

  He let the child recognize the ancestor and return to the clan on the same day, as the pain of his dear baby.

  After a unanimous decision, Aunt Qi and Aunt Luo kept their children under Wu's name. They were originally concubines, not to mention their humble status and narrow horizons, after all, they did not have the temperament and education of being a mistress like Wu.

  As it is for the good of the child, they will not spoil him by raising the child by their side.

  Fortunately, Wu's kindness did not prevent the two of them from caring about their children. It was as if the three of them were raising him at the same time. So it was a harmonious relationship between his wives and concubines. Lan Mansion had been in trouble for so many years, and it was rare to calm down.

The next day, Lan Shilang sent Lan Shuiyuan to Zhuangzi to be married. After knowing that Luo's child was killed by King Jin, and knowing that his son was not easy to get, Lan Shilang hated King King and King. To the bone.

  When treating their daughters, they naturally didn't have a good impression. They always felt that they also inherited the vicious heart.

  In order to prevent the son he had finally gotten from being poisoned again, he simply sent the two daughters away from the Blue Mansion.

Lan Shuiqing felt that she had done a good deed. Although she hated Madam Tai, she still told her that the Lan family had an offspring she had been looking forward to for many years... Although, she couldn't even hold her. .

  However, she remembered the news that Rouge had told herself a few days ago. It is said that before his death, Jin's face had been scratched several times, completely disfigured, and most of this was done by Mrs. Tai. Because of this, Lan Shi Lang killed them without any nostalgia after quarreling with them, and seemed very disgusted.

  This wife is cruel, which is also very chilling. Isn't it good now?

  From then on, the Lan family is truly in harmony, and Lan ShuiQing thought of this, the corners of his mouth couldn't help smiling.

   "Did you miss me and laugh so happy?" A low voice came from my ear.

   Lan Shuiqing is now immune to the fascinating him, and she rolls her eyes when she hears this, "The princess said, let us not see each other before we got married."

   "You can just hear her half way, but it's just because I'm not pleasing to my eyes, and it's revenge on me." Nan Nan turned over from the window sill and put on the robe made for him by the blue water pouring on him.

  "..." Lan Shuiqin felt that the way of getting along with mother and child was really different.

  "You can make me two more clothes later, one set is not enough to wear."

   "..." Isn't there a lot of needlework ladies in his house? Which craft is not better than her? She glared at him, but the joy in her heart spread little by little.

  The corner of her mouth was ticked slightly, and some words were automatically spoken without the brain, "Okay."

  After she finished speaking, she regretted it again.

  Nan Nan had already laughed out loud and raised her eyebrows triumphantly.

Lan Shui stroked her forehead, and then she whispered, "You seem to be very free lately." She is very busy, preparing for things to be married, and wishing to grow two hands too much, now she His house is also a mess, full of many things.

  Marriage matters, it seems that a woman has more things to do. Just make several sets of robes for the future husband, let alone other things.

Nan Nan came over and took her hand, blinked at her, and laughed in a low voice, "I am here today to take you to a place."

   "En?" Lan Shui was surprised, and before he could react, he had already taken him away.

   Rouge, who had just been holding a pile of things at the door and was about to enter, saw it, and immediately stood aside and watched them leave. Then he shook his head and turned to Lan Yuan, looking for his wife. <

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