Qi Hantian looked over curiously, but Qi Zhan took his hand and said respectfully to him, "Little lord, if you have something important to meet with the prince, you will leave first."

   Looking for the prince brother? Qi Hantian pouted, but he still didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of the prince, so he nodded slightly, and let him go.

  Qizhan hurriedly walked to the Prince's residence with his guards.

  Fortunately, the prince and the thirteenth princes are brothers. They have a good relationship and live next door. So after a while, Qi Zhan was already standing at the door of Qi Hanwei's room, and opened his mouth respectfully, "Prince."

  Qi Hanwei was thinking about what happened to Jinglei Kingdom today. Hearing the sound, he only slightly raised his hand to let him in.

"what's up?"

   "His Royal Highness, the girl who saved the prince and the thirteenth prince in this emperor more than a month ago has appeared."

  Qi Hanwei was taken aback, and sat up on the soft couch suddenly, staring at him with scorching eyes, "Where is she?"

  Qizhan handed over the sign, "This was brought by the guard just now. The person said that their master wants to see the prince, and he is outside the door at this moment."

  "I just arrived in Liuyun Country, and she came. Is it possible that I need help?" Qi Hanwei narrowed his eyes slightly, pondered for a moment, then stood up abruptly, "Go, go out and take a look."

   "Yes." Qi Zhan lowered his head slightly, then followed out.

  He still has a good impression of that girl, he is extraordinary in medical skills, shrewd and thorough, and there is a spirit of spirit in the conversation. At first, I thought that if I met again next time, I must express my gratitude. I didn't expect that it was only a month, so I met again.

  Qi Zhan thought, and found that Qi Hanwei's steps in front were speeding up, he paused, and hurriedly followed.

  However, the two of them had just passed the outside of Qi Hantian’s courtyard, and suddenly heard a ding-ding-kang-kang sound from inside.

  Qi Hanwei was stunned, and immediately turned his heels, and slammed the door of Qi Hantian's room open, frowning, "What happened?"

"Master Jade, what are you doing? You threw all the prince's dim sum on the ground, you deliberately." The sound of praying for the cold weather thunderously came from the house, and the fingers tremblingly pointed at Yu Jian who was kneeling on the ground. Da, furious, "You dare to soil my clothes, you are so bold, so bold."

  Yu Jianda trembled twice, his complexion turned pale for a moment, and his forehead was constantly drenched in cold sweat.

   But this is the case, he still turned his head from time to time to look at Yu Bao'er who was curled up on the ground, and his heart was shocked.

   "What's the matter?" Qi Hanwei stepped into the door, staring at the scene in front of him, his voice was slightly cold.

Qi Hantian jumped and ran up to him on the spot and started to file a complaint, "Brother Prince, I think the emperor of Feng Cang Country is obviously intentional. He even sent such a person to the post house to wait for us, so that he can't do anything well. . Look, now you dare to throw a plate in front of me."

Yu Jianda hurriedly knelt and turned his head, and slammed his head at Qi Hanwei who was standing by the door, "The prince forgive me and go down to the government. It is not intentional to scare the thirteen princes, but this is the government. His son, he will knock the plate over when he is under the official... he is nervous for a while."

  "Your son?" The thirteenth prince was surprised, staring at Yu Jianda up and down in surprise. Then he pointed at Yu Bao'er and shouted, "You said, this person who is going to be unfavorable to this prince is your son?"

   bad for the thirteen princes?

Yu Jianda was even more anxious and pale, and hurriedly shook his head, "The thirteenth prince has misunderstood, Bo'er is young, how can he be against you? He just, just...ah, yes, Bo'er just knows The official is busy at the post house these few days, and he will come here. He just came to find the official."

  Yu Jianda naturally knew that the thirteenth prince had just caught a child outside the door, but he did not expect that the child would be his son who had been missing for many days.

  He is very anxious. Although he doesn't care about Yu Bao'er on weekdays, he is a single pass from his Yu family, so he can't get into trouble anyway.

The thirteen prince snorted coldly, "I'm looking for you?" He pulled Yu Bao'er up and hummed, "Master Jade, what you said is wrong, he pinched the prince's neck and said But looking for a five-year-old child, does Master Cheng Yu also become a five-year-old child?"

  Qi Hanwei frowned, unhappy.

  Yu Jianda took a deep breath and pinched the neck of the thirteenth prince?

  He hurriedly took a few steps forward and shouted at Yu Bao’er, “Bo’er, hurry up and apologize to the thirteenth prince.

Yu Bao'er was beaten a few times, and the corners of her mouth were broken, but she still squinted at the thirteenth prince, turning a deaf ear to Yu Jianda's words, but kept asking, "Where did you hide Nannan? You? Hand him over."

"Master Yu, did you hear that? He didn't come to you at all, so you don't need to offend him. Humph, even spitting at the prince. If I don't kill you today, I won't be called Qi Hantian. ."

Yu Jianda's eyes widened in horror, his body trembled, and he hurriedly shook his head and said, "Thirteenth prince, Bo'er is ill. Really, he is ill. That's why he has no choice but to disrespect the thirteenth prince. The official is not good, the official did not take good care of him, and let him run around."


"Yes, neighbors in the neighborhood know about this. He had a madness since he was a child. The doctor said that although it is not very serious, it will break out from time to time. When he gets mad, he will be chaotic. Really, the lower officials dare not deceive. If the prince doesn't believe it, he can send someone to investigate."

  Qihantian sneered, "Do you think that this is a mess, and the prince needs someone to investigate it?"

   "Enough!" Qi Hanwei snorted coldly, feeling that this whole was a farce, and he had no intention of participating in the act.

But Qi Hantian didn’t hold back and said, “Brother Prince, what is enough? He pinched my neck. I’m so old and my father and queen haven’t pinched my neck. No, since Lord Yu said he was mad, Then I will call the post house doctor to come over and see if he is really mad."

Qi Hanwei snorted coldly, glanced at Yu Jianda who was full of anxiety, twisted his eyebrows, and said in a deep voice, "This prince is going to see a doctor with good medical skills. Since Lord Jade said that Lord Ling is sick, then Please take a look at the doctor. If he is really mad, and he offends Thirteen, then the fight will be fine, but if you are not sick... Master Jade, it is not a wise idea to deceive the prince."

  Yu Jianda was startled, and his heart suddenly choked. Although he knew that Yu Bao'er had indeed gotten mad, he couldn't help being startled when he heard the low voice of the prince for some reason.

  Qi Hanwei laughed, turned and walked towards the gate of the post house.


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