"There is something you need to investigate." Ye Qingbei winked at Wen Ya, who immediately walked to the edge of the door, silently paying attention to the movement outside the door.

  Nian Nian watched their serious expressions, and then became solemn, nodded slightly, sat down and said quietly, "Say it, what do I need to investigate?"

"I already have some eyebrows about the things that Uncle Prince asked me to check." Ye Qingbei lowered his voice, "I found a suspicious person last night who intentionally injured him but it was not too serious. I wanted to follow him. Look at his identity. It’s just that he didn’t expect...He entered the Su Guo Gong Mansion."

  Su Guo Gongfu? Last night?

"Nian-nian, I don’t know whether he was from the Su Guo Gong’s mansion or just happened to enter the Su Guo Gong’s mansion to hide. However, I have had people watching outside the mansion. From last night to this morning, I did not find him out. His whereabouts indicate that he should still be in the Su Guogong's mansion. After you go back, check it out, and it is best to find out his identity as soon as possible."

  If it really just happened to break into the Su Guo Gong Mansion to hide, that's it, I'm afraid that the person is a member of the White Mansion, and even... still has a close relationship with Su Guo Gong.

  If what happened five years ago really involved Su Guogong, it would be really bad.

  Niangqin and his eldest brother had very good comments on Su Guogong, and he had almost no doubt about Su Guogong from the beginning. But if the truth of the truth is so cruel, I am afraid that my mother and brother will be very sad.

  Furthermore, Nian-nian now has a good impression of Baili...Although the uncle of the prince said that Baili is not suspicious, the relationship is complicated, and it is a bit embarrassing in the end.

   "Bei Bei, the injured person, did he hurt his left arm?" Nian Nian squinted her eyes and asked suddenly. A figure flashed across his mind, a figure wearing a brocade suit with a deep wound on his arm.

  Ye Qingbei was taken aback and nodded, "It's the left arm, what's the matter? Did you see it?"

"It's also a coincidence that there was a maid overwhelming my burden last night. I followed her to see who she helped to do. I didn't expect to go all the way to Liu's courtyard, and then happened to see a man with an injured arm quietly. Come in." Nian Nian smiled, blinked and said, "That man, call the Liu family...aunt."


  Ye Qingbei's pupils shrank slightly, "Is that man from the Liu family?"

   "Well, it seems to be Liu Wei." Nian Nian felt that Liu Wei's excuses yesterday were full of loopholes, and she was also curious about what happened to him and who was injured. It turned out that Beibei was the one who injured him.

  Ye Qingbei gently rubbed his fingers on the desktop, and gently squeezed the corners of his mouth. "Liu's family..." He paused and asked, "Does Liu know why Liu Wei was injured? Did she participate in it?"

"She doesn't know, and if you listen to Liu Wei's words, people in the Bai family shouldn't know it." Liu Wei once told Liu's family not to tell Bai Lijue and Su Guogong about his injuries. Their doubts.

  He broke into the Su Guogong Mansion, which should have been helpless.

  Ye Qingbei secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it didn't involve the Bai family.

   "In that case, I turned my head and let the people who watched the White Mansion withdraw." The White Mansion is not a general one. After a long period of monitoring, it will be discovered soon.

  Nian-nian nodded, “Since you have a goal, then you should be careful. If I have been out for too long, it will cause suspicion, so I’ll go back to the Suguo Mansion first.”

"..." Ye Qingbei watched her stand up, watched her leave the house spontaneously, watched her disappear behind the door, and suddenly wanted to remind her: The original purpose of her going to the White House was to investigate Bai Mansion, now that the suspicion of Bai Mansion has been removed, she doesn't need to stay there anymore.

  Wen Ya also wanted to remind her, but after seeing Beibei's gesture to her, she finally closed her mouth.

Ye Qingbei laughed and stretched back slightly, "I think I will have a wedding wine soon, Wen Ya, now you can think about whether you will stay in the Heavenly Rain Country or go back to the Feng Cang Country in the future. "

  Wenya wants to take care of Nian-nian, but her parents are still repairing the palace. They still have to decide where she wants to be in the future.

   "..." Wen Ya twitched the corners of her mouth, turned and walked away.

  Nian-nian has actually reacted, knowing that Bai Mansion is no longer suspicious, but she just wants to go back.

  She feels that Mrs. Bai is not in good health now, and she can’t just let it go. Does it matter? This is unkindness, unfaithfulness and unfilial piety, so now she mainly wants to help Mrs. Bai to adjust her body.

  What's more, that Liu Wei, Liu Family, and Bai Mansion are actually related by marriage. In order to prevent the Liu family from getting involved in the White House and dragging the White House into the water, it is better for her to watch more, just in case.

  She would never admit that she did not want to have nothing to do with Bai Sulfur.

  After thinking about this, his expression became normal, and he hurriedly left the inn.

  However, not long after she left, Ding Xiang frowned not far away, and frowned strangely, "Yu Xi? Why did she leave the house? Also, what did she do in that inn?"

Ding Xiang felt that Yu Xi's whereabouts was really suspicious, and she subconsciously wanted to tell Liu Yangyang.

   But when she changed her mind to thinking of Liu Yangyang's cruel temperament, coupled with the order from the young master, she immediately dispelled the idea.

  Would you like to tell the young master?

  Unfortunately, Yu is now the one who favors the young master, even if she said, the young master might not believe it.

  Ding Xiang thought for a while, and finally felt that he wanted to talk to Awen. Awen has always been the most capable and trusted person around the young master. The young master can listen to what he said.

  Ding Xiang took a deep breath, speeded up a few minutes, and walked along the path to Su Guo Gong's Mansion.

  In the end, she went to the mansion before Nian Nian.

  After another quarter of an hour, Nian Nian followed the corner of the wall and stepped in again.

  She walked towards Le Fu Tang pretending to be leisurely, and when she passed the flower room, her footsteps paused. Did Mo Piao make a snake soup for the snake yesterday?

  Unexpectedly, after a pause, a figure suddenly rushed out of it.

  Mo Piao took her hand to the corner, and her eyes lit up, "Miss, big thing, great thing."

Nian-nian staggered for a while, and almost planted forward. The corners of her mouth twitched a few times, and finally she managed to stand firm. Then she yanked her hand back and asked, "What's the great thing? Is it worth your rush? Huh, me. You almost broke his hand."

  Mo Piao was taken aback, he laughed twice, and then he stuck out his tongue, "I'm in a hurry, don't be aggressive."

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