The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Vol 3 Chapter 46: I bought cloves somehow

  Dingxiang was very obedient, and she really gave Nian-nian some water.

  Niannian's brain was messy, and she didn't care about Lilac's gloomy face, and soon washed her face and went to bed.

Ding Xiang quietly exited the door of the left wing and stood at the door with a cold snort.

  This Yuxi is really spoiled. I spent a day and night in the palace with the young master. I haven't customized anything yet.

  She almost crushed the roots of her teeth, and walked towards Lingshuiyuan with a turn.

When    came out again, the smile on the corner of his mouth became a bit deeper.

  Nian Nian didn’t know that even in her sleep, someone was making her idea. She began to dream in a daze, and when she woke up, it was already bright.

  It was quiet outside, as if no one was walking around.

  Niannian touched her head, sat up from the bed in a daze, tidyed her clothes and hair, and opened the door.

  Hongya was doing something under the corridor not far away. When she saw her, she ran over immediately, but her movements were very light.

   "Miss Yuxi, are you awake?" She smiled.

  Niannian is very fond of her, so she also smiled, "What time is it now?"

"It's already a quarter in the noon." Hong Ya lowered her voice and said in a low voice, "Because the young master worked hard all day yesterday and is still sleeping, so Awen and Sister Dingxiang both confessed that they are not allowed to make too much noise, lest they be too loud. Wake up the eldest master, the eldest master is still injured."

  Nan read it clearly, but she did not expect that it was already noon, and she slept soundly enough.

   "Miss Yuxi, wait here for a while, and I'll be back soon." Hong Ya said, turning around and ran away quickly.

  Looking at her back incomprehensibly, she suddenly felt that she and Mo Piao had the same skills in the same way.

  She moved her head, and looked at the dazzling sunlight above her head, her eyes squinted slightly.

  After a short while, Hongya ran back again, but held a large bunch of candied haws in both hands.

  She ran to Nian Nian and said out of breath, "Miss Yuxi, driver Liu asked me to give this to you, saying that you asked him to buy it."

  As she said, her eyes were still brightly staring at the candied haws in her hands.

  Nian-nian was taken aback. She did give Liu Chafu a small ingot on the way back and asked him to help buy some bunches of candied haws.

The silver was still given to him when the **** asked her about Baili Yi’s hobbies when she was in the palace. She originally wanted to use it to buy candied haws for Mo Piao and Red Bud. As for the rest, she found it. The money was taken as an errand for Liu coachman.

  But she didn't expect that Liu Coachman would be so real, so he bought all the candied haws.

  Looking at this posture, I am afraid that I bought everything the hawker had.

  Niannian's mouth twitched, looking at the thing in Hongya's hand, she really didn't have the courage to take it over.

  She thought for a while, and took a string from it. This time she smiled and said, "I want this string, and you can distribute the others to the other maids in this yard."

   "Huh?" Hong Ya was taken aback for a moment, her eyes were round and her face was full of disbelief, "Ms. Yuxi, you, you mean, all these are out? Don't you?"

   "I can't finish it all by myself." Nian Nian shook the bunch in her hand and whispered, "I originally bought it for you."

   "Then, do I have it too?" Hong Ya couldn't help swallowing.

Nian-nian felt that this little girl was so much like Mo Piao, she couldn't help but feel a little cordial in her heart, and nodded immediately, "Naturally, and you can get two bunches. After all, the day I first came to Jinfeng Garden, you treated me very much. friendly."

  Her original intention was just two strings, one for Mo Piao and one for Hongya.

  Now... Liu Chafu has helped her buy people's hearts indirectly.

  Thinking about it, she told Hong Ya again, “Let’s turn around and leave a bunch for Liu Coachman." Although I don’t know whether he will eat it or not, I heard that Liu Coachman has a daughter at home, and I should like it.

   Hong Ya’s eyes brightened, and the look in Nian-nian’s eyes was as if she were a benefactor.

  There is also a younger sister in her family, so she can also give her a taste. I heard that candied haws are delicious, but for them, it is still a bit expensive.

  Niannian walked out of Jinfeng Garden with a smile, and walked to the flower room.

  Red Ya has already pulled out two strings and put them back in her room.

  When she came out again, she just happened to see Ding Xiang coming back from the outside, and when she saw her holding candied haws in her hand, her eyebrows curled up, "Red bud, what are you doing?"

   "Sister Dingxiang." Hong Yexing hurried forward, drew out a string and put it in her hand, and said with a smile, "The candied gourd that Miss Yu Xi asked Liu Chabu to buy, this is for you."

  Clove was taken aback, looking at the candied haws in his hand, his entire eyebrows were twisted. Yu Xi bought it? She had the urge to throw the candied haws to her hands right now.


  Looking at the delicate color, Lilac couldn't help swallowing secretly. Although she is a big maid, she has to save her monthly money and she will be her dowry in the future. After all, in the future, if Miss Biao is really a grandmother, with her temperament, I am afraid that she would not be willing to spend more money to buy her dowry.

   Therefore, she has only bought candied haws once since she was a child, and she still remembers the taste in the middle.

  She bulged her cheeks and snorted coldly, "I really don't know what kind of heart Yu Xi'an is, but now I know how to buy people's hearts? It's just a bunch of candied gourds, it's too stingy."

  She said, walking to her house nonchalantly.

  He licked his lips until he entered the door, and bit one hard with bright eyes.

  The entrance is so sweet that it can be sweet to the heart of people.

  Clove took a deep breath, and suddenly put the candied haws on an empty bowl on the table, and dropped his head slightly.

  What I heard when passing by Lingshuiyuan suddenly flashed in my mind...

  She shook her head abruptly, nothing to do with her, nothing to do with her, nothing to do with her.

  Even if something happened to Yuxi, it was all done by Miss Biao, she...she was innocent. She never thought of killing her, at most, she was just cynicism and a little embarrassment.

  Clove took another deep breath, grabbed the candied haws and took another bite. But unexpectedly, I felt a bit bitter.

  She put down the candied haws again, suddenly opened the door, and ran out quickly.

  Red Bud just finished dividing the candied haws. Seeing Dingxiang's anxious appearance, I couldn't help but curious, "Sister Dingxiang, what happened?"

   "Where did Yuxi go?"

   "She went to the flower room."

  Flower house? Lilac cursed, why is it so coincidence that it is a flower room?

  She turned pale for an instant, and hurriedly ran towards the flower room, completely losing her image at a fast speed.

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