Thinking of this, Nan Nan smiled and couldn't even see the slit in his eyes.

   "The emperor, that's why Xiao Shengsheng and I have no fault, but also merit, right?"

  The emperor figured out his cautious thinking, it is estimated that he will be rewarded again. He raised his sleeves and sat back in his position again. The emperor's posture was undoubtedly revealed, "Let's talk, what reward do you want?"

  Miao Qianqiu felt that this situation was changing very quickly. The emperor came to Xingshi to ask the guilt the moment before, but the next moment he will have to reward him. How can he exercise his little heart like this?

   Nan Nan held his hands, and said pitifully, "The emperor, you look down on me too much. Am I the kind of person who only wants rewards?"

   "Then what do you want to do?" Don't reward? The emperor squinted his eyes, feeling that Nan Nan's next request might be even more difficult.

   "I want the emperor to give me and Xiao Shengsheng a chance to do meritorious service again." Nan Nan said it was iron-clad and heroic.

   Ye Lansheng twisted his eyebrows, and a bad feeling began to emerge in his heart again. He had an illusion that Nan Nan seemed to talk to the emperor about leaving the palace.

  The emperor was taken aback, a chance to do meritorious service again? Is there any credit waiting for him to stand?

   "How does this work?"

  Nannan said very carefully, "I need to go out of the palace with Xiao Shengsheng to stand up."

   "..." Ye Lansheng stroked his forehead secretly, and he knew it.

  Miao Qianqiu's heart slammed up. It doesn't work, it won't work. Where Nan Nan is there, his heart beats once, it is really overwhelming. This little guy is so courageous, it is not enough to make trouble in the palace, and he wants to take Sheng Shizi out of the palace to play.

  Sure enough, the emperor snorted when he heard the words, "You are talking about what needs you two to go out of the palace to do?" It was too wild, too wild.

   "The emperor, I heard that there is a ghost doctor in the palace, right?"


Nan Nan shook his head and sighed, "But do you know the emperor? That ghost doctor is fake, and the real ghost doctor doesn't look like him."

   "What did you say?" The emperor stood up suddenly, stepped forward and stood in front of Nan Nan again, looking down at the little guy in front of him condescendingly.

  Miao Qianqiu was also shocked, Mr. Shen is not a ghost doctor? Oh my God, if he wasn't, wouldn't the emperor and noble concubine be deceived? Well, if this matter spreads out, how can the royal family's face be preserved.

Nan Nan looked up at the pale-faced emperor, and repeated it with certainty, "I have seen a ghost doctor, that Mr. Shen is really not a ghost doctor, I can prove that he is a fake, but this You must go out of the palace."

  The emperor's expression was condensed, and his heart was furious.

  What a Mr. Shen, did a lie to the palace? No wonder he couldn't solve the poison in Xiu'er, and he couldn't solve the poison in the seventh prince. However, Emperor Liang also said that Mr. Shen's medical skills are indeed excellent, and his medical knowledge is even more abundant than that of the current head of the Taiyuan Hospital. He knows many cases of medicinal materials that even the imperial doctor does not know.

  However, Nan Nan should not lie about this kind of thing.

  The emperor frowned, looked at Nan Nan with a serious face, and became silent.

  Miao Qianqiu looked at the emperor nervously, secretly saying that this is really a big deal. If everyone from outside knows about this, where will the emperor's face be placed in the future?

  The emperor sat back silently, his face fell into deep silence, his eyes staring forward and he didn't know what he was looking at.

  Nan Nan blinked and wanted to urge him, but he felt that he would give the emperor time to digest, so he should wait.

  Ye Lansheng looked around, but did not speak.

The whole room was quiet and terrible for a moment, and the atmosphere was tense and cold. Miao Qianqiu trembled all over, walked to the emperor's side in small steps, and suggested lowly in his ear, "The emperor, do you want to catch Mr. Shen? Severe torture? If the situation is true, it is the crime of deceiving the king."

  The emperor frowned. Indeed, if the situation is true, it is the crime of deceiving the emperor. But if he was really a ghost doctor, wouldn't he wrongly killed a doctor with superb medical skills?

   "This person can't be killed yet." The emperor suddenly straightened the corner of his mouth, and slowly spit out a word.

  Miao Qianqiu was taken aback, and then he realized that the terrible Mr. Shen promised to test his medical skills in a restaurant a few days later. If he was suddenly killed by the emperor, and became an unknown teacher, he would surely arouse people's discussion. When the time comes, under the impetus of those who are interested, the royal family will inevitably lose face.

  But, but if Mr. Shen really didn't know that the sky was high and the earth was thick, and he lost to a girl who appeared inexplicably, that would be extremely embarrassing.

  Otherwise, let Lord Xiu talk to the girl and mention that the girl lost?

  Cough, I’m afraid it won’t work. If this is the case, the prince Xiu will apologize in public. With the prince’s temper, he will definitely not be happy.

   "Emperor, how can that be good?"

  The emperor squinted his eyes, then glanced at Nan Nan, who had quietly reached the table to eat the cakes, but there was a smile in his eyes.

   "Perhaps, knowing that Mr. Shen is not a ghost doctor at this time is a good thing." He had a headache on how to solve this problem. After all, Mr. Shen couldn't lose, but Xiu'er couldn't really apologize in front of everyone. It's better now, and gave him a way to get the best of both worlds.

   "Huh?" Miao Qianqiu was puzzled, how did it become a good thing?

  The emperor’s hand gently tapped on the table top, and the sound of ‘knocking’ was extremely crisp.

Nan Nan was shocked, thinking that his act of stealing food was discovered, and hurriedly swallowed the cakes from his mouth, so that his throat was uncomfortable with a dry mouth and almost died of breath, before he clenched his fist and slammed himself hard. A few clicks on his chest.

   Ye Lansheng saw this, but ignored the emperor's presence, and hurriedly poured him a glass of water for him to drink. Seeing his face slowly returning to normal, he whispered, "Nannan, Grandpa Emperor is here, can't you eat it after a while?"

  Nan Nan's tears are about to come out, and the aggrieved look is very pitiful. Ye Lancheng couldn't bear to blame him anymore, so she could only close her mouth and gently pat his back.

  The emperor's forehead twitched without a trace, his eyes passed over his body, his expression was very speechless.

  Nan Nan immediately removed his eyes and looked at the beam above his head. He said that he had done nothing bad or nothing.

  The emperor has been thinking about it for so long, why hasn't he decided not to let him go out of the palace.

  In order to prevent himself from appearing guilty, Nan Nan immediately acted first to be stronger, “My lord, can Xiao Shengsheng and I go out of the palace?


  Ye Lansheng was startled, and raised her head in shock. Grandpa Huang agreed? Grandpa Huang actually agreed to let the two of them out of the palace?

  Nan Nan immediately raised his arms and exclaimed, "Great."

   "However, I have a condition." The emperor laughed inexplicably, "I want to be alone and take you out of the palace. You two must listen to that person and not act without authorization."


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