The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 302: Taken from the civil and used in South and South

Nan Nan dangled in the car twice, until she felt that no one was chasing him, and then ordered the coachman to go to the post in Liuyun Country.

  The imperial capital has three post houses, which were originally built specifically for the Four Kingdoms Tournament. Regardless of the State of Flowing Clouds, State of Thrilling Thunder, and the State of Heavenly Rain, which will be coming a day later, they live separately in different post houses.

  After all, the three countries have come here with a huge team, and each country is guarding each other, so it is naturally impossible to arrange them in one place.

  And the post house where the Liuyun country players live is to the southeast of the imperial capital, some distance from the restaurant where Nannan is located.

   So when he finally reached the destination, it was already half an hour later.

  He sent the coachman away, and lay alone in the alley opposite the post building to watch secretly.

Sure enough, the post house is heavily guarded, and it is very rigorous on weekdays. Moreover, the current post house still lives in the prince of the country of Liuyun and others, so naturally it is even more afraid to slack off. There are many people watching the front door and the back door. So, if you want to go in, I'm afraid it will be more difficult than climbing to the sky.

  Nan Nan sat in front of the steps, clutching his head and thinking about it. Slightly narrowed his eyes and stared at the guards, but after pondering for a long time, there was no idea in his heart, so he could only sigh.

  A quarter of an hour later, there was a sudden movement in the post house over there.

   Nan Nan's eyes lit up, and he suddenly raised his head to look over, but he saw a child who looked like him and was thrown out of it. The child looked very embarrassed, covered in blood and run-down, as if he had been abused for days and nights.

  Nan Nan stood up suddenly, twisted her small eyebrows fiercely, and stared at the child tightly at the corner of her mouth.

  Throwing him out were two fierce soldiers, and coming out from behind that soldier was a man over half a hundred years old, dressed in the official uniform of Feng Cangguo, who wanted to be the official entertaining the messenger in this post.

The man stared condescendingly at the child, frowning, and said, "You are really courageous, and you stole something into the post. You can't live or die. People like you were supposed to be dragged out. He was beaten to death with a stick directly. If it weren't for the prince's kindness, your little fortune teller is here. Hurry up and leave, don't show up here, otherwise not only you will die, but your family will die."

  The child lying on the ground moved slightly, and there was still a lot of blood flowing out of his body, which looked very miserable. He was probably beaten severely, and now he can't get up. Upon seeing this, the middle-aged official frowned and waved to let the people around him throw him aside. You can't let such a child stand in front of the post.

   Nan Nan bulged her cheeks, very unhappy in her heart. Without thinking about it, he sprinted away and ran over. Before the two soldiers started, they had carefully helped the child up.

   Then raised his head and gave the middle-aged official a fierce look, and snorted coldly, “You don’t need to do it, I’ll help him pass it, you get out.”

  "You..." The middle-aged official was taken aback, annoyed in his eyes, and a small child dared to be so rude to him.

He just wanted to take the first two steps to teach him a lesson, but suddenly a man with the appearance of an **** ran back and shouted at him, "Master Jade, Master Jade, the thirteenth princes said they wanted to eat the special snacks in this imperial capital. You hurry up and get someone to buy it."

  Nannan was taken aback, and the steps he was walking on came to a halt.

  The official surnamed Yu? Why is it so coincidental, or is it said that the emperor's ‘Jade’ is a common surname and there are many people?

  Nannan was still wondering, the officers and soldiers guarding the post had already come over to drive people. And the middle-aged official called Lord Jade also hurried into the post, thinking that he was going to meet the thirteenth prince.

   Nan Nan snorted coldly, and helped the child who was almost unconscious to walk towards the original alley step by step.

  Wait until the officers and soldiers in those post houses were out of sight, he carefully put him down and asked in a low voice, "Hey, how are you?"

   "Thanks, thank you." The boy was finally sober, raised his eyes and glanced at him, and forced a smile very reluctantly.

  Nan Nan sighed, turned around and turned over the medicine bottle in the bag he carried with him. After going through it for a long time, I reluctantly took out the two porcelain bottles, one with pills and the other with ointment.

  "This one was developed by my mother. You will definitely not lose your life if you eat it. But this ointment can only be applied after the wound on your body is cleaned. Hey, where is your home?"

  The boy was taken aback, his small body trembled, he took the pills he handed over, and hesitantly ate it.

After a while, he replied lowly, "I don't have a home, I'm a beggar. I've been so hungry for these two days that I took advantage of the busy post in these days and there are so many good things to sneak in and steal things. Yes, I didn't expect to be caught."

  No home? Nan Nan was a little embarrassed, holding his head and thinking, where would he send him?

   was thinking, there was a little movement in the post house in front.

  The former Jade-sama walked out again, and briefly explained a few words to a guard on the side, and then let the guard go.

Nan Nan was stunned, and immediately remembered what the **** had said before leaving. Is it possible that the guard is going to buy something for the thirteenth prince?

His eyes lit up for an instant, and then he lowered his head and said to the boy who was leaning on the wall and panting slightly, "You have more serious injuries. There are still hundreds of meters away from the nearest hospital. I definitely can't take it alone. You passed. So, if you stay here, I will find the doctor in the medical clinic to come and rescue you. How about buying something for you to eat by the way?"

  The boy slightly raised his head and was stunned, seeing Nan Nan's eyes sparkling, as if he was looking forward to it.

   However, it seems that he has no right to say no. He has been seriously injured like this, so what else can he do?

   "Okay." The boy just nodded slightly, and fell silent. He is self-aware, and there is no reason for him to ask for a doctor. He doesn't return hope, but wants to wait until he has enough rest before leaving here slowly.

   Nan Nan laughed, then turned and ran away.

  After running a few steps, he silently followed the guard, watching him walking from place to place, and bought some special snacks like Feng Cang Kingdom's Imperial Capital.

  Just when he bought almost ready to go back, all those snacks were inadvertently searched by Nan Nan.

  This is ill-gotten wealth. Take it from the people and use it for the people, Nan Nan thinks so.

  However, what Nan Nan didn't know was that Yu Bao'er, who had already gone far away, was worried about him. After the dark guard left, he immediately asked the coachman to turn around and head straight to the post.


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