The coachman was trying his best to control the direction, feeling the scorching sight coming from behind him coldly, his body stiffened, he turned his head in fear, and met Ye Haoran's appearance, and asked tremblingly, "Eight, eighth princes, what's wrong ?"

  Ye Haoran moved forward half a position, murmured a few words in his ear, and then sat back in the carriage again under the constant nodding of the coachman.

  When I turned around, I saw two little guys who looked at him curiously.

   Ye Haoran didn’t know why, an inexplicable guilty conscience surged up, and he swallowed and asked, “What are you staring at this king for?”

Nan Nan didn’t respond, but pulled Ye Lansheng’s sleeves beside him, and whispered, “Xiao Shengsheng, your eighth uncle really went to show off with the coachman. I was right. He kissed the coachman. Uncle's ears." Fortunately, he turned his head back in time, otherwise such a classic picture would have been missed.



   is like a bolt from the blue, are you blind to see his loved ones’ ears? Ye Haoran silently clutched his chest, leaned against the edge of the carriage, closed his eyes and calmed his breath.

   "I didn't kiss him, I was just explaining something to the driver."

"You explained it, my mother said, the explanation is to cover up." Nan Nan waved his hand very angrily, "Don't worry, I won't spread the things between you, but you have to give us a little bit. The hush fee. Well, it doesn’t matter if Xiao Shengsheng’s share is given to me. Anyway, Xiao Shengsheng’s things are mine, and mine are still mine."

  Ye Haoran said that he was about to lose his blood and died out of anger. Where did this strange child come from, and why did his father let him take them out? It was a kind of torture to him, know?

  Ye Lansheng probably saw that Ye Haoran was very angry, so she quickly covered Nan Nan’s mouth to prevent him from continuing to speak unobtrusively, lest her eighth uncle would throw them both out in a fit of anger.

   "Uncle Eighth, haha, don't be angry, we are just joking." Now they are all outside, and they can't be found back if they are left behind, so Uncle Eighth must never offend, absolutely not.

  Ye Xiudu's words to Ye Lansheng are quite useful. In order to prevent himself from being read by the little accompaniment to the soundproof road, he nodded and stopped talking.

  Nannan opened Ye Lansheng's hand, wiped his mouth, and then started eating candied haws again. Forget it, he will treat Xiao Shengsheng as a face, stop talking, let's eat.

  However, after only taking two bites, he suddenly thought of the smell he had smelled when he lifted the curtains when he drove the car. His eyes lit up again, and he quickly reopened the car window and looked out.

But from this point of view, his whole person is not good. Where is the street full of lively people and snacks. This place is remote and deserted. Although the road is quite wide, there is no one on this road. Not to mention the fragrant food.

  This place is wrong, don’t you want to go to a restaurant? This place is more like a small jungle with rare human traces.

Nan Nan squinted his eyes and immediately stared at Ye Haoran and stood on guard, "Say, are you planning to take us to a secluded place and kill us? Or see that we two are smart, handsome, handsome, handsome, handsome He is so chic, so I plan to sell it to others to make a lot of money? Oh, oh, no wonder I just took out the silver without blinking my eyes. It turned out to be a long line to catch a big fish."

   Ye Haoran simply admired him. When he said this, he could still come up with so many idioms to praise himself seriously. Is he really serious?

   Ye Lansheng blinked in surprise, "Nan Nan what are you talking about?"

  "Don’t be afraid, Xiao Shengsheng, I will protect you. If he does anything wrong with you, I must beat him into a pig’s head, and I don’t even know his parents."

   "Uh, Nannan, Eighth Uncle will not do anything to us." This was the Emperor's Grandpa instructed the Eighth Uncle to take them out. How could the Eighth Uncle be against them?

Nannan hates iron for not making steel, "Xiao Shengsheng, don't be too naive, look outside, we were all taken to unknown places. He clearly said that he took us to those restaurants, but This place doesn't even have a personal picture, so how can there be a restaurant?"

  Ye Lansheng was taken aback, opened the curtain, and was really shocked. This place is sparsely populated, and the surrounding area is full of tall and straight trees, not even a person can see.

  Weird, why did the eighth uncle bring them here?

Ye Haoran really didn't want to explain this question, but seeing the appearance of these two little guys being so guarded, he cleared his throat, set up his own vision and image as an uncle, and whispered, "That's it. , Our time is running out. This road is relatively close to Yueming Restaurant, so this king just asked the coachman to change the road and take this road."

The coachman driving the carriage outside twitched his mouth. The Eighth Prince was obviously afraid that he would go on to the street. The little **** would ask to stop and buy food from time to time, and then pick and choose and bargain. Yes, this delay continues, I am afraid that when they arrive, the restaurant over there should be gone.

  So in order to save time, the Eighth Lords simply asked him to take a detour and walk to the remote forest road, so that he couldn't meet anyone, so naturally he didn't need to stop to buy things. Who said that the distance was a little farther, but the Eighth Prince felt that it was worth it.

Nan Nan didn't believe Ye Haoran's words, and stared at him suspiciously with slanted eyes. "Huh, do you think I am a hillbilly who has never seen the world or traveled far away?... Oh, Xiao Shengsheng, I didn't say what you meant."

   "..." Ye Lansheng's face was dark. If he didn't explain, it would be okay. Once he explained, he really felt like there was no silver in this place.

Nan Nan lifted his chin, stood up and put his hands in a defensive posture, "This road is a special way to buy and sell handsome children like me. You are lying to me."

  Ye Haoran wants to beat the ground, can he knock the child out, anyway, it is a little accomplice, it shouldn’t be a problem for him to faint and disable a little accompany, right?

  Ye Haoran was thinking so viciously in her heart, and suddenly there was the sound of a carriage from behind, gurgling fast, until she rushed towards them.

   With a "bang", the carriage seemed to be out of control and a little unstoppable, and the horse staggered and rammed straight towards them.

  Fortunately, the coachman is so experienced and hastily controlled the direction of the carriage, so that he won’t hit it.

   But this is the case, the car still brushed the side, making a heavy impact, hitting the sawdust and flying.

Nan Nan was standing in the carriage at the moment. The car was tilted and twisted so that the small body suddenly couldn't stand, and turned around, seeing that he was about to hit Ye Lansheng, Nan Nan hurriedly turned over, but his body could not be controlled. , The whole body flew fiercely out of the car window...


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