The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 197: It's all your fault

  Ye Haoran was still a little depressed. He was only thinking about walking the forest road, so he could avoid the delicious snacks, and he could avoid the time wasting by asking the little **** to stop the carriage and eat food again and again.

  Who knew that walking the forest road would encounter such a horrible incident, even if the carriage collided, and the people in black wanted to kill people, and they didn’t have the demeanor of soiling their clothes.

  But what happened when the wheel was hit and crooked and rolled over after two steps? What is going on when the horse is frightened and refuses to leave when the car is repaired and ready to go on the road? Waiting for the horse to be soothed, what is going on with a big rock blocking the way after walking a few steps?

  Calculate, time seems to be more urgent, okay?

  Unexpectedly, there was a little **** reader who had been thinking about it after he knew his intentions, and he kept talking about it forever without paying attention to the identity of his prince.

"Are you really a prince? Why are you so stupid, to prevent me from eating something that is easy for criminal gangs to commit crimes. Look, something has happened, it's not a small thing, delay It’s a longer time, your wishful thinking is completely broken. Will you count it? Idiots know that with two such beautiful and criminal children must walk on the lively street, this way It’s safe. Hey, don’t you just don’t want me to eat? You can tell me directly, am I like a bear boy who is so unreasonable and unreasonable? Obviously not."

  Nannan shook his head and then again, feeling that staying with this person would definitely affect IQ.

  "Eight Lords, it’s not that I like to talk about you, but you are too unwise, and you think you are so smart that no one can match. Tell me, tell me you are so unreliable, how do you marry a wife in the future?"

  Ye Lansheng wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, and tried to go to Lannan several times, but in the end he still put his hands back, and then silently looked out the car window.

  The blue veins in Ye Haoran’s forehead have already begun to jump frantically. After a long time, he smiled and raised his head, "I said the little escort, have you forgotten something?"

   "What's the matter?" Nan Nan was suddenly interrupted when he spoke, and his expression closed, making him very unhappy.

"When you fell out of the carriage just now, it seemed that I was rushing out to save you in spite of my life. When the man in black slashed at us with a knife just now, it seemed that I was holding you and dodged at the very moment of my hair. , You haven’t said thank you to me until now, and you still have reason to keep accusing me?” This little guy who doesn’t know what’s good or bad, wait, wait until he finishes the things that the emperor has given today, and definitely clean him up. .

  Don’t think that others are small and short, and he will be merciful to let him go.

  Nan Nan blinked, looking dazed, "Is there anything like this?"

  Ye Haoran narrowed his eyes, staring at the top of his head dangerously, "Do you want me to try again for you?"

"That's not necessary." Nan Nan shook his head firmly, moved to the side of Ye Lansheng, and then said loudly and confidently, "You are ashamed to say that if you didn't have to go this way, we would meet Are these messy things? Count it all, it's all your fault."

  "..." Ye Haoran felt speechless.

  Ye Lansheng finally couldn't help but laughed out with a ‘poof’. After being stared fiercely by Ye Haoran, he hurriedly covered his mouth and turned his head to look outside the car window.

  Looking at it, he was shocked that his entire pupils began to enlarge.

   Immediately, the groom's voice came from outside, "Eight Lords, there are blood stains on the ground."

   "Blood stains?" Ye Haoran looked away, and finally stopped staring at Nan Nan Da, his eyes condensed, and he drove the curtain to look outside.

  There is still no one in this place, and the whole road looks strange and quiet. Ye Haoran looked around and found that there was nothing wrong with it except for the blood on the ground.

  "Eight Lords..." The coachman's voice was very low, and he felt a little worried. It was clear that it was daylight and the sun was shining brightly, but he felt that the wind and wind were blowing and it was very scary.

  "Go ahead and don't stop." Ye Haoran stared at the movement on the road cautiously, turned around and told Ye Lansheng and Nan Nan to sit down and hold the car door carefully to prevent accidents.

"These bloodstains should have been left by the previous carriage and the men in black. They should have fought here, but... whether it was a carriage or a horse, or even those few people, it seemed that they were gone. Ye Haoran finds it very strange. If the men in black won, then it was the people in the carriage that had the problem.

   But with the four of them, how could they erase the traces of the fight in such a short period of time, even the carriage was gone.

  If the person in the carriage is slightly better, it is impossible to handle it so cleanly.

  Is it possible that there is a third party in this place? is it possible?

  Ye Haoran raised her head and looked around, but found no signs of anyone.

  However, Peng Ying, who was lying in the luxuriant branches at this moment, saw the wagon with a sloppy bag speeding up. He also didn't expect that someone would pass by this place so quickly. However, when Ye Haoran's head came out, he breathed a sigh of relief. After the carriage left, he quickly jumped off the tree and went straight. Swipe in the direction of Xiuwang Mansion.

  The carriage went all the way, Ye Haoran looked back at the casual Nan Nan, thinking of what he said. Indeed, Lin Dao didn't seem to be safe today. He also took his two children and waited until the next intersection and walked down the street.

  Ye Haoran thought, and said something lowly to the driver.

  Not long after, the carriage turned a corner and walked back into the street again.

  As for the things that happened on the road, Ye Haoran thought that he didn't want to make trouble, so he just treated it as...I didn't see it, just leave him alone.

  As soon as Nan Nan heard the lively shouting from outside, she immediately became vigorous again, opened the curtains and looked out, and her saliva began to swallow vigorously again.

   Ye Haoran's mouth twitched, causing the driver to speed up.

  Fortunately, Yueming Restaurant is not far from here, and Nannan will not be able to think about the situation anymore.

   "Xiao Shengsheng, that thing looks so delicious, let's get off the car and buy it."

  Ye Haoran suddenly patted his forehead, he really wanted to choke this little companion to death.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed Nan Nan's head out of the window. "What to buy? We are already at the Yueming restaurant. We have to hurry in. Look, there are so many people around here. , The competition will definitely start."

here we go? Nan Nan's pupils lit up, thinking about the person who dared to pretend to be his mother, he was ambitious immediately and even forgot to eat, and hurriedly yelled into the restaurant.

  Ye Haoran hugged the two children down, and then he walked them inside.

  Just two steps away, I heard an argument from the side, “That girl hasn’t come yet, maybe she didn’t dare to come.”


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