Ye Lansheng yelled anxiously, "Nannan..."

  It was too late for Nan Nan to control it anymore. He only felt that his chest was very painful, hot and sharp, and his whole body had been separated from the car window and planted outside.

  The coachman hurriedly wanted to stop the carriage, but this stall could not be controlled, and the cold sweat had soaked his entire back in an instant.

  Ye Lansheng wanted to save Nan Nan, so he stretched out half of his body with both hands. Unexpectedly, there was a sudden pull from behind, and then the whole person was pulled back into the carriage, followed by a figure leaping out quickly, holding Nan Nan's small body, and falling to the ground with a'bang'. The weed rolled twice on the ground where it was reborn before it stopped.

   "How are you?" As soon as he stopped, Ye Haoran looked down at the little guy in his arms, panting slightly.

  Nan Nan blinked and shook his head, just about to talk. He heard the sound of horses' hoofs again. Ye Hao suddenly raised his head, and saw three or four horses rushing from behind. The people on the horse were all covered with black cloth and their eyes were sharp. A few people didn’t even look at Ye Haoran and them. , The knife in his hand has been slashed towards their heads.

   Ye Haoran's face changed drastically, and she flew up suddenly holding Nan Nan, grabbing the tree trunk on the side with both hands and stepping up.

  The black-clothed men seemed to be taken aback, one of them didn't give up, and wanted to cut at them. But he was stopped by another person who seemed to be the leader, "Don't cause trouble."

  The man paused, slammed the horse's stomach, no longer looked at Ye Haoran, and quickly followed.

  Ye Haoran frowned slightly and looked in the direction where they left for a while. Then he hugged Nan Nan and flew down, hugged him into the carriage again, and carefully checked whether he had any damage.

   "Is there anything?"

Nan Nan shook his head. The life and death line just now seemed to have no effect on him. The little guy stood up angrily, pointed at the people who were riding away and yelled, "What are they doing one by one, they actually want my life." What hate or resentment between me and them? I have never grabbed their money nor spit at them. I just rushed so fast on my horse, and even hacked us to death. Is it human? Is it human? Is it a human?"

   Ye Haoran still has some lingering fears at this moment, afraid that this little guy will be frightened, but he did not expect him to react like this now.

  He stroked his forehead helplessly and looked in the direction of his fingers. The carriage that hit them before was gone, and the backs of the horses chasing them gradually disappeared from their sight.

   pursed his lips, he said thoughtfully, "Those horses, I’m afraid they were chasing and killing the carriage in front of them."

Nan Nan's cursing sound stopped abruptly, and he blinked and made a deep look, "Well, actually I think so too. That's why they just wanted to chop us down because of our carriage and the previous one. Like, they admitted wrong, and after seeing it clearly, they immediately stopped, right?"

   Ye Haoran almost didn't rush in a mouthful of blood, their carriages looked very alike? What are you kidding? Whose carriage is like theirs... coquettish?

  They did not admit their mistakes, they wanted to kill people.

  It's just that they didn't expect that he would be able to martial arts. He didn't kill him in one move, and he had a mission. They had to give up first.

  I don’t know who the people in the carriage in front are, but they are really brave enough to provoke these people to be fierce at the feet of the emperor.

  Ye Haoran glanced at the direction they were going again, and twisted his eyebrows slightly.

  It’s just that he didn’t know that the person sitting in that car at the moment was Yu Zuolinhe...Yu Qingluo.

Since Yu Qingluo was the one who Yu Zuolin found, she naturally followed Yu Zuolin to the Yueming Restaurant. Even if Ye Xiu was unwilling in every possible way, there was nothing he could do.

  I just didn’t expect that they had just come out of Yufu. Someone attacked them and forced the carriage to lose control and ran to such a secluded place that was easier for people to deal with.

  Yu Zuorin was originally riding a horse to lead the way on a horse outside, but because the carriage turned around, he could only follow along. Encountered a siege on the road, the horse under his seat had been chopped off the road, and now he had to enter the carriage, his expression condensed and calmed down.

   "Young girl, you are frightened. Don't worry, even if I fight this life today, Yu Zuo Lin will protect the young girl."

Yu Qingluo nodded, her fingers tightened slightly, and she grasped her already tense body with a trembling pleasing hand. The veil on her face floated gently with the sway of the carriage, but there was no panic in her eyes. It's all about the trust in Zuo.

   "I believe in Master Yu's ability. It's just that they are crowded, and each of them carries a murder weapon. Master Yu wants to protect the two of us by himself, so be careful."

  Yu Zuorin gave him a confident smile, although in his heart he actually didn't care whether Yuexin was alive or dead, and even felt that if necessary, he should push this girl out to block it. It's just that since Yu Qingluo said so, he couldn't say anything else, but from time to time he looked at the people who were chasing and killing him.

  Yuexin was so frightened that she was sweating coldly. She had always kept herself in the house in the presence of diligent servants. When did she encounter such a scene of shouting, screaming, and killing? Fortunately, the young lady was so calm, otherwise she really didn't know what to do.

The three or four people behind were getting closer and closer. Yu Qingluo’s carriage was already out of control, and now it was even more unlikely that they could be their opponents solo. After a while, the carriage stopped and was caught. Individuals are surrounded by groups.

  Yu Qingluo was not worried, but just stared at the scene outside the carriage.

  As for Zuorin, she is not as calm as her performance.

  The car stopped, and the people in black gave them no time to react, and they rushed towards the carriage.

  The knife flashed in a cold light, and the trembling coachman outside had already swallowed, and the whole person turned over from the carriage.

   "Ah..." Yue Xin screamed in fright, but for that matter, she still shook her body in front of Yu Qingluo, swallowing with red eyes.

   Seeing the knife slash in front of her, she shrank her neck in fright and closed her eyes.

   With a "chong", the scabbard flew out, blocking the knife in front of Yue Xin. When Yu Zuolin turned around, he shouted to Yuexin, "Take the young girl out of the car and ride out of here." As he said, the man had already rushed out and fought against the black-clothed assassin in front of him.

   "Huh?" Yue Xin was stunned. Before she recovered, Yu Qingluo calmly took her hand and jumped off the carriage while the sword was deflected.

  It's just that as soon as their legs landed, other assassins surrounded them, and the situation was more tense than ever.


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