Nannan dumped the blue water onto the carriage and screamed towards the east.

  Not long after, the carriage stopped at the gate of the palace.

  Lan Shui looked at the tall city wall in surprise, and asked inexplicably, "You brought me to the palace...what are you doing?"

  For this kind of place, she would be a little nervous unconsciously.

   "Ask the emperor's important decree." Nan Nan took her hand and walked inside.

  Lan Shui hurriedly stepped forward. When I came here last time, because I was nervous, I never paid attention to it. Now that Nan Nan is by her side, she can calm down and look at the surrounding scenery.

  It’s just that she was still very curious in her heart, "What imperial decree?"

  "Give us the decree of marriage."

   Lan Shuiqing's footsteps couldn't help but paused, and turned his head to look at him incredible, "Well, why do you want the emperor to give us a marriage? Hasn't it been determined?"

   Nan Nan turned her head, raised her eyebrows and glanced at her, "With the emperor’s gift of marriage, I will not be able to bear you in the future, so you can rest assured."

   Lan Shui frowned and lost the mood to look at the scenery. He stared at Nan Nan for a long time before whispering, “Actually, I don’t need the emperor to give me a marriage. I believe you too.”

   Nan Nan felt that this was very useful to him, and his whole heart was about to waver.

  The arc of his mouth keeps expanding, and the little hand holding her can't help tightening a bit.

  After a while, he paused slightly, turned her head to pinch her pretty nose, and smiled, "That's a fool, one more layer of protection, isn't it?"

   "..." Lan Shui was so warm in his heart, he couldn't speak, and his nose was inexplicably sour.

  She was stunned along the way, and she didn't say a word, and she was dragged into the Imperial Study Room by Nan Nan.

  Ye Lansheng was reviewing the memorial. Hearing that Nan Nan had come, he immediately walked out from behind the imperial case.

Seeing him pulling the blue water in, he raised his eyebrows and smiled very ambiguously, "Why, this is to be officially introduced to me? By the way, you haven't seen me since you ordered a kiss. It’s okay to look down on friends."

   "Is the emperor jealous?"

   Lan Shuiqi, "..." She said that she hadn't heard anything. Can the emperor make a joke like that?

   Ye Lansheng gave him an angry look, "You still don't want to enter the palace."

   "Well, I haven't had much time to enter the palace recently, so I took the time to come here today."

   Ye Lansheng, "..." I knew he couldn't vomit ivory from his dog's mouth.

  He turned his head to look at Lan Shuiqing, "Lady Lan, we meet again."

   "The Minnv has seen the emperor." Lan Shuiqing found the opportunity to salute, but just about to kneel down, Nan Nan was tossed him and pulled himself behind him.

   "The emperor wants to talk, just tell me, Shui Qing is different from you after all."

  Ye Lansheng really wants to let Nan Nan be dragged out. Every time he speaks, he is maddening.

   "Lady Blue is my younger sibling, why can't she talk anymore?"

  "Wait until you find the queen, you can say it." Nan Nan guarded the calf in front of Lan Shui Qi.

   Ye Lansheng chuckled, then turned around and sat back in Yu'an again.

   But speaking of the queen...

   "I recently met a very interesting little girl."

   "Little girl?" Nan Nan is very good at the key points, "How young?"

  "..." I feel that I can't chat well anymore, Ye Lansheng coughed slightly, "It's about to be done in one year."

Compared with him,    is so small.

  But Aunt Qing said, only those who have been cultivated as a child are caring.

Nan Nan couldn't help sighing. In that case, Aunt Rou would have to wait another year, which is really miserable.

  Ye Lansheng knew what he was thinking as soon as he looked at his expression, the corners of his mouth twitched, and immediately changed the subject, "What are you doing today?"

   "You promised my imperial decree."

   Ye Lansheng was a little surprised, "Do you still need the imperial decree?"

   "Need." Nan Nan said with certainty.

  Ye Lansheng gave Lan Shui a meaningful glance, and the latter gave a dry laugh and stroked his forehead secretly.

  Ye Lansheng was silent for a moment, and nodded, "Okay, it happened that Lan Wei also asked me to ask for the imperial decree, but I can drop it together."

   Ye Lanwei asked for a decree? This is a strange thing.

   "What does he want the imperial edict?"

"Just like you."

  Nan Nan was even more surprised now, he took a few steps forward, raised his eyebrows and asked, "He is going to get married too? Who???"

   "The girl from General Yang Long's house seems to be Yang Shan."

  Yang Shan? Lan Shui was astonished, isn't Yang Shan the girl who helped herself speak in the Three Kings' Mansion that day?

  She has a very good impression of Yang Shan. She has the heroic spirit of the general's children. I heard that Wei Shizi also experienced in the military, and the two are probably like-minded people.

   "You guys are also interesting, just as if it was done. Either you will not find one, or you will find all of them." Ye Lansheng shook his head, thinking that he would have to wait another year, feeling a little frustrated. "Next, it's also time to Nian Nian, the gate of Prince Xiu's Mansion will soon be broken."

   Nan Nan heard the words, and suddenly laughed inexplicably, "Nian Nian, you don't have to worry, Tianyu Country...let's letter."

  Nian-nian is already in time. I have been waiting there for so many years, but now I’m afraid I can’t wait.

  But just miss yourself...

  As soon as he thought of this, Nan Nan couldn't help but frowned. His sister, who had been raising for so many years, felt that he was going to be overwhelmed by the pig, and he was also a little heartbroken.

   Lan Shui leaned around and looked around, with a blank face, how could two people show this expression at the same time?

  She couldn't help but shook her head. To be honest, since getting to know Nan Nan, her cognition of the emperor princess princess Shizi has undergone a qualitative change.

  There is no rigorous indifference in the original imagination, but it is full of warmth.

  Inexplicably, she began to look forward to her married life.

  The imperial decree of giving marriage was quickly issued, along with the imperial decree, and the result of the Wu family's reversal. Those officials who were persecuted for injustice in the past have all been rehabilitated.

  If you have relatives with children, they are also given preferential treatment.

  Wu Linfeng is one of them. Until Lan Shuiyuan and the others get married, they probably didn't expect that the person they entrusted with the important task would be Lan Shuiqing's cousin.

   Twenty days later, on the second day of September, the imperial capital once again ushered in the peak of excitement.

  The elder son of Xiu Palace, and the eldest girl of Lan Shilang's family tied the knot.

  Almost half of the people in the imperial capital came to watch the excitement. Ye Qingnan, who has always been defined as a stingy by his relatives, made Yu Qingluo painful this time.

  The streets were almost full of snacks, peanuts, longans, and even copper plates that he spilled, as if the people in the entire imperial capital were celebrating with him.

  Lan Shui sits in the sedan chair, and can feel the joy of boiling.

  Wu was in tears, but after seeing the welcoming posture, he was so frightened that he held back the tears.

  The running water table at the Palace of the Palace was repaired for three full days.

  In such a lively day, the only deserted person, probably in the Youran courtyard of the Blue Mansion, was the lady who was lying on the bed immobile.

  Nannan Fanwai (end)

  [Author's digression]: Nannan's extravaganza is over. Maybe because it is based on the male protagonist, this extravaganza is actually very unsmooth and painful, which disappoints my friends. From tomorrow on, I will update Nian Nian Fan Wai. Sensen will devote 120,000 points to write. I hope you will continue to support you. Thank you for your continued perseverance.<

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