Dingxiang quickly ran outside the flower room, poked his head and looked inside.

  There is no sound...

  Clove gave a chuckle in her heart, lifted her foot and walked inside.

  It's just that there are branches and flowers under her feet, and she is a little frightened after walking a few steps.

  If she remembered correctly, Miss Biao said that when Yuxi passed by here, someone would let a snake in and kill Yuxi directly.

  Yesterday, Mother Yu visited Jinfeng Garden and said that it was the old lady who wanted to see Yuxi. It's just that Yuxi followed the eldest master into the palace yesterday, so Dingxiang guessed that Madam Yu would be here today.

  She also reported to Miss Biao in this way. Miss Biao estimated that it was because of this matter that she planned a way to deal with Yuxi.

  Because from Jinfeng Garden to Lefutang where the old lady lived, it happened to pass the position of the flower room.

  But what Dingxiang didn’t expect was that Madam Yu hadn’t come to see her over there, but Yu Xi came to the flower room by herself. Isn’t this a dead end?

  She walked with horror, but she kept moving forward, without any intention of retreating.

   "Yu Xi, Yu Xi... are you inside?" She whispered a few words.

  Niannian was sitting on a rock and talking to Mo Piao. The corners of Mo Piao's mouth were brown sugar juice, and it was really hard to bear to look straight at the corners of Mo Piao's mouth.

  Suddenly hearing Lilac's voice, she was stunned for a while.

  How did Dingxiang come here to find her? Wouldn't you want to embarrass her again?

  No, even if Dingxiang wanted to trouble her, she would not ‘not far away’ to the flower room.

  Could it be that Bailiu is also looking for her?

   Thinking of this, Nian Nian got up and stood up. Mo Piao, who was on the side, stood up and asked in a low voice, "Miss, what's the matter? What does that lilac want to do?"

   "I don't know, I'll know if I go over and take a look." Nian-nian said, already taking a few steps forward.

  The more Lilac walked inside, the more scared and hesitant in his heart.

After    walked to the middle, suddenly began to regret a little. Why should she be so kind to remind Yuxi? Yuxi and her were originally rivals. The two of them were not at the same time. What about her life and death?

   Lilac bit her lip, considering whether to go back.

   At this moment, footsteps suddenly heard in front of him.

  Ding Xiang looked up, just in time to see Nian Nian and a confused maid walking here.

   Dingxiang’s face suddenly burst into joy, her eyes brightened, and she secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and she didn’t move forward anymore.

  Niannian stopped after walking a few steps, gave her a strange look, "What are you looking for me?"

   "Do you think I would like to find you? You are the most annoying person in my life."

  Niannian's mouth twitched, is there something wrong with this person's brain? Is it just to tell yourself how much she hates her? Isn't this doing nothing if you're full?

  Mo Piao couldn't help it at first, "Since you hate it, what else do you do? Go ahead, don't show up in front of me, or I'm not polite to you."

  Mo Piao has always maintained Nian Nian, she doesn't care what status she is currently in Dingxiang Mansion of the Kingdom of Su, and what status she is. No one can scold his own lady, otherwise it would be against her.

  Ding Xiang was pale when Mo Piao said, and she sneered, "What are you? Is there any place for you to talk about? It's just a little girl in the flower room, dare to ask me to get out?"

  Mo Piao began to roll up his sleeves, and Nian Nian pressed his forehead, so what exactly did Lilac come for?

  She glanced at Mo Piao, and between her eyes, she suddenly saw the brown sugar juice at the corner of Lilac’s mouth, her eyebrows raised.

  She also ate candied haws?

   Hooked the corner of Niannian’s mouth, and finally smiled and said, “Since you’re not happy to find me, then you’re saying there’s nothing going on, then I’m leaving.”

  After she said, she pulled Mo Piao around and left.

  Clove was taken aback, blurted out, "You wait a minute."

  Niannian raised her eyebrows, and slowly twisted her head, "Is there anything else?"

  The corners of Dingxiang’s mouth were so tight that she had something to say, but she couldn’t hold her face down.

  Mo Piao annoys her the most hesitant to say nothing, "If you have something to say, let it go."

   "Why are you so rude?" She couldn't say what she wanted to Niannian, she could only target Mo Piao, especially Mo Piao's tone was so aggressive, she didn't have any scruples when she said back.

  Niannian is almost kneeling for the two of them. Should the two of them consider her existence, and if they want to argue, can they finish what they have to say?

  She rolled her eyes, too lazy to listen, and walked away directly.

  When Ding Xiang saw it, he immediately said something sharp, "Yu Xi, don't go inside anymore. Someone wants to harm you. A poisonous snake is placed in this garden. If it bites it, even the gods will not be able to save them."

  Niannian's footsteps stopped, and finally turned around in surprise, "What did you say?"

  "I...I..." Just now, she said too quickly, and now she wants her to repeat it again, Ding Xiang feels unable to say it again.

  She hesitated for a moment, and then whispered, “Anyway, you should leave the flower room as soon as possible. Although I don’t like you, I hate you, but I never thought of taking your life..."

   After she finished speaking, she lowered her eyes slightly, and said quickly, "Okay, I'm finished, you can come out quickly, I have something to do, I have to go back to do something."

  Mo Piao thinks this man has a problem with his brain. There is a poisonous snake in the flower room? She told the lady to leave?

  Don’t she think she, the little maid looking after the flower house, is more dangerous? Why didn't you suggest that someone come in and catch the snake?

  Mo Piao looked indignant, "Hey, I said you..." Before she finished her words, her pupils shrank suddenly, and her eyes fell on a fruit tree in front of the lilac.

  There is a colorful poisonous snake climbing there, spitting out the snake letter, and shooting directly at the clove.

  Ding Xiang turned her head, she saw the snake close at hand, her face pale and pale, she was on the spot for a while, and she couldn't move. I can't even scream, I just feel like my throat is blocked, and I can't make a sound at all.

Just when she was so scared that she was about to faint, a figure suddenly flashed in front of her. Before the snake bit her nose, she grabbed the snake's tail abruptly and pulled it back neatly, and then pinched the snake by seven inches and pulled it away. Rolled twice.

  The venomous snake that was so aggressive and terrifying just now couldn't move in an instant.

  Ding Xiang's eyes widened, and she sat down on the ground.

  Mo Piao had already ran to Nian Nian quickly, looked at the snake she was holding on her arm, and smiled, "This is a five-step snake."

   "Well, I can just get the snake gall. I haven't encountered a five-step snake in a long time."

   "Can you eat it?" Mo Piao still remembers that when he was in the palace repairing, the lady made snake soup for him from time to time, and it was delicious.

  Niannian's mouth twitched, "Do you want to eat?" She was afraid that she would send the snake to the kitchen, and the kitchen would not dare to accept it.

   "I want to..." Mo Piao stared blankly.

  Niannian let out a breath, thinking about what to do, but when she turned her head, she found that Lilac sitting on the ground was looking at herself with a very shocking and horrified expression.

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