Ye Lansheng's eyebrows and heart beat, only to feel that there is a bad premonition rushing to her heart.

Before he could stop it, Nan Nan had already jumped out from the water tank, his legs moved very quickly, that movement was dazzling, but all of a sudden, his small figure had rushed to a distance of ten meters from the palace gate. Up.

   Then Nan Nan took a deep breath and shouted, "There are assassins, and there are assassins."

   Ye Lansheng was shocked, and instantly had the urge to vomit blood, Nan Nan, this kind of thing can't be fooled.

"There is an assassin, the assassin has gone to Yixing Palace, hurry up and protect the noble concubine empress." Nan Nan screamed, his tender voice was very high, and through the dark night, it was a bit like a stern female voice. .

"Quick, quick, the assassin jumped on the roof." His footsteps moved very fast, and he shouted a few meters from the left, then went to the right for a few meters, and the guards listened. The direction of the sound, as if several people were seeing it at the same time, instantly raised his alert, and ran towards the Yixing Palace tightly all over.

   "Where is the assassin, where is the assassin?"

   "Come and catch the assassin..."


  All the side hall courtyards next to Yixing Palace were all lit by candles, and the eunuchs and palace ladies who heard the sound rushed out, one by one very eagerly to protect the lord.

  The guards entered the gate of Yixing Palace in twos and threes, and most of them raised their heads and stared at the roof above their heads.

  In this way, she collided with those eunuchs and palace ladies who had lost all their opinions, and the scene was chaotic for a while.

  Nannan took advantage of this opportunity to pull Ye Lansheng into the chaos and ran in from the side, hiding under a small step inside the Yixing Palace.

  The leader of the Forbidden Army snorted with a cold expression, "What are you doing? What kind of panic like this, stand aside, here we are guarded, no one is allowed to approach the Yixing Palace."

  Now the sleeping hall where the imperial concubine and empress are resting is the most important thing and needs to be surrounded.

  Miao Qianqiu was at the front door of the hall, listening to the outside voice, his whole body also became alert. Nowadays, there is not only the Meng noble concubine in the Yixing Palace. The emperor has just finished watching the Seventh Prince, and he is also in the concubine's sleeping hall.

  "Qianqiu, what's going on outside?" The emperor's face was very ugly. He just planned to be gentle with the concubine. How could he expect that an assassin suddenly appeared again. This is absolutely lawless. What is the style of making assassins in the palace?

  The emperor patted the shoulders of the imperial concubine beside him, and softly comforted, “It’s okay, I’m here to see who dares to be presumptuous.”

When Miao Qianqiu heard the emperor’s voice, he knew it was alarming him. He was flustered and walked in cautiously, "The emperor calmed down, and there was an assassin in the palace. I heard that the assassin was coming to Yixing Palace. and so……"

   "So courageous, I really think this palace is my own backyard. I want to come and go freely?" The emperor patted the table heavily. Miao Qianqiu's body trembled, and Hou was afraid to speak.

Concubine Meng frowned, and there is another assassin?

  No, yesterday’s assassins were nothing but Ye Xiu Duo who injured Harting, so they are not assassins.

  Could it be him who will come tonight? Concubine Meng shook her head. No, since they have reached an agreement with each other, it is impossible for Ye Xiu Duo to make such a fuss. It will not do him any good.

  Is it possible that there are really assassins?

   "The emperor, will the assassin still come to Harting? The concubine is worried..." Concubine Meng's eyebrows were stained with worry, and her slender fingers were slightly placed on the emperor's arms, looking delicate and soft.

  Although she thinks it is unlikely that it will be Yexiu, but just in case, it is better to have someone watch Harting.

  Sure enough, the emperor heard this and felt that the possibility was extremely high. He immediately told Miao Qianqiu, “Let people protect the Seventh Prince. If something happens to the Seventh Prince, please raise your head to see you.”

   "Yes." Miao Qianqiu bowed his body and withdrew from the dormitory again, and whispered to the chief to arrange for some people to look at the courtyard, some to protect the Seventh Prince, and others to track down the assassin.

  The head gave a response, and immediately waved his hand to let the big guy move separately.

Seeing that the chaotic situation had stabilized, Miao Qianqiu nodded in satisfaction and wanted to return to the sleeping hall to wait for the emperor.

  Who knows that as soon as he turned his head, he received a secret signal from the guard. He twisted his brows and quietly walked to a dark corner on the side.

  The corner of the dark guard's mouth twitched, and he briefly recounted the assassin's incident in a low voice.

  Miao Qianqiu finished listening, and suddenly one of the first two children, the son of Lord Xiu... He is really a master who can cause trouble, and such a big thing has happened at this moment.

   sighed secretly, he waved his hand to let the dark guard go down, and turned back to the sleeping hall. Seeing the emperor sitting in the main seat, his emotions seemed to be affected, but he bit his head and whispered what he had just said.

  The corners of the emperor’s mouth tightened instantly, his expression cracked, and his five fingers were put away fiercely.

  Where did he want to, he had just arrived at Yixing Palace with his front feet, and the two children followed their back feet. The boy Nan Nan yelled out to catch the assassin, and he really didn't put anyone in his eyes.

"The emperor, what's the matter?" Concubine Meng keenly aware of the subtle changes in his facial expression, immediately waved her hand to let Jian Xiang go down to make two pots of tea, and walked behind the emperor with her hands slender and considerate. He pressed his shoulder.

The emperor looked unhesitating, and forbearance still suppressed Nannan's affairs, slightly closed his eyes and whispered, "It's okay, it's just the assassins in this palace, I'm wondering, should I change to a forbidden army? Take control."

  Meng noble concubine was surprised that the current commander of the Forbidden Army was the one she bought. If it were changed, wouldn’t she have a lot of inconvenience?

  "The emperor doesn't have to worry so much. How can so many guards and small assassins in this palace escape easily?" Concubine Meng raised her hand slightly and helped him press his temple. Her hands are very beautiful, and with a special technique, every time she presses it down, the emperor feels that the whole person is much easier, and the unhappiness in her heart instantly disappeared a lot.

"The emperor, the concubine wait for you to rest. The noise outside seems to be a lot smaller. The concubine does not dare to approach this Yixing Palace anymore, seeing that the assassin does not dare to approach this Yixing Palace anymore. The emperor has been busy all day. The dragon body is good."

The emperor was satisfied with her considerate temperament. He smiled and nodded, "It's okay." Anyway, it was Nan Nan who was shouting and rushing outside. He was not a real assassin. Qianqiu looked at him, and the two children were too. Nothing can happen.

After all, the emperor gave Miao Qianqiu a wink.

  The latter knows, and now he has to bend over and exit the dormitory.

  Who knows outside the sleeping hall at this time, but suddenly came a cold voice from the commander Wei, "The emperor, the assassin has already taken it, please the emperor to decide."

  The assassin caught it? The emperor and Miao Qianqiu shook their hearts at the same time. Could it be that Nan Nan was arrested?


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