Yu Qingluo had been standing in front of the gate of the post house and waiting for a while, seeing that no one had come out, Wei Wei became a little impatient.

Mo Xian frowned and stared at the guards in front of him. Then he lowered his voice and asked quietly, "Ms. Jade, this prince of Flowing Cloud Nation...Is it possible to admit it?" "

  "They made such a big noise at the Xingsheng Medical Center. If they didn't admit the account, it would be them themselves who would lose face and would not deny it."

  Mo Xian thinks about it, the prince of Liuyun Kingdom is good or bad, and Miss Yu is a ghost doctor. If this account is ruined, the reputation of the entire Liuyun Kingdom will be damaged. It is estimated that it is to put on the prince's airs, let them wait here for a while.

  Mo Xian thought this way, and his heart settled, and he straightened his waist slightly, staring at the gate of the post house like a torch.

  After a while, I saw a gentleman walking towards this side. Behind him, he followed Qi Zhan, who was busy at the Xingsheng Medical Center and almost committed a murder.

  Mo Xian's head lowered slightly, and he reminded in a low voice, "Miss Jade, they are here."

  Yu Qingluo was facing the gate of the post house, staring at Nan Nan, who was twisting his body in the alley with a warning look, trying to come out. When a low voice came from her ears, she quickly condensed the expression on her face, and turned around faintly.

  The guards on both sides looked at the Qihanwei approaching the door, and immediately bowed their heads respectfully, "I have seen Prince Qi."

  Qi Hanwei didn't say a word, his legs were still inside the steps, just raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at the woman in front of him carefully.

  When he passed out into a coma, he just saw her back after being rescued, and now he saw her in the front. According to Qi Zhan, the girl who saved him is young, decisive, and looks delicate and pleasant, completely different from her temperament.

  Looking at it now, it was really a very appropriate description. Just looking at her clear eyes, she felt that the girl's temperament was different from that of an ordinary daughter. There is no gangsterism of quack girls, but it is also different from the squeamish squeamishness of everybody's lady, so people can't help but like it at first glance.

  Yuqing did not say anything, nor did he appear to salute. He just tugged the corners of his mouth slowly, and smiled, "Pray for Prince."

  Qi Hanwei was taken aback, then laughed, turned slightly and said, "Girl, please come in."

  Yu Qingluo generously stepped into the door, facing Qi Hanwei, there was no gesture of humility. Qi Zhan doesn't matter, I've seen Yu Qingluo's attitude last time.

  However, a prayer followed by one side frowned, glanced at her coldly, and his eyes sank.

"This prince heard that the last time I was in Xingsheng Medical Center, if it weren't for the girl's rescue, this prince would have been bad luck." Qi Hanwei walked on her body, turning his head to look at her as he said. "I originally thought that if there is a chance in the future, I must thank you in person. Now this opportunity is here, and if you see the girl today, it is also a destiny."

Yu Qingluo smiled, turned his head and looked at the post house in front of him for a while, then slowly replied, "I didn't expect to meet the prince again soon." The prince of Liuyun Kingdom and Jinglei Kingdom's prince. The regent is really different. One is gentle and polite, the other is violent and arrogant, they are two extremes.

  "The girl is here today, I wonder if there is a place where the prince can help?"

  I could not help but pursed his lips when he heard it from the sidelines. Why should the prince be so polite to a girl who doesn’t even know the etiquette? But because of the grace of life-saving, now that he knows the identity of the prince, he just ran over to ask for benefits? Just give some money to get some benefits.

   "Pray, Prince, I remember that there was a child who looked like he was with the Prince last time, I wonder if he also came to Feng Cang Country this time?" Yu Qingluo slowed down and asked in a low voice.

  Qi Hanwei was a little surprised. He thought that this girl was so anxious to come over, so he must first make a request. He didn't want him to ask to see the thirteen at this moment.

  Qi Hanwei's thoughts were a little overwhelming, unable to understand Yu Qingluo's thoughts, but still smiled and replied, "Does the girl say thirteen? He is here, does the girl want to see?"

   Coincidentally, he originally wanted to take him to the thirteen side to have a look, but he didn't want her to bring it up by himself.

  Yuqing nodded, "Since we met, I will review his pulse again. I hope that the prince will not disagree."

  She just heard Mo Xian say that the prince of Liuyun Kingdom and the thirteenth prince are both the real brothers of the queen, and they have a good relationship. The thirteen prince sometimes behaved nonsense, that is, relying on the prince to support him.

  The prince was rescued by her last time with a teenage child. Only the thirteen princes prayed for the cold from the people who could make the prince so nervous and close to the infection.

Yu Bao'er was arrested by Qi Hantian.

   "The girl is joking. The courtyard of Thirteen is in front. This prince will take you there." Qi Hanwei raised his eyebrows, and then winked at Qi Zhan.

There are still two people in Qi Hantian’s house. Although he originally wanted Yu Qingluo to see if there is any madness for that Bao'er, he can’t watch with people tied up, Yu Jianda at this moment. Kneeling on the ground. What is said here is also in Feng Cang Country, this is really not good when it spreads out.

  Qizhan stepped back silently and waited until the two masters in front were far away before he turned around and walked towards the path.

  Who knows, just walked a few steps, and suddenly there was a slight sound of footsteps behind him. Qi Zhan was taken aback, and when he turned his head, he saw Mo Xian looking at him with a smile.

   "Heh, doesn't Mo Guard follow the master?"

  Mo Xian was worried that Qi Zhan would go to inform the news, and then take Yu Baoer to another place, so he had to... follow.

"I just waited outside the door for some time, people have three urgency. But the master is a girl's house, this kind of thing can only quietly step back a few steps and talk to the guards of Qi." Mo Xian still said with a tight face, "I see. The guards also stepped back, wondering if they are the same as me, so just go together."

   "..." Who is the same as you, and where does he see that he is anxious? "Mo Huwei joked. I went to the kitchen and ordered the servants to cook some food. How did the girl save the prince and the thirteenth prince. I can't neglect it. Where Mo Huwei is going, turn left from here. You can see it in two steps."

Mo Xian glanced at the direction of his fingers, frowning, "Pray for the guards to show me the way. I am not familiar with this place, and the people who live in this place are all nobles. If I offend anyone, even if it is My master can't save me either."


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