Ye Haoran was entangled on the side, and the whole person was trapped in a vicious circle of self-denial and self-criticism, very irritable.

  The coachman on the side glanced at him silently, and silently moved two steps to his side, trying to stay away from him as much as possible, so as not to be hurt and innocent.

   "Lan Sheng, it's getting late, we're leaving." Ye Haoran pulled his hair heavily, and finally couldn't help but yell out, telling the two happily playing kids in front of him to get into the carriage.

  Ye Lansheng is very obedient. He was educated in etiquette since he was a child, and he did not dare to be too presumptuous even when he was outside. Had it not been for Nan Nan by his side, he wouldn't even have asked his eighth uncle to stop the carriage.

   Hearing Ye Haoran’s impatient voice, Ye Lansheng quickly stretched out his hand and pulled Nan Nan’s sleeve, and whispered, “Nan Nan, let’s go now, my eighth uncle seems to be angry.”

Nan Nan sighed and made gestures for a long time, and finally found that the hawthorn on the candied haws skewer in her hand was bigger, so she reluctantly returned the slightly smaller candied haws to the black-skinned vendor, and then ...Began to bargain.

  "This eldest brother, you see that I am only so small and I don’t have much money. You can make it cheaper. How about a penny?"

  The small vendor almost squirted out blood. Is this a bit cheaper? He can actually pay back a penny for five cents? The peddler twitched his mouth and looked at Ye Haoran, who was standing not far from them, who was dressed in gorgeous clothes. Then he looked at the two children in front of him who looked like the son of a big family. He shook his head firmly on the spot. No, five cents."

Nan Nan glared at him angrily, "Then how about we all take a step back? Two strings of two pennies, I bought the string that I just returned to you. So you count it, I spent more. If you have a penny, you have to do more business, right. I think you can be considered very kind and will take care of your business and let you go home sooner when it is sold out."

  The small vendor was taken aback, and he was right to spend a penny more, and it was right to do more business by himself. However, something seems to be wrong.

   Ye Lancheng's forehead silently slipped down the three black lines, and Ye Haoran, who had just walked over, couldn't help but feel awkward, almost unable to stand. This kid... is really different. Look at his way of secretly changing concepts, it's really amazing.

   But, it’s really embarrassing. His dignified eighth prince is actually spending time here for a few pennies, if it is passed out, where will his face be put.

Ye Haoran silently stretched out her hand in her arms, silently took out the small silver ingot, and handed it to the vendor very calmly, "Okay, we bought the candied gourd." After saying that, he made a call to Ye Lansheng. With a wink, he hurriedly took the accompaniment by his side and left.

  But such an ingot of silver was handed over to the peddler from under Nan Nan’s eyelids, why would he be willing? When I jumped three feet high, I took the silver directly into my arms, and then handed the five cents to the hawker, saying, "Five cents, no need to look for it."

  The little hand moved up and down, and the little body jumped up and down. The movements were simple, clear, and quick. It was only a momentary opportunity. The hawker had no time to rejoice, and the money in his hand was gone.

  He stared at Nan Nan, squeezing the five cents in his hand. So stingy, too stingy, how come the children of rich people are so stingy? Don't need to find five pennies? There is no need to find this money.

  Ye Haoran didn't want to stay anymore, seeing that he had bought candied haws, he hurriedly got into the carriage with one person and one collar. It wasn't until he threw them in that he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and felt that the task was heavy.

  The things that the emperor father entrusted him to do were really not that simple.

  The carriage grumbled and started to move forward. Ye Haoran looked at the little **** while shaking his head while licking the sugar candied haws. There was no shame in using the silver for his own use, and his face suddenly became distorted.

   Ye Lansheng saw that his face was not right, and quickly persuaded the people around him in a low voice, “Nannan, you can return the money to your eighth uncle.”

  噗... Ye Haoran turned her head silently, does he care about the silver? Does his dignified eighth prince care about that little silver? It's a joke. What he cares about is dignity, the dignity of the royal family, and being so ignorant, ignorant, contempt, and contempt by a little accompany, where is the royal dignity and status?

Nan Nan licked his tongue, and the whole mouth was sticky. In addition to the scallion pancakes, roasted sweet potato fried dumplings, rice noodles, glutinous rice cakes and small fruits, the corners of his mouth were already sticking to it, dark. A piece of care, it looks very funny.

  Ye Lansheng took out the veil and wiped his mouth, Ye Haoran was heartbroken by the natural movement.

   "Lan Sheng, you are the son of the eldest son, and the son of the elder son is the master. How can you wipe your mouth for a escort? What style is this?"

  Ye Lansheng was taken aback, looking at her eighth uncle who was teaching herself with a shelf, a trace of embarrassment flashed on her face, "But, but we are friends, there is no master and servant between friends."

   "But he is indeed yours in name..."

"Oh, uncle, don't you like me and Xiao Shengsheng show affection? If you are lonely and empty, you can find someone to accompany you. I can't help it. Now, the uncle coachman outside is also good. You can go out and talk to him about love." Nan Nan thinks this person is nagging, he has to take care of what he eats, he has to pay for it, he has to stop, and now Lian Xiao Shengsheng wipes his mouth. You have to manage too, it's just a housekeeper, no, the housekeeper.

  He just said, don’t let people follow, so he won’t even be free, and it’s so painful.

   "..." Ye Lansheng almost rolled from behind the carriage.

   "..." Ye Haoran glared at him and pulled off the cloth on the edge of the car as he lost control.

  "..." Outside, the coachman who was still driving the carriage calmly, the rein in his hand was shook out of shape by him, and the horse seemed to feel his anxiety and began to sway violently from side to side.

  In the entire carriage, there was only Nan Nan. After speaking, he casually bit down the second class candied haws, smashed it, smashed his mouth, and closed his sweet eyes.

  Ye Haoran turned her head silently, took a deep breath in silence, and turned her head silently when her breathing became smooth and her voice became normal. Unexpectedly, before he had time to speak, Nan Nan opened the curtain again, staring at the shop outside yelling for noodles with bright eyes.

  Ye Haoran took a sigh of relief, no, absolutely not let him get out of the car. If this delay continues, it will be dark until Yueming Restaurant.

  He immediately made a decisive decision, lifted the driving curtain and looked at the coachman outside.


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