The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 182: Strike while the iron is hot

  Ye Lancheng was shocked. He had never seen the emperor so angry in front of him. He felt anxious, and even more afraid to speak.

  Miao Qianqiu looked a little unbearable, wanted to persuade but didn't know how to speak.

  It was Nannan, still indifferent, but when he heard the emperor scold Ye Lansheng, it was very uncomfortable in his heart, and his brows wrinkled and became unhappy.

   "The emperor, Xiao Shengsheng is a very good student, you can't scold him, he didn't make any mistakes."

  Miao Qianqiu just wanted to sigh, ancestor, don't add fuel to the fire.

  "Can't scold him?" The emperor sneered, "I went to the imperial concubine's palace in the middle of the night and yelled for the assassin, which caused panic in the palace.

  Nannan was startled, the emperor knew about this? Oops, don't they hide it well enough?

   "Nothing to say?" The emperor snorted coldly. He really angered him last night. How could anyone interrupt him while he was in high spirits? Even if this child is Xiu'er's son, he is too lawless.

  "Do you know the consequences of what you did? Do you know that this is to blame? Do you also want to be locked up in a cell and never see the sun?"

   "I don't know." Nan Nan raised his head and replied very simply.

  The emperor was so angry that he almost vomited blood, and Miao Qianqiu beside him wanted to kneel down for him.

Ye Lansheng was startled, and quickly pulled Nannan, and then he slapped his head heavily at the emperor, "Grandpa Emperor, it’s Lan Cheng that’s not right. Lan Cheng has been in this yard for a long time, and the queen mother lifted Lan Cheng this morning. After the ban on the foot, Lan Sheng couldn’t help but want to leave the yard for a walk, and then he pulled Nan Nan out. But Lan Sheng didn’t go out for a long time, and he couldn’t remember the road in the palace. I didn’t know the way, so I accidentally walked to Yixing Palace. Grandpa Huang, all the consequences are borne by Lan Sheng alone. Nannan is still young and I don’t know the rules of the palace. Please don’t blame him."

   "Is that true?" The emperor didn't believe what he said. Although he didn't have much contact with Ye Lancheng, he still knew his temperament in the past few times. He can stay in this yard for two years without contact with outsiders. It shows that he is a person with great patience. How can he be overwhelmed at this knot?

   From his point of view, it was clearly the little monkey that Nan Nan provokeed, and he would die with so many ghosts.

   "Since you want to take the responsibility, then I will punish you..."

   "Wait a minute." Nan Nanzheng moved Xiao Shengsheng's selflessness... Ah, that's not right, it was the noble feelings of bravery to do justice to friends. Who knew that before he was moved, he heard the emperor say punishment and hurriedly yelled out.

  The emperor raised his eyebrows, "Why, what else do you have to say?"

   Ye Lansheng gave a low voice, "Nannan, stop talking."

   "The emperor, there is actually something inside about this matter."

   "Tell me." He wanted to hear, what else could he make up.

Nan Nan pursed his lips and moisturized his throat. Then he nodded and said seriously, "The emperor, in fact, we went out of this yard not because Xiao Shengsheng wanted to go out for fun. It was because we saw Grandpa Ke, the emperor. You also know that Xiao Shengsheng was poisoned, right? Grandpa Ke's suspicion is very big, right. Then, of course we have doubts in our hearts when we see his behavior so sneaky, and then we have been following him all the time. The result is incredible. , That Lord Ke went to the palace of the imperial concubine. Although, I don’t know the imperial concubine, but we know that the emperor is there. We think that Mr. Ke will be disadvantageous to the emperor."

  The emperor wanted to laugh very much, but he was clever, and even knew how to use Father Ke’s existence to justify himself.

"So, the emperor, we are worried that you will be hurt. But we are all children, Xiao Shengsheng also said that his status in the palace is not high, no one will believe him, even if there is a problem with Gong Gong , Will definitely be treated as a kid’s joke. We think about it, think about it, and finally think of a wonderful idea. Then we shouted that there is an assassin. Look, the effect is very good, right? That Ke The father-in-law also showed his feet because he was too nervous, and was caught by the emperor."

  Miao Qianqiu's mouth is open, is this also possible? This child... really deserves to be the son of Lord Xiu.

  Ye Lan swallowed, and quietly went to see the emperor’s expression, only to find that the anger on the emperor’s face had disappeared. She seemed to be satisfied with Nan Nan’s words, and he was slightly relieved.

The emperor was not satisfied with Nan Nan's excuses, he was satisfied with the sensitivity of the child. Grandpa Ke is dead, and his appearance is an accident to any of them. However, this child can think of using him to justify himself in a short time. It is very good. He is indeed a very smart grandson.

Nan Nan seemed to be afraid that the emperor would not believe it, and handed the bandaged hand that I didn’t know when to re-wrap it quietly. "The emperor, you see, we were discovered by Grandpa Ke last night, my My little hands are hurt."

  The emperor was surprised and injured? Why did no one tell him about this?

He didn't even care about teaching the two children by holding the shelf. He hurried forward to live with his messy little hands, with a serious expression. He turned around and shouted at Miao Qianqiu, "What's the matter? This child is injured, the whole yard Are all the minions here dead? Wouldn't you call the imperial physician?"

  Miao Qianqiu was shocked. He didn't even know Nan Nan would be injured. Seeing that the bandage was thickly wrapped, it seemed to be quite serious. He immediately turned around to go out to call the imperial physician, and Nan Nan was called back by Nan Nan before he stepped outside.

"You don't need to call an imperial doctor. I have already applied the ointment. In fact, it is not a big injury, so the emperor shouldn't bother the emperor. I am a man, and a man is a man with a bit of injury." A joke, if the imperial doctor sees When it arrives, doesn't the emperor know that his injury is just a little bit?

  The emperor frowned and turned to look at Ye Lansheng. The latter nodded, indicating that the wound was indeed not serious.

  The emperor was relieved, and changed his mind. That's right, the injury on the back of the child's hand could not be caused by Grandpa Ke. It is estimated that he accidentally bumped into it.

Seeing that the emperor's face improved, Nannan immediately hit the snake and followed it with a stick, and said with a smile, "The emperor, you believe what I said."

   "Hmm." Can he not believe it? Even if you don't believe it, you can't really do anything to them.

  Come here today, the original intention is to scare them two, let them pay attention to the scale, after all, this is the palace, so don’t cause too much trouble.

  But Nan Nan didn't think so. He thought that the emperor was happy, and he had to say something while he was hot.


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