At this moment, Mo Xian hurriedly rang the room where Yu Qingluo diagnosed the two mothers and daughters.

  Wen Tian, ​​who was guarding the door, raised his eyebrows in surprise, "What's the matter with you? So anxious?"

   "Is Miss Jade okay?" Mo Xian was anxious and wanted to open the door directly. She remembered that Miss Jade said that she didn't want to be disturbed when she was treating patients, and she burst into cold sweat for a while.

   Wentian glanced at him strangely, feeling even more strange in his heart.

  The door of the room was opened from the inside at this moment. Yu Qingluo walked out while wiping his sweat. When she saw Mo Xian's appearance, she was slightly startled, "What are you arguing outside the door?"

  She was really exhausted, but fortunately, those two were fine, so the follow-up questions were left to Jiang Yunsheng, and she could finally rest for a while.

  Mo Xian almost cried when she saw her.

   "Jade, girl jade, soon, something happened to Nannan."

  Yuqing fell for a moment, Nannan? problem occurs?

  Her eyebrows were twisted, "Nan Nan is here? Where is it?" Isn't Nan Nan and Ye Xiu alone together? With him, how could something happen to Nan Nan.

  Mo Xian stretched, and for a while, he didn't know how to explain it, so he could only urge, "First, Miss Yu, you will go and see with me first, and explain to you later."

  Yu Qingluo nodded, then turned around and said to Jiang Yunsheng, "I will leave the rest to you, I have something else."

  Jiang Yunsheng smiled, very refreshed, "Okay, the young girl, don't worry, I won't let them have trouble again." I didn't expect to have the opportunity to see the talents of ghost doctors today, and that superb medical skill is simply unheard of before.

  Hey, it’s just that Master was assassinated last time. If he is still alive, he probably hopes to discuss medical techniques with the ghost doctor.

  The smile on Jiang Yunsheng’s face collapsed at the thought of Doctor Ren who was killed by the killer. After watching Yu Qingluo leave, he silently cleaned and bandaged the mother and daughter.

  Yuqing still did not rush or slow down. She still had enough confidence in Ye Xiudu. With him, Nan Nan wouldn't have anything to happen.

But Mo Xian was very anxious, and explained while urging, "Miss Jade, I blame me for this. Nan Nan said he would compete with me and test the situation of recent martial arts training. I didn't hold back for a while and wanted to see how far his martial arts had reached. , And fought him in the wing. I didn't expect to lose control and hurt him for a while. Nan Nan looked painful, listening to him, it seemed that a bone was broken."

  If ordinary bones were broken, Mo Xian wouldn't worry about it, but Nan Nan was so young, a five-year-old child, he really didn't dare to take it lightly. In any case, it is more appropriate to quickly let the genius doctor like Jade take care of her.

  Wen Tian stared at him in surprise, "Mo Xian, you are crazy, you actually compete with Nannan?"

   "I...I just...Oh, I'm so damned." Mo Xian couldn't wait to make a big mouth.

  Bone broken?

  Yuqing paused for a while, and then walked forward casually. He didn't believe that Mo Xian's shot was not serious, and that he would hurt Nan Nan.

   "Where to cultivate independence at night?"

  Mo Xian was startled, and replied in a low voice, "The prince has entered the palace. He told his subordinates to take care of Nan Nan and told Nan Nan to follow Miss Yu these days."

  Yuqing nodded clearly, so that's the case, he just said, with Ye Xiu alone, how could such a thing happen again?

As they spoke, the three of them had already reached the door of the original wing.

  Mo Xian hurriedly opened the door, "Nannan, Miss Jade..."

  His words generally stopped abruptly, standing at the door somewhat dumbfounded.

  People, how about people? Where did the three little guys go?

  Wen Tian pushed him away, walked two steps inside, and looked around, not to mention Nan Nan, even the previous Yu Baoer and Ye Lansheng were gone.

  Yuqing lowered his eyebrows, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes quickly patrolled the whole room.

  Mo Xian rubbed his eyes and hurried in, up and down from the inside to the outside, even under the table and under the stool and on the window sill, but no one showed up.

   "Strange, where are they?"

  Yu Qingluo slowly stepped through the door, snorted softly, and asked, "Mo Xian, you must have been deceived by that little guy."

  "Cheated?" Mo Xian was taken aback, still a little out of condition.

  "You tell me everything from beginning to end, what did he say and do before he challenged you?"

  Mo Xian frowned and thought about it again. Suddenly remembered the appearance of Nannan and the three of them making a fuss about the mysterious secrets of the gods, and I was annoyed. Is it possible that the important thing they discussed was how to lie to him?

After Wen Tian listened to it, he suddenly realized, "Nannan should want to go to other places to play, so I used this method of getting rid of the golden cicada. Last time at Baowang Mansion, the little guy was also mysterious and Ye Lanping at first. Stay alone.” It’s just that the method is different. The last time I prescribed medicine to myself, this time, I just drew Mo Xian directly. There are a lot of spooky ideas for that little thing, do you know some ways you can do it?

   Wentian said, patted Mo Xian's shoulder sympathetically, and sighed, "It seems that you, like me, have been fooled by him."

  Mo Xian was dumbfounded, and then the whole person became irritable.

  He was fooled. He was fooled. He was still fooled by a five-year-old child. It was spread out, and he was so embarrassed to live.


"Miss Yu, Nan Nan branched me away, where did he want to go? He and Sheng Shizi and the others left together. There will be nothing wrong with the three children." Although Nan Nan was not injured, he was somewhat relieved, but After thinking about it, the child's whereabouts are now missing, which is even more maddening.

   Yu Qingluo let out a cold snort, that kid, when he turned around, he must teach him a lesson, and he started to have no scruples again, right, now he is still holding two companions together to cause trouble.

  "Go and ask the second child in the restaurant, the three children will be so eye-catching when they go out, and they will definitely attract attention. Ask them to know which direction Nannan is heading."

   "Yes." Mo Xian and Wen Tian gave each other a glance, and decisively ran out of the wing to find out where they were.

  It’s just that, after hearing the news, the two of them frowned at the same time. Five carriages...five different directions...Nannan, do you really want to play that big?

  The two walked back to the wing room with a sad face, and told Yu Qingluo the result.

The latter raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "It seems that Nan Nan wants to distract the dark guard arranged by the emperor. It's okay, just wait here. Since Nan Nan and Bao'er are leaving separately, then I guess. In a while, Bo'er and the others should be back, and then we will naturally know where they have gone."

  Wen Tian and Mo Xian looked at each other. After a while, they nodded lowly, "Yes."


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