The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Vol 3 Chapter 60: Persecutory delusion

  Nian Nian narrowed her eyes, quickly turned over and sat up, and was silent for a while, feeling the sound of the organ's footsteps going further and further, she also got up and walked out of the room.

  Her movements were lighter, and she followed the organ not far and near, seeing her turn two turns and enter the Mulan Garden.

  Niannian’s pupils shrank. If she remembers correctly, Mulan Garden is where the Liu family lives.

  Organ... Is it from the Liu family?

  She quickly jumped onto the wall and leaned on a tree in the yard and watched quietly.

  The organ looked around and saw no one, so he knocked on the door twice, and soon a maid came out.

  It was Alan, one of the maids who followed Liu's to Le Futang in the daytime. Seeing that it was her, Alan hurriedly pulled her in.

  Niannian followed the door she opened, swooped in, hid on the beam in the room, and pulled over the curtain to block her figure.

  The sound of the organ soon sounded in the room, "Sister Alan, I have already turned over Yuxi's baggage."

  Alan's eyes lit up, and asked anxiously, "What did you find?"

  "Except for some clothes, there are a few medicine bottles and a few medicine bags. It really looks like something the doctor carries with him."

  Niannian sat lazily on the beam, humming secretly. The valuables she brought are still in Jinfeng Garden. Otherwise, they are carried around like the little jade card that Aunt Lu gave her. How could they be left in an unfamiliar place where they were born?

  She didn't plan to live in Le Futang any more, so she only brought a few sets of clothes to change and the medicine that Mrs. Bai could use. She could find a ghost.

  Niannian sniffed at it, but suddenly a lazy voice came from the room, "Who is talking outside?"

  Alan hurriedly whispered to the organ, "Madam is awake, you can wait here first, I'll be out in a while."

  Speaking, Alan quickly walked into the inner room.

  However, after waiting for a while, she helped Liu Shi to walk out of it.

  Today, Su Guo stayed in his aunt’s house. Before this time, Liu felt very unhappy, and his sleep was shallow. As soon as Alan talked with Organ outside, she heard it.

   Liu's sitting on the stool, glanced at Organ, "Have you turned over that baggage called Yu Xi?"

   "Yes." Alan greeted the Liu family, and then replied respectfully, "It's a pity, there is nothing useful in it."

"She just arrived at Le Futang, I guess most of her things are still in Jinfeng Garden. It's normal if you can't find it out." Liu Shi took a sip of the tea offered by Alan, and then felt his throat feel comfortable. Immediately, continue to say, "You continue to look at her to see if she is doing anything unusual. Come and tell me at any time. When you have time, you can listen to the situation from her mouth. I think there is something we can take advantage of that girl. value."

  Organ nodded, and hurriedly responded, "Yes."

   "Well, go down." Liu Shi waved his hand, and the organ retired out respectfully.

As soon as she left, A Lan said in a low voice, "Madam, the slave and maid had already inquired about Master Bai. Master Bai said that it was mostly the second master who sent it to the eldest master to be the housekeeper, and she would become the eldest master's person , Can we still use her?"

"She has become Bailiyi's person, isn't it better to make use of it? It's just a little girl in the house. Isn't there any way to make her succumb?" Liu squinted and sneered. She can't hold her head up."

   "What the lady said." Alan said flatly.

But Liu's eyebrows were still twisted, his voice lowered, and he muttered to himself, "I'm afraid that Bai Yifeng's purpose of sending that girl is more than just being a gang girl. Bai Yifeng has always been cynical and ill-behaved. Tune, it is really suspicious to send two maids to the Su Guogong Mansion for no reason. If Bai Yifeng and Bai Li also collude, then the position of the son of Li Jue will be abolished..."

  After all, Bai Li's current identity is completely capable of that. In case he is favored in front of the prince, Li Jue has this indifferent attitude. The position of their mother and child is at stake.

  Alan was startled when she heard that, "Madam, does Erye really have that kind of ambition?"

"Hmph, he has always liked Bai Li Yi. When he was driven out of the White House by the old man, he might have been unwilling to do so, and it is impossible to guarantee that he will not come back." What's more, Bai Yifeng is so fond of the old lady. The old lady can easily forgive him.

   "Furthermore, now that Yu Xi has only been here for a few days, she has won the old lady's favor and stayed by her side to serve. This makes me more suspicious of Bai Yifeng's purpose.

   Nian Nian on the beam rolled his eyes involuntarily. This Liu family really likes conspiracy theories or has persecution delusions.

  Does she think that everyone has a coveted position as the son of the world? Baili has also passed the Hundred Official Education Examination. Isn't his future better than that of his predecessor?

  Only keeping Bai Lijue's position in her mind, she has never thought that she is not rare at all?

"That Yuxi, if it is a person who has his own opinion and is out of control, it would be better to get rid of it as soon as possible. If it can be used by us, it will be able to keep her and enjoy some glory and wealth." Liu Shi took another sip of tea, and finally Stand up.

  Alan hurriedly stepped forward and helped her walk inside, and her mouth responded, "Madam is right, if it can't be used by us, let's get rid of a little maid, it will be effortless."

  Nian Nian Duo Xiang just dropped the crossbar, let them get rid of her on the spot, so as not to think so much.

  She shook her head secretly to see that the time was almost up. If she didn't go back, the organ would probably walk to Le Fu Tang, thinking about her, she had to turn over.

  Who knew that as soon as the body moved, a few slightly anxious footsteps suddenly came from outside.

  Nian Nian squinted her eyes, and after thinking about it, she retracted again.

  Sure enough, Alan helped Liu Shi just walk into the inner room, and the door of the room was knocked immediately.

   followed closely, and a deliberately lowered voice came from outside, "Madam, Madam, Alan, open the door."

  Alan was taken aback for a moment, turned to look at Liu's, and then whispered, "It's Ami."

"In the middle of the night, in such a panic, what happened? Go and see." Ami is also a powerful maid by her side, and her temperament can be considered as calm and can make her so flustered. Liu felt very surprised and hurriedly pushed Ami. Lan a handful.

  Alan nodded, and quickly walked out and opened the door. However, as soon as the door opened, she bowed her head slightly, and suddenly took a breath, "Ami, you, what's the matter with you?"

  Niannian poked her neck forward, and when she saw it clearly, she twisted her eyebrows fiercely.

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