Awen immediately opened the door and walked in respectfully to the edge of his bed, "Master."

"From now on, Liu Yangyang is not allowed to step into Jinfeng Garden." Baili also sneered. "People pay attention to Liu Yangyang's movements. If you see someone next to her do some small movements, you let People caught an incident on the spot and directly killed them, killing chickens and curbing monkeys."

  Awen was startled, and secretly raised his eyes and glanced at Baili Yi, shocked in his heart.

  The eldest master hasn't shown this expression of killing for many years. His methods have become more gentle in recent years. Even if he wants to deal with the enemy, he also likes to torture slowly. Today... he wants to kill him.

  Is this Yu Xi already so much influential on the young master?

  Awen opened his mouth, some hesitant to speak, as if he wanted to remind the young master that there is a marriage contract on him.

  But in the end, he still said nothing. The master has always done things well, and he only needs to obey the orders.

  Awen bowed slightly and responded, "Subordinates understand."

"Also." Baili slowly lay back, and his voice was a little low, "Remind all the servants in Jinfeng Garden, if anyone considers Liu Yangyang as a grandmother, let her get out. No need to stay in Jinfeng Garden anymore."

   "Yes." Awen went out soon, he thought, the first person he wanted to remind was Lilac.

  White sulfur also closed his eyes, and his expression gradually softened. Nian Nian seems to have moved a little, but...she seems to be suppressing this movement, this feeling is really not good.

  Did he push too hard?

  It's better to slow down, so as not to backfire, the harder she pushes her temper, the more she rebounds.

  Niannian did rebound somewhat. She didn't like the feeling of being out of control. Once the situation got out of control, she would be a little scared.

  In her whole life, almost nothing happened out of control, and she has always been within her control. Even though she had been poisoned while researching poison, she had never panicked and frightened, and she could still find the poison calmly and detoxify herself.

   But now, facing Bai Liye, she actually felt a little afraid to look at him, as if she would get stuck in and out if she looked at him twice.

  Niannian lay on the bed feebly, exhaling heavily.

   Her mind was a little messy and unconscious, and it took a long time before she gradually calmed down.

  But the next moment, she suddenly jumped up from the bed.

  She seems to have forgotten an important thing. She returned to Jinfeng Garden, but said she understood the situation of the old lady.

  Niannian patted her forehead fiercely, then got up again, tidyed up her clothes and headwear, and walked to the main house again.

  Who knows that as soon as she walked to the door, Hong Ya mysteriously leaned over, and whispered to her, "Miss Yuxi, just now Awen summoned Jinfengyuan’s maid, why didn’t you show up?"

   "...what happened?" Awen summoned the maids of Jinfeng Garden? Why didn't she hear anything?

"Awen said that in the future, the maid of Jinfengyuan is not allowed to treat Miss Biao as the grandmother of the future, otherwise she will be driven out." Hongya thinks this matter may be related to Yuxi, because it hasn't been long since Yuxi went in. Miss Biao came out in embarrassment. Not long after, Awen gave instructions like the eldest master. No matter how she looked, she couldn't get rid of Yu Xi.

   "..." Nian Nian turned around silently and returned to the left wing again.

How to do? Bai Li also made such a gesture, and her heart started beating wildly again.

  Don’t think too much, don’t think too much, this matter may not have anything to do with her, don’t think too much, don’t be afraid to see him, don’t be afraid.

  Hong Ya looked at Nian Nian who suddenly turned and left with a bewildered face, confused.

  Awen knocked on Nian-nian’s door at this moment. He now knows that the young master’s attitude towards her has reached the point of indifference. Therefore, facing Nian-nian, Awen’s posture is more respectful.

   "Ms. Yuxi, the wind chime girl from Le Fu Tang just came here. The old lady is not in good health and you are going to live in Le Fu Tang for a few days. The young master has agreed.

  Nian-nian blinked her eyes, feeling a little disappointed inexplicably, but thinking of the old lady's physical condition, she quickly went into the house and packed her luggage.

   hesitated for a long time, and finally bid farewell to the door of Bailiuyi's room.

  Bai Li was also a little dumbfounded, why didn't he dare to see him in his house now? coward.

  A Wen was aside, hesitatingly said, "Master, your injuries are not all healed, Miss Yuxi went to the old lady’s yard, then you..."

   "My injury is no longer a serious problem." Nian Nian's medicines are all top grades, and with her meticulous treatment, it doesn't matter much.

  Furthermore, he was also afraid of forcing her to press too tightly, but by then she would be farther and farther away from him.

  Look at just now, just say a word at the door and leave. I don’t want to think about whether this is not compliant. So unscrupulous.

  Sell her to stay in Le Futang for a few days, and he will give her time.

  Awen didn’t say much, seeing that it was not too early, people passed the dinner, and waited for the white sulfur to stop.

  Niannian was a little awake, changed a place, and lived in the same room with a stranger, which made her very uncomfortable.

Madam Yu arranged her in the same room with a maid named Organ. Organ was kind to her. Seeing her come, she also made a bed for her. Compared to lilac, it’s really... more than a little bit better. .


   Nian Nianzheng was in a trance, two small voices suddenly came from the room, very soft.

  Niannian's nerves collapsed suddenly, and then she felt a rustling sound coming from the other side of the room.

  The organ on the bed fell to the ground and slowly walked towards her.

  Until she reached the edge of the bed, she slowly pushed forward with her hand, "Yu Xi, Yu Xi, are you asleep? I want to go to the cottage, and I am a little scared, can you accompany me?"

  Niannian pretended not to hear, but she was scared when she went to the hut. She did not believe this excuse.

  She used to live in a house alone, so when she woke up in the middle of the night, wouldn’t she be afraid?

  Sure enough, the organ did not respond to Nian-nian, and then turned carefully and left.

  She walked directly to the closet on Nian-nian's side, opened the cabinet door quietly, and quietly took out the baggage she had brought today before she could sort it out.

   Then walked to the window, and started to rummaged slowly with the moonlight.

  Niannian looked at it with her eyes slanted, and the corner of her mouth was slightly hooked.

  The organ quickly turned over the little baggage, which was not much, and slowly put it back in its original position, closing the cabinet door.

  Niannian thought she had finished going back to sleep, but the organ made a silent turn and opened the door and walked out of the house.

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