Four days later, Yueming Restaurant.

  Since early in the morning, all the places up and down the front door and the back door of the restaurant are full of people. Although the imperial capital is different from Jiangcheng, there are many people who have seen the world. Although the ghost doctor is very mysterious, it makes people want to feast their eyes, but it is not so necessary.

  However, this incident included more than just ghost doctors. The parties involved also included the right-hand face of the entire imperial capital, as well as Lord Xiu, who has just returned to the imperial capital and has become a hot topic.

   These two people are both young talents, and they are also the pillars of the country that the emperor highly regards, and they are the objects of countless girls in the entire imperial capital. Therefore, the appeal of the two of them alone has provoked countless people to rush in.

   What’s more, the relatives of the emperor and the princes, such as the prince and third princes, who wanted to see Ye Xiu alone make a fool of themselves, have also booked a box to find a good location to see and witness this rare match.

  There are princes here, and those noble officials can't wait to squeeze in. There are even a lot of people who come to see the excitement from the neighboring cities in the suburbs, and there are also many medical doctors who want to come to learn and experience.

  The shopkeeper of Yueming Restaurant's chin almost fell to the ground with a smile. He hurriedly asked for temporary helpers outside the restaurant, and his salary was doubled.

  In an instant, on this street in front of Yueming Restaurant, people came and yelled loudly, and the scene was unprecedentedly lively.

  Even the Xingsheng Medical Center is temporarily closed and closed, all providing a good place to watch for those who are too late to enter the restaurant.

  Mr. Shen was escorted in by the proud guards of the Weiyuan Hou Mansion in such a sensational environment. Glancing at the environment in the restaurant, he lazily said to the shopkeeper, "Let you prepare the room, are you ready?"

  The shopkeeper hurriedly nodded and flattered back, “Ready, everything is ready, Mr. Shen can rest in it first. It’s still early now, I will immediately ask Xiao Er to prepare delicate food for Mr. Shen to bring it over.”

   "En." Mr. Shen nodded, his eyebrows raised slightly, and he just glanced at him, he looked very arrogant.

  The third prince who came early on the second floor and the others couldn’t help but poked their heads out, looked at Mr. Shen carefully for a while, and couldn’t help but sneered, “That’s the ghost doctor?”

"It looks a bit like that posture, but who knows? We haven't seen a ghost doctor, how do you know what he looks like?" The four princes seemed a little dissatisfied. He won, even if he is not a ghost doctor, he can only be a ghost doctor. Who dares to say nothing about the ghost doctor recognized by the royal family?"

   "What if you lose?"

The fourth prince laughed loudly, "Can he afford to lose? If he loses, don't say he has no face, even the concubine Meng will not let him go. There will be only one end, but I think , He is less likely to lose. I have inquired that Mr. Shen’s medical skills are a bit more powerful than the current head of our hospital. Such a person will lose to a young man who doesn’t know where he came from. Girl? That Yu Zuolin is bold enough to provoke the imperial concubine."

"If you want to say bold, it's our fifth brother." The third prince couldn't help mocking. "Fighting with his mother and concubine, I don't know what he is thinking about. Although Concubine Meng is always harsh on him, but After all, it's a mother and son, so if you can't come to stage for your mother and concubine, don't you want to completely tear your face with Concubine Meng?"

  Several princes laughed, this is really the scene they want to see.

"Anyway, no matter what the outcome is, we just have to look at the jokes. Mr. Shen loses, and Meng Guifei can't spare him, but also definitely can't spare Ye Xiu Duo. If Mr. Shen wins, Ye Xiu Duo is still right. I apologize to him in front of us. But I think Mr. Shen is unlikely to lose, so we all wait to see Ye Xiudu's jokes. Hahahaha." The third prince’s temperament is a bit like Ye Lanwei, said As he spoke, he became excited and slapped the table fiercely.

"I don't think this is necessarily true." The sixth prince who had been silent on the side, took a sip of tea and suddenly opened his mouth, interrupting the heated discussion between the brothers. When their eyes were focused, he Then he said with a smile, "Although Mr. Shen's medical skills are better than the chief of the hospital, the head of the hospital today is nothing more than a dim-eyed old man. He is very different from the previous head of the hospital. This Mr. Shen wants to The medical skills are so good, why can't it solve the poison of Ye Haoting and the poison of Ye Xiu alone?"

  The three princes looked at each other, nodded but felt that he made sense, but these were not important, the important thing was...

   "In short, it's the night cultivation of independence that suffers."

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to him appearing soon. I can't wait. Isn't he pretty arrogant? Except for the guy who doesn't know the sky and the earth, we brothers were turned away from seeing him. Today I want to see how crazy he is."

  The sixth prince was taken aback, turned his head and looked downstairs, and suddenly said strangely, "Speaking of Lao Ba, how can I not see him in such a lively today? Doesn't he like to go to these places?"

   "Yeah, I haven't seen him now, don't you plan to come alone with Ye Xiu?"

  The Eighth Prince Ye Haoran, who was remembered by many princes, was standing in front of a very sloppy carriage, silently waiting for the two little kids to finish the street snacks.

After a long while, I asked the coachman next to me for the seventeenth time, "What time is it?"

   "Master, the competition hasn't started yet, we still have time." The coachman was helpless when he was asked, how long does the Eighth Prince want to go to the Yueming Restaurant? He couldn't count silently to a hundred in his heart, and the prince asked again.

  The coachman looked up at the sky, in was really early.

  Ye Haoran really wants to pull her hair, what does the father think? He actually asked him to come out with two little dolls. Isn't Ye Lansheng the prince's son? Wouldn't it be enough to send him to the Prince's Mansion for the Prince to take with him?

  Also, what else is there to accompany you, why are you so courageous? It's nothing more than instructing Ye Lansheng to come and instruct, why dare to arrogantly arrogantly confront him, the prince? Could it be possible that his parents hadn't educate him, was he to beheaded for the following crimes?

  Yes, this child has eaten too much, and his mouth seems to have never stopped. The carriage was less than a mile away from the palace, and he had stopped it more than ten times. The most **** thing, why did he listen to him so much?

  He is the prince, the prince, the dignified eighth prince, he was led by the nose by two children.


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