The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Vol 3 Chapter 35: What should I do, do I want to make a move?

  The old lady Bai's eyelids twitched, she patted her forehead, and sighed inwardly, "I'm really confused."

"Mother." Bai Chufeng sat next to the old lady and said in a low voice, "My son doesn't object to Li and he also finds a concubine in the room, but it shouldn't be this time anyway. We just sent the marriage letter to Feng Cang country. , If you look back, you will give Liu Yi a concubine, where will you put the face of Lord Xiu? If Qing Luo finds out, it is possible to come over and chop the sulfur with a knife."

   Thinking of Yu Qingluo’s temperament, the old lady shook her head involuntarily, “What you said makes sense, how is it good? Sell the maid?”

   "After all, it was brought in by the second child. Coupled with the look of Li Yi now, she really likes that girl very much. She sells it directly. I am afraid that things will make a big mess, but it is not good."

   "Then what do you say?" The old lady had a headache. She really should have a good look when Bai Yifeng brought people.

  Where is this sacred, and how can the sulfur, which has always been in a low mood, move the heart?

Bai Chufeng was silent for a moment, and then he said in a low voice, "Mother, I don't think so. You bring that girl to your side, teach her the rules, and mention her by the way, so as not to read it in time. She didn't know that she was going to offend people with greatness. She waited until she had read the door, and if she agreed, let the girl return to Li Yi's side."

  The old lady wrinkled her brows, and she was more worried than this.

  She knows exactly what kind of temper Yu Qingluo is, and Nian-nian is her only daughter. If she has the same temperament as Yu Qingluo, I am afraid that she would not allow Si Ye to accept her concubine for no reason.

  It just seems that it can only be so at the moment, let the girl be by her side, she said to her well, it is best to let her retreat by herself.

  If it makes sense, it is naturally good.

  If it doesn’t make sense, then between Nian-nian and her, she will naturally choose to stand on Nian-nian’s side.

   "Then this matter, I will trouble my mother." Bai Chufeng stood up, "My son has things to do, so I will leave first."

   "Okay, go ahead." The old lady raised her hand, and Bai Chufeng quickly walked out.

  Not long after, Madam Yu quietly opened the door and saw the old lady leaning on the couch with her eyes behind her back. She hurriedly walked to her side and helped her press her temples.


   "Yes, old lady." Madam Yu answered with a low voice with unabated strength in her hand.

Mrs. Bai waved her hand and asked her to sit aside. She slowly straightened up and said to her, "Tomorrow, you go to Jinfeng Garden and bring that girl named... Yuxi, and let her Wait by my side."

  Grandma Yu was taken aback, but she responded respectfully soon, "Yes."

  The old lady waved her hand and asked her to keep pressing her head.


  The next morning, Mother Yu went to Jinfeng Garden and came back, her face became more rigorous.

   reached into the ear of the old lady Bai and whispered, "That girl Yuxi, accompanied the young master to the palace to take the Hundred Official Education Examination."

  "What?" The old lady Bai was having breakfast, and when she heard the words, she suddenly released the spoon in her hand, her expression turned a bit ugly.

Madam Yu hurriedly waved her hand and told the others in the room to retreat. Then she whispered, "The old slave has asked about it. The girl Yuxi followed suit dressed as a young man. The young master only brought I didn’t even take her with Awen Aru."

  Old Madam Bai's face was as sinking as water, her lips pressed tightly, and she murmured, "It seems that Sulfur is really fascinated by ghosts, but she has brought a maid with her for such important things."

  Grandma Yu lowered her head, dare not say a word.

   "You have people guarding at Jinfeng Garden, and when the maid comes back, they will be brought to me."

  "Yes." Madam Yu pursed her lips, thinking of Ding Xiang's expression of disgust towards Yu Xi when she had just gone to Jinfeng Garden to inquire. He couldn't help but sighed in his heart. It seemed that Yuxi's life in the future might not be very easy.

  She is also a person who doesn’t know the importance, how can she be so pampered and proud of the maid? Isn't it a lady, who really regards himself as the master?

  Niannian always feels that her nose is itchy today. From the time she left the house, she felt like she wanted to sneeze but couldn't get it out. It seemed that someone was thinking about her all the time.

   "The face is so bad, uncomfortable?" Baili Yi, who was leaning on the edge of the carriage with her eyes closed, looked at her uncomfortable appearance and asked strangely.

  Niannian let out a sigh of relief slowly, and smiled, “It’s nothing, it’s just that you might wear this clothes.” Especially the entangled chest made her feel uncomfortable.

Bai Liye's eyes fell on her flat chest, her face flushed, she turned her head and coughed, and said in a low voice, "If you are really uncomfortable, then go home first. I'm alone. no problem."

  "You didn't say if there were any problems, you have injuries." Nian Nian stiffened her back, "I'm fine, anyway, one day and one night will pass quickly."

   "..." Bai Xi also opened his mouth, and wanted to say something. There was a jolt from the carriage, and then it stopped.

Nian Nian was taken aback, and Bai Li also glanced at each other, and then heard a trembling voice from the coachman outside, "Young master...someone blocked our way."

  Niannian suddenly opened the curtain of the car, and she really saw three or four men in black holding a knife in front of them.

  This place is relatively secluded, it is still early, and there is no one nearby, so it is suitable for ambush and interception.

  Her face became a bit ugly, and she turned her head to ask Baili Yi, "Your enemy?"

Bai Li also smiled, "Not really, but there should be many people in this court today who hope that I can't pass the Hundred Official Education Test, and there will naturally be resistance. I don't think they are necessarily trying to kill me, as long as It's fine for me to be seriously injured."

  In fact, during this period of time, he suffered more than this time, but he avoided all of them.

  He was injured two days ago. Although it was for Bai Li to block him, he knew in his heart that most of the people came towards him.

  Now several interceptions can't make him suffer the slightest damage. Today, it is their only chance.

   "What to do, Yuxi? We are afraid that we will be inevitable today." He smiled and looked at her. The little thing has been hiding his identity and strength. Will he protect him now?

   chanted a low curse, what's the matter, you will encounter interception at this time? Then, wouldn't the Soviet government send a pair of guards to protect them? She didn't even know that there would be such a thing. <

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