Out of the palace? Out of the palace! ! ! !

  Nannan actually wants to go out of the palace?

  This, this, how is this possible? The emperor would definitely not agree.

   "Nannan, the palace, you can't just tell it." Ye Lansheng has a feeling that his heart has been re-trained recently.

Nan Nan turned his head and glanced at him, then after thinking about it, he looked at him again after a while.

  Ye Lansheng was terrified by him, and only felt that he had some horrible idea to hit him.

  After a while, Nan Nan nodded seriously and agreed, "You are right. If you can't say it, just go out."

  Ye Lansheng breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, although Nan Nan is small and occasionally messes around, he still knows these big things. He understands that he can rest assured, let go... Don't worry, listen to what he said next?

“I’m sure there’s no problem when I go out, but you, although I read a lot of books, I don’t know how to run, and I can’t run fast, so I’ll be bullied. No, I still have to exercise a little bit. Well, let’s do it, anyway. There is still time, Xiao Shengsheng, let me teach you a little bit of basic skills. At the very least, you must know how to defend yourself, right?"

  "..." Ye Lansheng had all the urges to cry. He knew that things were not so simple and easy to solve. Nan Nan's thinking mode was different from his, and his thinking was definitely not on the same level as Nan Nan's thinking.

  Kung Fu? Nan Nan actually wants to teach him kung fu?

  Ye Lansheng only feels that the first two are big, and he still wants to try to persuade him to give up his plan to leave the palace. After all, the Four Nations Tournament is about to begin. The opponents they will face are very strong. Although he has read a lot of books and knows a lot, he is still worried when facing opponents in other countries.

  As for Nan Nan, he has never seen him prepare for the Four Nations Competition, so he should study hard.

   "Nan-Nan, let's prepare first... Uh, where are you taking me, Nan-Nan?"

  Ye Lansheng hadn't finished speaking yet, Nan Nan had already pulled her hand and ran to a fake stone more than two meters high in the courtyard.

  Nannan’s strength has always been great, and Ye Lansheng had a few bumps before finally catching up with him. When he stopped, Nan Nan had already let go of his hand, and crouched up strangely.

   "Come on, Xiao Shengsheng, you follow me." The south and south face the fake stone, with the legs apart in a semi-squatting posture, with both hands clenched into fists and placed on the waist, with a serious and tense expression.

  Ye Lansheng swallowed, and the corners of her mouth twitched, "Nan Nan, this is not the point, we still need to discuss the issue of not leaving the palace."

   "Come on, punch, and be strong. Like this, drink..." Nannan's ability to automatically filter has always been very strong, and Ye Lansheng said that he could not hear what he said. Ye Lansheng didn't say a few words, he already shook his fist quickly at the stone in front of him, and then...

   "Nannan, what's the matter with you?" Ye Lansheng originally wanted to talk about it, but when he looked up, he saw his distorted expression, frozen there motionless.

   "..." Nan Nan bulged her cheeks, speechless.

   "Nannan, your face is so strange."


   "Nannan, are you uncomfortable?"


  "South South..."

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts me to death." Nan Nan finally had a reaction, his head clicked and twisted, and his unconscious fist slowly closed back. Then he shook his hand in front of Ye Lansheng very very aggrieved, followed by holding his hands and started rolling, crying and crying.

The hidden guards almost didn't fall out. They were originally interested in witnessing Nan Nan's unique skills. After all, the Lu family's unique kung fu, this little guy is good, and it is normal to have other martial arts. Where would you think of... He would actually hit the rock with his fist, and after a punch, he would roll in pain.

Ye Lansheng was taken aback, and quickly grabbed his hand and took a close look. He saw that there were indeed traces of broken skin on his fist, and immediately exasperated, "Why did you really hit the stone with your hand? And I was hitting so hard and it was bleeding."

   After that, he quickly turned his head and called the court lady **** in the yard. There was a crash, and the small deserted yard suddenly became lively. The court lady **** hurriedly hugged Nan Nan back to the house, some people went to fetch water and others went to find ointment.

  There was an **** who was wondering whether to call an imperial doctor, but then he thought about a **** who had worn out a little and called an imperial doctor. Would it be too fussy? When the time comes, it will arouse the suspicion and attention of other palace masters, and it will be no good to cause trouble for no reason.

  Nannan’s pain only lasted for a while, and when the maid wiped the back of his hand with hot water and wiped off the cool ointment, he sat aside with tears and sighed.

   "Hey, I have recently neglected to practice qigong. I have eaten a lot, and the stones can't be split into two."

  The corner of the dark guard's mouth twitched fiercely, blowing, and you continued to blow, such a big stone, even if they were they, they didn't have the ability to split it in half.

  Ye Lansheng carefully wrapped his hand with gauze on the side. Nan Nan looked at it and frowned in disgust and removed the bandage.

   "Don't tie this, it's ugly."

   Ye Lansheng ignored him and continued to wrap him up twice. Seeing that Nan Nan was really resisting it, he reluctantly stopped.

  At this moment, Father Miao’s voice came from the door, “The emperor, please go slowly.” His voice rose slightly, as if it was deliberately heard by Ye Lansheng and Nan Nan.

  Nan Nan immediately rolled the strap twice and put it into his sleeve. Ye Lansheng tidied up his clothes, and when the door opened, he immediately knelt down and said, "Lan Sheng greets the emperor's grandfather."

   "Huh." The emperor snorted coldly, then turned around and strode to the middle of the seat and sat down, "I can't stand your courtesy."

  Ye Lansheng slammed in his heart, and cold sweat came out. The emperor said this, indicating that the matter was very serious. He didn't dare to get up right now, but lowered his head and said in a low voice, "Lan Sheng upset Grandpa Emperor, please forgive me."

As soon as Miao Qianqiu entered the door, he hurriedly sent all the court ladies and eunuchs out of the house, and then closed the door. Then, stepping on small steps, he cautiously stood by the emperor's side, looking at the two kneeling down with some worry. child.

  Nan Nan just lowered his head, but said nothing, but Ye Lansheng's cold sweat became even worse.

The emperor sneered again, and swept all the books on the table to the ground.

   "What books are you reading, huh? Tell me, what does this book teach you? Where have you learned your rules and etiquette?"


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