The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Vol 3 Chapter 64: There is hard work without credit

  Nian-nian looked around, but didn't see anyone, so she raised her eyebrows and asked her, "What's the great thing?"

"Just now, there was someone in the palace, saying that it was the maid by the emperor's side, who came to Su Guo Gong's Mansion to announce the imperial decree. The young master is now the right prime minister and the right prime minister of the Heavenly Rain Nation. Isn't that as powerful as the Li Xiangye? You can open the mansion independently. Miss, in the future, you can follow the young master to leave Su Guo Gong's mansion, and you will no longer need to pay attention to Liu Yangyang and the Su Guo Gong wife." Mo Piao was in a very good mood, and his eyes flashed when he spoke.

  Nian-Nian was stunned, her expression in a trance.

  What he said was right, he really became a righteous person. From now on, no one can bully him anymore.

  Not in the government of the Soviet Union, nor in the court.

   Nian Nian pursed her lips, the feeling in her heart is inexplicably complicated. This person is actually very powerful, right?

  She chuckled slightly, as if thinking of something suddenly, she turned her head to look at Mo Piao, "You just said Mrs. Su Guo...Why, you had a holiday with her?"

   "It's not a holiday." Mo Piao said, with a hint of irritation and disdain, "She called me over and said a lot this morning."

   "What did you say?" Nian-nian raised her eyebrows. Sure enough, the Liu family was planning to start from Mo Piao, and the movements were still very quick.

  Mo Piao shrugged, “I asked some questions about planting and nursing of flowers and plants, and the questions asked were a bit mentally handicapped, but I actually didn’t want to answer it. After I asked, I started to inquire about the relationship between me and Erye Bai.”

  Nian Nian Xin Dao, as expected, the Liu family really couldn't wait.

   "I said it doesn't matter, she still doesn't believe it. If it doesn't matter, how could she take me into the government of the Soviet Union to work."

  Nian-nian nodded, if she would not believe it.

Mo Piao sighed and said, "Then I have to tell the truth. I said that my father and Bai Erye are drinking friends. But it was too strange. After she heard this, her expression was full of contempt. I don't understand why she despises me, as if she despises me very much."

  Niannian almost laughed out loud. When it comes to drinking friends, normal people will think of drinking and meat friends. In Mo Piao's view, her father and Bai Yifeng were friends who exchanged winemaking skills, but in Liu's view, Mo Piao's father was a drunkard.

  Of course she was very disdainful of the daughter of a drunkard in her heart.

"Later she asked me what was my relationship with you." Mo Piao didn't care about Liu's eyes. To be honest, she also despised Liu's. "I thought in my heart that we have too many relationships, such as you. It's my young lady. For example, my father is the guardian of Prince Xiu. For example, my mother is the maidservant of Princess Xiu. For example, we are close friends of the boudoirs who grew up together. For example, I have always been protecting you... "

"Stop it." Nian Nian ran with some tears. The person who has been protecting her is obviously Wen Ya. Mo Piao has always protected her flowers and plants. She raised her hand and patted Mo Piao's shoulder seriously, and said , "Then what did you say?"

   "I thought about it and picked the most meaningful answer."


   "I said, your mother is my mother's savior."

   "Puff......" Nian Le was not working, "Mrs. Guo Gong was not bleeding from your anger?"

  Mo Piao blinked. She was right. Her mother was tortured in the house. If Princess Xiu took her away and cheated her away, how could her mother have a good life now? And I met his father and gave birth to such a beautiful daughter.

"She didn't bleed from my anger, and she rewarded me with a piece of silver." Mo Piao stretched out his hand, shook a small ingot of silver in his palm, and squinted to please and asked, "Miss, can I use this silver to get out of the house? go shopping?"

   "...Yes." She is bored by staying in the house, there is no freedom here.

   Mo Piao immediately brightened his eyes and collected the silver.

  Nian Nian looked at the time it was late, and gave Mo Piao a few more words, then turned and left.

  However, when she walked to the entrance of Le Futang, she paused, turned around, and headed towards Jinfeng Garden.

  Her hand is holding a square jade plate, which is larger than the one hanging on her neck, but the carvings on the jade plate tend to be masculine.

  This jade medal was just on her way back, when she passed a jade shop, she saw it at a glance.

  She didn't know how she would buy this on impulse, she pinched it in her palm at the moment, it was warm and warm to the touch.

When    walked to Jinfeng Garden, Hong Ya saw her at a glance, her face was filled with the same expression as Mo Piao, and she walked over in a hurry, "Girl Yuxi..."

   "...Is the eldest master in the house?" Nian Nian wanted to leave like this for a moment, but she was a little unwilling.

Hong Ya nodded like garlic, "I'm here, I'm here, the old lady, the grandfather, and his wife and sons all came to congratulate the young master, but the young master soon left after embarrassing. There are many things, even the old lady and the grandpa gave many gifts."

  Niannianly, he squeezed the jade card in his hand, and the corners of his mouth twitched, "That’s it, then I won’t bother, let’s go."

  Hong Ya was taken aback, and just about to hold her, Awen walked out hurriedly.

  "Miss Yuxi, the eldest master let you in."

  Niannian's mouth twitched, and she could even know that she was here when she stood here?

   But now that she had been discovered, she seemed to be a little deliberate when she left.

   Right now, he coughed lightly, his expression became serious, and then he walked in with Awen with his head held up and his chest tall.

  Bai Li has also gotten out of bed. At the moment, he is leaning against the window with a book and looking at it. Hearing the sound of footsteps, he smiled and turned his head, "You also came to congratulate me?"

  Niannian hummed secretly in her heart, what's so proud of. Does he think she would like it? He can pass the Hundred Official Education Examination and can be a rightist, half of it is hers, okay?

   "It's not congratulations either, I just feel a little bit upset, and I want to ask for an explanation."

  "Ask for an explanation?" Baili also chuckled lightly, "Well, what is an explanation?"

"I feel that when you participate in the Hundred Official Education Examination, I have always been with you to help you regulate your body. When you are too tired to lift your hands, I still feed you. There is no credit and hard work in the process. is not it?"

  Bai Li also pursed her lips and nodded. She seemed to have missed it. At that time, Wu Yuanhou was also brought down by her.

  Awen on the side was shocked to hear, feed? Master let Yuxi feed? so horrible.

   "But I heard that the young master has received a lot of rewards, right? Then I, a person who also has credit, should also have a copy?"

  Awen couldn’t help holding her forehead. This girl Yuxi... is too petty, and she has the face to want these rewards?

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