Nannan said, pulling Ye Lansheng to stand up cautiously, and walk to the small house on the left.

  When I got to the first room, my fingertips got a little saliva in my mouth, and he slowly pierced the window paper, and his dribbling grape-like eyes looked inside.

  It's just that it's dark inside, it doesn't look like someone lives at all.

   Nan Nan shook his head, and then took Ye Lansheng and walked quietly to the second room.

  Ye Lancheng's mind was still a bit hazy, but he couldn't return to his senses, especially when the news that Grandpa Ke was killed by the rod came outside, he was in a trance for a moment. If it weren't for Nan Nan to pull him, Ye Lansheng would almost fall down.

   However, such a staggering made him come back to his senses.

Looking back at Nan Nan's behavior, he quickly pulled him, coughing lightly, and said with some hindsight, "Nan Nan, these small houses are all places where people live or eat and put sundries. Uncle Qi will not The people who live here... Nannan? Nan..."

   "Shhh." Nan Nan suddenly covered his mouth and squatted down, his eyes full of horror.

  Ye Lansheng saw that something was wrong with him, so he hurriedly lowered his voice, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong? What happened?"

  Nan Nan tilted his head, feeling as if he had just misread it. After a pause, he quietly got up again, probing his neck and looking into the hole he had poked.

  A moment later, he squatted down again.

  Ye Lansheng was taken aback by his series of actions, and she became nervous when she grabbed her fingers.

   "South, South, what's wrong?"

"Xiao Shengsheng, I just saw my Uncle Shen just now." Nan Nan frowned. He really saw Shen Ying just now. The first time he thought he had read it wrong, he looked back and looked again. The person tied to the shelf is really Uncle Shen.

  But, isn’t Uncle Shen by Daddy’s side? How come you are here, besides, you are still tied up.

   Could it be that he was caught by someone? Well, does that dad know?

  Ye Lansheng had question marks after another, "Uncle Shen? Who is it?"

   "It's Dad... it's the guard next to Uncle Ye, very good."

   Ye Lansheng was startled, "Are you talking about my fifth uncle?"

   "Well, I was tied to a shelf, as if I had been abused." Nan Nan sat on the ground, scratched his head, and began to think about it. Was arrested, Uncle Shen's martial arts is so good, he was actually caught.

  What will he do? Tell daddy out of the palace? Or go in and save people by yourself? Or tell the emperor directly and let the emperor let him go.

  After all, there are still two people guarding in the house.

   Ye Lansheng stared in surprise, Wu Shu's guard was tied here? But isn't the fifth uncle the son of Concubine Meng? Why did Concubine Meng arrest Wushu's guard?

  Two children sitting on the ground at the same time, one thinking about how to save people, the other thinking about the intricate relationship between them.

  Half an hour passed, even after the emperor had finished handling the following matters in the concubine Meng's bedroom, the two of them still sat on the ground in the same posture, motionless.

  The corners of the emperor’s mouth twitched, thinking about Nan Nan and Ye Lansheng, who hadn’t made any noise, it was really hard to understand the careful thinking of the two children. Didn’t you say you want to save Harting? Now that long time has passed, there is no movement from Harting, and there is no news from the two of them in the yard outside. Maybe it is time to go back.

  Meng Guifei sat quietly, although her eyelids were a little sleepy, she still worked hard to cheer up. She has been with the emperor for so many years, the emperor’s mind is still a little bit guessed, knowing that he must be the other party, the **** has cared about what the **** said. At this time, she had better be quiet and quiet. Can eliminate the emperor's suspicion.

  The emperor was a little worried and beckoned to let Father Miao go out and have a look.

  Miao Qianqiu went out and went to the dark corner again. After hearing the words of the dark guard, his complexion instantly became colorful and wonderful.

  Can he tell the emperor truthfully that the two little dolls are sitting under the room on the left, thinking about the problem?

  Can he tell the emperor truthfully that it will take them half an hour to sit without moving?

  Can he tell the emperor truthfully, the two of them have forgotten the purpose of coming here?

   Miao Qianqiu turned around with some bitterness, walked back to the emperor's side, repeating the words of the dark guard. The corners of the emperor's mouth were tight, and he stood up abruptly.

   After a while, he turned his head and said lowly to Concubine Meng, “Since the assassin has been caught, the concubine can rest early. I remember that there are still things that have not been dealt with, so I will go back first.”

  The imperial concubine Meng blessed her body slightly, but did not retain her. "The concubine sent the emperor to the emperor."

  The emperor nodded, turned around and went out.

  I just waited until I walked out of the Yixing Palace, and my annoyance was blown slightly by the cool night breeze, and it was blown away for the most part. In the end, he was still a little worried and told Miao Qianqiu, "Qianqiu, you let people watch the two children well, if nothing happens. If they are discovered by the imperial concubine, let the secret guard come out and say that it is me. I want to see them and bring them back."

   "Yes, the minion understands."

  The emperor was relieved, and let people carry him away.

Concubine Meng stared at the further and further back, her eyebrows were slightly twisted, her expression disappeared, "Flying pigeon, what did Miao Qianqiu just leave the bedroom for?"

   "Return to Niang Niang, Gong Gong Miao just went to the small door next to the dormitory, he should have met the emperor's secret guard." Compared to Jian Xiang, Fei Ge is a court lady who doesn't know how to skill at her side.

Concubine Meng nodded, "Did you hear what they said?"

  Flying pigeon immediately knelt down, "The minion deserves to die, the secret guard is not low, and the minion dare not go too close."

   "Get up, this palace is a little tired, stare at it outside."

   "Yes." Jian Xiang and Fei Ge nodded, and then looked at each other, serving the concubine Meng to go to bed, then blew out the candle and quietly retreated.

  The emperor is gone, and Concubine Meng also rests. Although the guards are still waiting to guard against the assassins, the atmosphere is obviously not as tense as before.

After sitting for so long, Nan Nan finally felt his legs numb and his whole body was stiff, and his face twisted to the ground.

  Ye Lansheng suddenly recovered, and then found that her whole body was sore, as if she had been tortured.

Nan Nan moved on the ground twice like a caterpillar, and when he was relieved, he exhaled, staring at Ye Lansheng with bright eyes, and whispered, "Xiao Shengsheng, I finally decided."

   "What to decide?"

  Nannan gripped his claws, very righteous and awe-inspiring, "I decided to rescue Uncle Shen personally."

  Only in this way, can he show how capable Yu Qingnan he is, and can make my mother admire him with admiration.


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