However, they shouldn't be allowed to think too much, the man in black with the sword over there rushed over quickly.

  The coachman was already scared and rolled off the carriage, Nian Nian's face changed, and there were two more silver needles in her hand.

  However, at this moment, there was a tapping sound from the top of the carriage. The next moment, a blue figure fell from the sky, and suddenly stood in front of Nian Nian, brushed twice at the black-clothed man, and directly picked out the sword in their hands.

  Niannian blinked, then her eyes brightened, she looked at the woman waving the hilt of the arrow among the black-clothed men, and laughed.

  It is Wen Ya. I didn't expect that she would show up at this time. It's really time to come.

  Niannian breathed a sigh of relief, since there is Wenya, then there is no need to worry about everything.

She retracted her head, put down the curtain of the car with a look of fear, and sat on the opposite side of Baili Yi and patted her chest, "There is no danger, there is no danger. Master, so you have a guard, then You didn't say it earlier, which made me worry for a long time."

  Bai Li also raised his eyebrows to look at her. He could see clearly that the woman who appeared inexplicably had a brief eye contact with her.

  Unexpectedly, Nian-nian still has such a master by her side.

  It’s fine now, she is still pretending to be afraid and not knowing.

  He smiled, showing no signs of panic and fear, and whispered, "That's not my guard, and I don't know where she comes from."

  "Isn't your escort?" "Surprise", "Then why help us?"

   "Perhaps... someone arranged it secretly." Bai Li also smiled, "Maybe it's my father, maybe it's the prince just in case, maybe it was made by Lu Yu, maybe... it was arranged by someone with a heart."

  The person with heart twitched at the corner of his mouth, then nodded seriously, "It looks like you are very popular."

   "Really?" Bai Xi also looked at her wanting appearance, and his heart became abnormally soft. He wanted to rub her head with his hands, but looking at her expression, he finally held back.

  The fighting outside the car stopped soon, and Nian-nian opened the curtain again to look out.

  Sure enough, those people in black had been cleaned up by Wen Ya.

  Wenya stood on the spot, smiled slightly at her, and disappeared again with a little tiptoe.

   Nian Nian pursed her lips, turned her head to look at the coachman who was sitting on the ground already looking silly, and said, "Let’s set off now, or we will be late."

  The coachman was stunned, suddenly recovered, got up from the ground hurriedly, nodded and quickly jumped onto the carriage shaft, pulled the reins, and quickly ran away.

  Nian-nian exhaled, sat back in the car, and asked Baili Yi, "Will we still encounter interception?"

Seeing her nervous and alert look, Bai Li couldn't help but chuckle, her voice was low and deep, very sweet, "Don't worry, there are all roads behind. This kind of thing is unlikely to happen. Don't be nervous. ."

   "Oh." She is not nervous, not nervous, not nervous, is she excited, okay?

Nian Nian pursed her lips and sat back.

  The carriage drove to the gate of the palace quickly, Nian-nian jumped out of the carriage first, and then reached out her hand to support Baili and walked down slowly.

  A palace man at the gate of the palace also bowed to Bai Li, "Master Bai, please here."

Niannian helped Baili to walk inside. Baili couldn't help but shook his head, and suddenly approached her ears, and whispered, "Don't people see that my body is abnormal? "

  Niannian only felt her ears itchy. The hair on her neck was irritated by the heat he sprayed. Her face started to get hot inexplicably, her brain was noisy, and she hurriedly let go of her hand.

   "..." Baili also stared at her blushing face, in a good mood.

   Nian chanted a low curse of annoyance, and immediately explained in a low voice, "I don't know how the boy next to you serves you on weekdays, so... I thought it would be better to hold on."

   "Well, I understand." Bailiu's lips curled up slightly, staring at her intently.

  Niannian twitched the corners of her mouth, hurriedly stepped back behind him, and made a gesture of asking.

  The two subtle movements of them finally caused the palace man who took the lead to turn around, "Young Master Bai?"

   "Heh." Baili also chuckled lightly, "It's okay, father-in-law, please."

The palace man nodded and couldn't help but glanced at him more. This young man is really handsome and handsome. If he passed the Hundred Official Education Examination today, he would have a bright future, and he might even be valued by the prince. , Become a consort.

  The people in the palace thought, their attitude towards Baili Yi was even more respectful.

  Nian-nian thinks this palace man’s smile is a bit wretched...Well, yes, it's wretched.

  Baiyan also had a steady footstep, followed behind him unhurriedly, and did not see the appearance of being injured and bleeding a lot of blood while lying in bed two days ago.

  The three of them quickly walked to a palace, and there was an **** with a more superior appearance and dress standing there waiting. When they saw Bai Liyi, they immediately opened the door of the palace and invited him in.

  The original palace man retreated.

   Nian Nian raised her eyes and looked around for a while, and found that this palace was a little more magnificent and luxurious than the palace of Feng Cang Country.

Brother    said that there are still many differences between the imperial palace of Tianyu Kingdom and Fengcang Kingdom. The age of Tianyu Kingdom is longer because the palace has been repaired several times, and some structures are more complicated.

  Bai Li also sat on the chair beside him, receiving the tea from the eunuch, but his eyes kept falling on Nian Nian.

   Seeing that she was about to look at it, he beckoned her to come over, "Would you like to drink some water?"

  The palace people who are still serving in the temple are terrified. I have long heard that the eldest son of the Bai family is gentle, but there is no need to be gentle to this point, right?

  Niannian was indeed thirsty, but she had a cup of tea, she was embarrassed to take the cup in Bailiu's hand.

  Fortunately, the palace man was very insightful, and immediately had another cup of tea.

  Nian Nian drank comfortably. After a long time, she put down her cup and asked, "Master, when will the Hundred Official Education Test begin?"

  "It's about two quarters of an hour." Baili also turned his head to look at the hourglass, and replied patiently.

  There are still two quarters of an hour, Nian Nian hesitated, took out a brown bottle from her sleeve, poured two pills out, "Then you eat this first."

   "En." Baili didn't hesitate at all. She ate whatever she gave, and quickly swallowed it into her stomach.

  Instead, it was thought. Seeing his neat movements, three black lines slipped down his forehead, why did he eat without asking anything? What if it is poison?

  She retracted her hand, a little unnatural, especially the temperature of his fingertips in her palms.

  Fortunately, she didn't make her ashamed for long, and soon there was a low voice of conversation outside the hall. <

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