The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 198: Look at the face of the world

Still not here?

  Ye Haoran’s steps came to a halt for a moment, her ears were sharply erected, and the crowd outside the restaurant was talking there.

   "Yes, the time for this appointment is about to start. She hasn't shown up yet. The ghost doctor has been sitting in the box and waiting. If the girl doesn't come, I see things hanging up."

"No? Not only the girl didn't come, even the Lord Xiu and Master Yu were not there. You said, could it be the girl who didn't want to come over, didn't dare to come, Lord Xiu and Lord Yu couldn't afford to be ashamed of this face, and she was simply not here. Doesn't show up?"

"Nonsense." Someone reprimanded, "If the dignified princes and soldiers of the military department were really afraid, they wouldn't have put those conditions aside. You see, you just came here, he is so calm and leisurely. There is definitely no problem with a confident look. I am more confident in the right-hand perspective, maybe that girl can win."

  Compared to ghost doctors, in the imperial capital, the right-hands are obviously more prestigious than him, and there are still many people who support the right-hands to win.

   Ye Haoran raised her eyebrows, but the fifth brother didn’t come?

  He doesn’t believe that Brother Fifth is afraid of anything. Fifth Brother’s personality has always been arrogant, and he is not even afraid of his father, let alone such a small battle. He felt that the fifth brother hadn't appeared yet, and there was definitely some conspiracy.

  Ye Haoran lightly lit his head, strode into the entrance specially separated by the shopkeeper of the restaurant, and walked towards the second floor in a graceful manner.

  Eight Lords have always liked to join in the fun in the game world, so for the people in the restaurant, Ye Haoran’s face is still very familiar.

  He came so late, but it made the shopkeeper a little surprised. He hurriedly greeted him and showed him the way with a smile, "Eight princes, please here, according to your wishes, I have left you the No. 8 wing."

  The shopkeeper took two steps forward, and suddenly found two little tails behind the Eighth Prince. The corners of his mouth twitched, and he looked at him curiously.

  Ye Lansheng looks like an old Chen, walking steadily without squinting, and showing imperial demeanor between gestures.

  But Nan Nan next to him is different. The look around him looks like a monkey that can never stop, he has to jump around when he walks, which is very funny.

  Ye Haoran wanted to stun him directly and then take him back, and finally endured it, but still endured it.

  It was his figure that immediately attracted several princes who were originally in the wing on the second floor, as well as...the prince.

Prince    just glanced at Ye Haoran, then looked at Ye Lansheng who was following him in shock, the cup in his hand was a bit unable to hold. He almost subconsciously rushed out of the wing and asked carefully if this was the son he hadn't seen in a long time.

Just when he rushed to the door, he was stopped by the housekeeper who came with him, "The prince is safe, not restless, the prince is coming with the eighth prince, and it must be safe. The competition here is about to begin, the prince is better off. After watching the competition first, the old slave immediately went to invite the Eighth Prince to come over."

The prince    was startled slightly, then nodded pretentiously, and sat back again.

  As for the princes in the other wing rooms, he couldn't help but be surprised at this moment. This child, who has been kept in the palace forever, has not only regained the emperor’s attention now, but now allows him to go out with the eight princes. What is the emperor thinking?

  The thoughts of the princes turned a thousand times in an instant, and their thoughts followed them several times. Then I immediately thought of Ye Xiudu’s last time helping Ye Lansheng to drink away their children. Now Ye Haoran, who had been acquainted with Ye Xiudu, took him out again. It's hardly possible that Ye Xiudu plans to form a relationship with the prince One faction?

  Thinking of this possibility, a few people couldn't help but curl their eyebrows. Although the prince is not a climate, but Ye Xiu Duan is the least to be ignored among the princes. Not to mention that he himself has the ability to inherit the great lineage, even the emperor has a great preference for him.

  But, didn’t you just hear that the prince came out of the Palace of Xiu in a very embarrassed manner a few days ago?

  Ye Xiu's mind, what is going on?

  A few people are thinking complicated here. Ye Haoran over there has already brought two little guys into the wing, opened the window and looked at the crowded hall downstairs.

At this moment, a wing room on the second floor was suddenly opened. Mr. Shen took the guard of the Weiyuan Hou Mansion behind him and walked arrogantly to the middle, and said, "The time for the test will be right away. It's coming, but it seems that everyone hasn't arrived yet."

The guard behind him immediately echoed, “I’m probably afraid. After all, our ghost doctors are also well-known doctors in the world. How can they be compared to the kind of rural doctors? It is estimated that as soon as we hear our ghost doctor’s name, You don't dare to see anyone in hiding."

"Yes, I said it was done at the beginning. If the time comes, if the person does not show up, even if you give up. Lord Xiu, Youxiang and Master Yu, we must apologize to Mr. Shen, and accompany him in public. ."

  Speaking, the guard also looked in the direction of the ion sail intentionally or unintentionally.

  Since Ion Sail is a notary, naturally he sits in the hall. He was still sitting in the previous position, still drinking the original tea, the smile on his mouth was still faint, very gentle.

"Isn't the time yet? Mr. Shen, what are you anxious about?" The right phase said, and the crowd's talking voices immediately choked off automatically. No one said a word anymore, as if they only needed a little bit. If you raise your voice a little, you won’t be able to hear the pleasant sound of the right phase.

  Ion Sail is still dressed in white, sitting there gracefully and freely, his complexion is calm, and there is no sign of anxiety.

  Nan Nan’s eyes were bright while looking at the window, “That right-hand image is so young, so beautiful. Hey, I used to think that right-hand image is a big bad guy who doesn’t discriminate between right and wrong.”

  He remembered that day when Chen Jixin's mother and daughter were driving the right-phase carriage on the street and nearly hurt him. At that time, Nan Nan's impression of the right-phase was as bad as the soles of his feet.

   But today, seeing him fighting against the fake ghost doctor and looking good again, Nan Nan felt that he must be a good person.

  This face-seeing world...

  Ye Lansheng also poked his head out, and then nodded, “I also think it looks good. He is a completely different type from Wushu, but his aura is also amazing. Look, when he speaks, others will automatically shut up.”

Nan Nan agreed, and then moved his gaze to Mr. Shen over there, and said angrily, "That fake ghost doctor has given me a chance. Now that there are so many people here, I will go down to reveal his true colors. Let him pretend to be my mother's name, it's damned guilty."

  Nan Nan snorted coldly, chuckled and jumped out of the chair by the window.


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