The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Vol 3 Chapter 61: You are a filial son

  Ami leaned on a man on his shoulder, dressed in a brocade suit and blood-stained, looking embarrassed.

  Her face was also full of anxiety, and she helped the man to walk inside.

  Alan was taken aback, and hurriedly stopped her, "What are you doing? This is Madam’s yard, how can you let a man in casually?"

  She was talking, but the man slowly raised his head and whispered, "Alan."

  Alan then saw clearly who the man in front of him was, her face changed suddenly, and she whispered, "Master Biao..."

   The Liu family heard the sound, and immediately walked out. Seeing Liu Wei's appearance, he almost fainted, and hurriedly beckoned Alan Ami to help him in.

  The two quickly helped Liu Wei to lie down on the bed, and then began to fetch him water to wipe the wound.

   Liu's sits dignifiedly, "What's the matter with you? What happened? Who hurt you? What are you doing outside in the middle of the night?"

Liu Wei smiled bitterly, leaned on the front pillow, and said weakly, "Auntie, you asked so many questions at once, how can I answer? Anyway, I am not good, and I got into trouble outside. I didn't expect to be with my friends today. I was retaliated against while visiting Yuhu Lake at night. My friend and I were separated, and we happened to hide out of Su Guo Gong’s mansion, so we came in to avoid the disaster, aunt, don’t tell me.”

  Liu’s face is very ugly, "You two are the masters who don't make people worry."

  "Aunt, don’t tell me, even cousin and uncle, otherwise if this matter reaches my father’s ears, I’m afraid I won’t have a good life in the future."

  Nian-nian raised her eyebrows on the top, and asked Liu to keep it secret. It seems that his injury is not as simple as he said.

  After all, this is at the feet of the emperor. Although the Liu family is not as good as the Su Guogong's mansion, it is also a big family. Who is so desperate to attack the Liu family at night? Even the people of the four great martial arts clans would not kill them at night because of this kind of personal grievances when Liu Wei and his friends were traveling at night.

  These words are nothing more than to deceive the Liu family. In fact, they simply cannot withstand scrutiny.

  Alan Ami had brought water and gauze over there. Liu Wei had injured his arm. The wound was a bit deep. Fortunately, the blood had stopped. As long as the bandage was done carefully, it would be fine to raise it.

  "Auntie, I’m afraid I won’t be able to go back tonight, so I’ll talk here for now."

Liu's stared at him, "What are you talking about, you are so badly injured, can I still drive you out?" Then, she wrinkled her eyebrows again, "But you hurt, It’s not easy to hide it when I go back."

  "Don't worry, aunt, I still have some ways...I'm a little tired, so I should rest first." After speaking, he was already exhausted, his head tilted, and he slept on the head of the bed.

  Liu asked Alan to take care of him, so he recruited Ami into the inner room, and asked her in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

"The maidservant didn’t know. After seeing the organ walk out of the yard, the maidservant was about to come back, and saw that someone rushed in front of him. The maidservant saw that the maidservant was Master Watch, and her body was still injured. Master Biao told the maidservant to keep silent, and the slave maid had to take it with him. He is here."

  Liu nodded, waved her hand to let her go down.

  Niannian pursed her lips. There was no further delay at this moment. When Ami went out to change the water, she immediately flashed out.

  She was very fast, she stood outside Le Fu Tang not long after, and when she was about to walk to the house where she lived, she immediately stopped, tidyed her hair a bit, and opened the door sleepily and walked in.

  The organ was sitting on the edge of the bed, and when she saw her coming in, she asked her in a panic, "You, where did you go in the middle of the night?"

"En?" Niannian rubbed her eyes and said in a daze, "I went to the hut. I want to ask you. I didn't see you when I got up. I thought you went too, but I was there. I haven't seen you again."

Of course she couldn't see her anymore. Organ thought, and breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "I can't sleep, so I went out and walked. When I turned around and found that you were not there, I was shocked." For fear that she was going to ask, he immediately yawned, looking very sleepy, "Okay, it's late, I have to get up early tomorrow and go to bed."

  Niannian watched her lie down, curled her lips secretly, and fell asleep.

  Early the next morning, the organ woke up on time and pulled Nian Nian up by the way.

   Crying without tears, she suddenly wanted to return to Jinfeng Garden, at least Baili was very humane so that others would not disturb her sleep.

  Now I’m in Le Fu Tang, and it’s still dark, so I have to get up and work...

  Yes, work...

Nian-nian squinted her eyes and watched the organ put a basin on her hand, and babblingly told her, "The old lady will be up in a while, you put the basin in, wait for the old lady to wash, and then stand. Waiting on the side. The old lady likes to eat tender meat. When you have breakfast later, you remember to put the old lady's favorite food in front and don't get confused."

  Nian Nian was a little bit more energetic, and she sneered secretly when she heard that, it was strange that she would eat meat for her.

   Yawned again, and she was a little unconscious outside the old lady’s front house.

  Sure enough, there was movement inside, and Madam Yu waited for Mrs. Bai to get up, and then called her in.

   Seeing Nian Nian, Mrs. Bai was still a little surprised. When she thought about what Madam Yu had said to herself yesterday, she was secretly relieved. Anyway, she did not wait by Li Yi's side, which is a good sign.

   However, it was beyond her expectation that Sulfur let this girl over so simply.

  Nian Nian can't wake up, she went as a thief in the middle of the night last night, and was dug up from the bed in the morning. For Nian Nian, who always sleeps to wake up naturally, she really can't adapt in a short time.

   So she was just waiting for Mrs. Bai to wash up. She has yawned three times in a row, and tears are squeezing out from the corners of her eyes.

   Madam Yu frowned, but Mrs. Bai thought it was very funny, turned her head and asked her, "Why? Can't you wake up?"

  "Last night, I was thinking about how to adjust the body of the old lady. I thought about it a bit late, so..." Nian Nian busy replied with a serious face.

  The old lady was amused by her, "You can talk. Okay, I know that you are a little uncomfortable when you first came to Le Fu Tang. You won't have to wait here for a while, and you will have a sleep at that time."

Nian Nian responded with a smile, and raised her eyebrows at Madam Yu.

  Grandma Yu twitched the corners of her mouth twice, and she was sent in for breakfast.

  Nian Nian looked at the meal she brought in, and her face turned black.

  The cloth meal doesn’t need her at all. Madam Yu has already consciously placed what Mrs. Bai likes to eat in front of her.

  Niannian sneered, stepped forward two steps, stretched out her hand, and took away the pot of braised pork that Mrs. Bai planned to pick up.

  Mrs. Bai and Madam Yu, "..."

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