The emperor didn’t care about taking a break at the moment, and with a wave of his sleeves, he sat back again.

   then raised his voice, "Bring people in."

   "Yes." Commander Wei's voice was respectful and straightforward. As soon as Miao Qianqiu opened the door, he grabbed a cowering figure and walked in and knelt down under the man.

"The emperor, this man was sneaky at the gate of Yixing Palace, with a dagger and poison hidden in his body. The minister saw him behave suspiciously and immediately took it down. Who knows that this servant not only fought fiercely, but also stabbed the guard with a dagger and prepared He seized the door and fled, but was caught by the minister on the spot."

When the emperor saw that this person was not Nan Nan and Ye Lan Sheng, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Hearing what Wei Commander said, his expression instantly became serious and cold, "Who are you who dare to commit murder in Yixing Palace."

"The emperor, the emperor, the slave does not, the slave does not." The **** was tied with his hands, and his whole body was suppressed by the commander Wei. He voiced aggrieved defense, "The slave was just passing by Yixing Palace, and only then heard someone yelling assassin, slave. When I was nervous, I saw someone coming to catch the minion, and the minion stabbed the guard in a panic. The emperor, the minion is really not an assassin."

  Miao Qianqiu was taken aback, only to feel that the sound was familiar. After thinking about it, he didn't remember where he heard it.

   "No? Then how do you explain the dagger and poison on your body?" The emperor snorted coldly, and kicked the person over with his foot.

  The **** suddenly fell backward, revealing his entire face.

  Miao Qianqiu glanced at it, and was shocked immediately, and hurriedly approached the emperor’s ear and said, “The emperor, this is the father-in-law Ke who served in the courtyard of Shengshizi.”

  Gong Gong? The emperor twisted his brows and his expression became even more cold.

"It seems that you really have a bad intention. When you served Lan Sheng, you used to be ill-intentioned. Now you appear in Yixing Palace and carry poison and daggers. I think you are really impatient to live. Commander Wei, take it down and die. ."

   "Yes." Wei Commander lifted up the kneeling father-in-law.

Unexpectedly, Grandpa Ke didn’t know where the strength suddenly came from, and he knocked Wei Commander away at the same time. Then he knelt in front of Concubine Meng with a'Puff Tong', crying in tears, "The concubine, help me, the concubine, help me. I, the minion doesn’t want to die yet, madam, you see, because the minion is doing his best to help you, please help the minion to intercede."

Concubine Meng was stunned for a moment. She was originally just watching with cold eyes. She suddenly rushed in front of her when she wanted to get this slave, and she took two steps back in surprise.

But the next moment, I heard him cry out in such a bleak anger, and sullenly shouted, "What nonsense are you talking about? My palace doesn't know you at all. When do you want you to come and serve you with all your heart? Daggers and poisons appeared in the Yixing Palace in this palace. This palace is already the greatest kindness without asking you about your sins, and you dare to say nothing."

"Emperor concubine, how can you say that concubine concubine? The slave silently helped you do so many things. There is no credit and hard work. For the sake of the slave's many years of loyalty, please spare the slave's life." At her feet, her voice was firm and clear.

  The emperor frowned slightly, and looked at Concubine Meng in confusion.

   Commander Wei was shocked, and immediately accused him, "Subordinates damn, then subordinates will drag him out."

   After that, he stepped forward and pressed Gonggong Ke out.

Grandpa Ke still reluctantly yelled, knocked **** the ground, and desperately hooked the pillar on the side with his feet, and refused to go, "Noble concubine, you can't be so merciless to the slave. This dagger was not given to the slave by you. Did you give the poison too? You hate the empress and the empress against you, so you let the minion poison Shengshizi's food. The minion knows that it is not good to do things, and it arouses the emperor's suspicion, so that he wants to lose his merits. You said that the emperor started investigating the poisoning of the son of Sheng. In order to prevent the emperor from finding the head of the empress, he simply poisoned the seventh prince. This can also divert the emperor’s attention. Empress, these things are not all you let the minions do. ?"

  Sweat broke out on Wei Commander's forehead. He didn't expect that the minion would make such a great effort and shout so loudly that everyone outside could hear it. Anxious in his heart, he hurriedly covered his mouth, and dragged him out of the door with force.

  The imperial concubine Meng was trembling with anger. Seeing the emperor’s silence, she knelt on the ground. At almost the same time, tears filled his eyes, "The emperor, there is no concubine, that slave is framing his concubine. Harting is the son of a concubine. Which mother will poison his son? The emperor, no matter how cruel the concubines are, they won't let their son lie on the bed in such a bleak condition."

  The emperor pursed his lips, then stretched out his hand to help her up, "Well, how can I not believe you? I won't listen to the one-sided words of the minion, get up."

  It’s just that, although he said this way, his tone was much calmer than the original.

  The minion’s words are indeed flawed everywhere, and the traces of the frame are too obvious. But the words in the middle have to be thought-provoking.

  Son? Yes, Harting is the son of Concubine Meng, but what about Xiu'er? Concubine Meng was very indifferent to Xiu'er.

  Furthermore, yesterday’s assassin incident was gone in the end. It seems that no assassin has ever come in in this palace. Everything is just the scheme of the noble concubine.

Concubine Meng's heart was itchy with anger. She knew that she was caught off guard by being killed. Someone took advantage of the poisoning of the Seventh Prince, and took the opportunity to slap her viciously while she was not thinking about other things.

  Very good, the woman in the harem began to move around again.

   Soon there was the sound of Grandpa Ke being dragged out and covering his mouth with a stick, but the people outside still heard a lot of his yelling words.

  Naturally, it also includes Nannan and Ye Lansheng who are hiding under the steps.

  In the end, Grandpa Ke had served Ye Lansheng for many days. For these two years, he had been alone in that small courtyard, and only Grandpa Ke would occasionally talk to him.

  Now that he really verified that he was the murderer who poisoned himself, Ye Lansheng was not uncomfortable.

"Xiao Shengsheng, don't be sad, don't worry, I will be good to you in the future." Nan Nan patted him on the shoulder, comforted him in a low voice, and then sneered, "But this father-in-law Ke is really true, too. It’s all at the end, and I have to frame this or something Menggui concubine.

   "Framed?" Ye Lansheng was taken aback.

Nan Nan glanced at him, "You don't think what he said is true? How can anyone who is loyal to his master confess his master when he died? You don't understand such a simple truth?"

   Ye Lansheng's mouth twitched, yes, but his thoughts were complicated.

  "Okay, don’t worry about that father-in-law. Now just as everyone’s attention is not here, let’s go look for the seventh prince or something. Let’s look for it from the house on the left."


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