Save, save, save the person inside?

  Ye Lansheng widened her eyes, and hurriedly grabbed his ready to move body, and whispered, “Nannan, this is the Yixing Palace, the palace of the imperial concubine, and many people are guarding it. We are only two of us. How can we save it?”

  Don’t say that he didn’t have the slightest effort, even if the two really succeeded in saving the person, how to get out is still a problem. It's impossible, it's impossible to call the assassin again.

Nan Nan pressed her pink lips and blinked at him with a smile, "Well, it's on me. I don't have any other skills. It's not a problem to let two people down quietly." ."

  As he said, the detective fiddled with his bag for a while, then took out a thin bamboo tube from it after a while.

   Ye Lansheng stared at him curiously, and saw Nan Nan put a silver needle in the bamboo tube with the thick little finger. Then, he slowly reached into the paper hole poked out by him.

  Ye Lansheng stared at him, his heart thumped and thumped, swallowing drool and looked at him without daring to blink.

Nan Nan held the bamboo tube in his mouth, glanced at the two guards who were sitting and standing in the room, hesitated, and pointed at the sitting person.

   "Hush", very subtle, and the needle quickly sank into the arm of the person sitting in the corner.

The man frowned, snorted low, looked down at the silver needle sticking in his arm, his pupils shrank, and hurriedly stood up, "No, the assassin is still there." It's just that as soon as he finished speaking, The person has passed out.

The other person was taken aback and looked around in a hurry. However, it was still a step too late. Another silver needle fell into his thigh. His body shook, and he fell down with a bang. On the ground.

  Shen Ying, who had closed his eyes and relaxed and took a rest, changed his face, turned his head swiftly, and looked around the room sharply. However, after the two guards fell, there was no movement.

  He began to feel anxious, and the corners of his mouth tightened. There are open and secret fights everywhere in this palace. It is definitely not accidental that someone broke into the Yixing Palace, nor is the assassin incident happened. Shen Ying is now beginning to worry that someone in the palace wants his life, so that the prince and the concubine Meng can completely tear their faces.

  If this is the case, the consequences can be serious.

Nan Nan under the window didn't know that Uncle Shen in his mouth had already had some conspiracy theories in his heart. He just saw that he had put the two men down. He breathed a sigh of relief and touched the sweat on his face. At last I was smart and witty, and the two of them passed out."

  Ye Lansheng wiped his sweat from the side, and couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his mouth. It has nothing to do with your smartness and kindness.

  Nannan put the things away, and when no one was paying attention, he carefully opened the window at the back, and then pushed Ye Lansheng a hand, "Xiao Shengsheng, you can quickly climb in."

   "Who?" Shen Ying heard the voice coming from behind, and shouted alertly, but he was **** and couldn't turn his head back, and couldn't tell who the person was.

Nan Nan ignored him, he was pushing Ye Lansheng's ass.

  For things like climbing windows...not in line with his status, Ye Lansheng is really doing it for the first time, and it is inevitable that he is a little clumsy. However, this window has to be crawled lightly and lightly, not making any noises, lest all the people from Yixing Palace are brought in.

   Nan Nan pushed him again, and it took a long time for Ye Lansheng to crawl in with great effort.

   Then he turned around and stretched out his hand to pull Nan Nan in.

  Who knows that Nan Nan waved his hand and said simply, "No need, go and cut the rope of my Uncle Shen." After that, he handed him a small dagger very kindly.

  Ye Lansheng is right to think about it. Nan Nan has kung fu, so after admonishing him, he walked towards Shen Ying.

  When the little man stood in front of Shen Ying, he was surprised to find that the person who had sneaked into the house...just a child.

  Ye Lansheng didn't speak, but tiptoe and cut the rope on Shen Ying's wrist with a knife.

  The shackles on Shen Ying's body were loosened, and people also relaxed a little, and then asked in a low voice, "Who are you? Why are you saving me?"

"Um, it's not that I want to save you, it's Nannan, Nan... Huh, Nannan? Why haven't you come in yet?" Ye Lansheng turned his head, originally wanted to point to the window, where he knew that there was no half of a person there. . Strange, why didn't Nan Nan come in?

  As soon as Shen Ying heard Nan Nan, his eyes lit up instantly, and he couldn't wait for Ye Lansheng to say more, and hurriedly walked to the window in two steps.

   peeked out, isn’t this the lovely and beautiful Nannan of their prince? The little guy is raising his head and holding out his hand with a smile, "Uncle Shen, I'm relatively short and can't climb up. You hurry up and hug me in."

   Ye Lansheng, who came from behind, almost planted forward. He thought that he let him come in because he was sure of his skills, feelings, and feelings because he couldn’t get in at all. He was calculated by Nan Nan again.

  Shen Ying was overjoyed and hugged him in as soon as he bent over.

   "Nannan, why are you here?"

As soon as Nan Nan landed, he shook his hands, and then shook his feet. He was full of energy, and then quietly said, "I'm here to save you." As he said, he walked to the two guards who had fainted. He touched his toes slightly, and said contemptuously, "The two are so useless. The guards here have never found me and Xiao Shengsheng."

  Shen Ying is helpless, why are the two of them useless. It's just that there was a spread of catching assassins in the courtyard before, and their attention was all on the assassins. Later, when the assassins caught them, they relaxed. Who knows that they just relax like this and they are recruited.

  "Nannan, how did you get here? Do you know what place it is?"

Nan Nan nodded affirmatively, "I know, I also know you are tied here, Uncle Shen, Nan Nan still loves you very much, look, don’t you come to rescue you right away? Okay, take advantage It's still early, let's go quickly."

   "I can't go." Shen Ying was helpless. He thought that someone wanted to harm him, but he didn't expect it to be this little guy.

   Nan Nan felt that his heart was hurt, and looked at him unhappy, "Why?"

If Uncle Shen doesn’t leave, then how can he tell everyone about his great achievements, how his mother would know his selflessness, how can others believe that Nan Nan can fight blood in the bones of the guards and guards everywhere, regardless of life and death. Uncle Shen rescued?

  Then he had been thinking under the window for so long, even his legs were numb and his body became stiff. Isn’t these sins in vain?


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