The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 318: Belittle the self-cultivation at night

  Yu Qingluo still got up, got out of bed, passed the shoes, walked to the table, lit a candle, and then came over with a small food box, "eat."

  After all, it’s me who is soft-hearted.

  Nannan looked at the snacks in the snack box eagerly, swallowing hard with saliva. But the next moment, he still has the spine to put his head aside, "No, I said that if I don’t eat dinner tonight, then I don’t eat it. If I eat it, it’s not a sincere confession to Uncle Bao’er. Mother, you can’t lead me to injustice, unfaithfulness or filial piety."

  诶, I can still talk about it.

Yu Qingluo gave him a violent chestnut, snorted softly, and finally relaxed, "You did not eat dinner, we all watched it. You are indeed hungry, but this is a midnight snack, yours. Punishment, shouldn't be counted as supper, I..."

Yu Qingluo hadn't finished speaking yet, Nan Nan had already reached into the food box with his hands claws, and began to gobble up, "Yes, I didn't expect it, it's midnight now, it's going to be a midnight snack. "

  Yu Qingluo rolled his eyes, took off the dim sum he had fallen on his clothes, and warned softly, "Give me slower, eat like this again, your stomach will not be able to stand it."

  Nannan smiled, and then slowly chewed.

  While eating, he said vaguely, "Mother, you love me the most, I know."

"Huh, I can tell you that tomorrow, the players from the rainy country will enter the city. Do you know that you can keep me safe? Follow me and don't do anything. If you do anything to me again , Then stop eating for the whole day."

  Yu Qingluo is so harsh today, which also prevents him from becoming lawless again tomorrow. After all, Tianyu Country...

  Hearing this, Nan Nan shrank his neck, thinking of how hungry he was just now, and immediately nodded like pounding garlic, not daring to neglect it at all.

  Yu Qingluo put the food container in his arms and told, "Remember to rinse your mouth after eating."

  Nan Nan nodded again, that little head moved under the shining of candlelight, watching the people outside the window smile, and the corners of his mouth became deeper.

   Ye Xiu Du also knew in his heart that the person who loved Nan Nan the most in this world was afraid that Yu Qingluo would still be the little girl. Look, let him eat, and also gave him a high-sounding excuse.

  Shen Ying, who was standing behind him, cried silently, especially when he saw that a mosquito stopped at the corner of his mouth was sucking his blood vigorously. He was itchy and numb, and wanted to slap it to death. But at this moment, it was outside of Miss Yu's window, and the voice must be discovered.

  Shen Ying endured, he raised his hand and pressed it gently, but the mosquito was so clever that he flew away immediately.

  Shen Ying sighed secretly. There are flowers and trees in Miss Jade’s house, and there are so many mosquitoes. The girl is so capable, she doesn't know what to order in the room, but there is no one inside, so there are more outside here.

  He is very strange, how the mosquito bites himself, the master seems to be silent.

   was thinking, suddenly heard Ye Xiudu's lowered voice, "Go."

  Shen Ying finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the two of them left silently again just as they had come.

  The next day, it was time for Tianyu Kingdom to enter the city.

  Yu Qingluo took three little dolls, just like a kindergarten teacher, or entered the restaurant yesterday and sat in the room facing the street.

  It’s just that before I walked into the wing, I heard lively discussions outside.

   "I heard that Tianyu Nation actually arrived outside the city yesterday, but it was one step too late to shock Lei Nation, so I simply pushed the time to enter the city to today."

   "Hey, if it were me, I would also push the date to today. Look at those things that happened yesterday. If the two countries collide, I am afraid that Tianyu will be unlucky."

"That might be the case. We also quarreled yesterday. In the end, it was not the Lord Xiu who came forward. Not only did he shatter the carriage of Thunder State, but even the prince inside rolled out. The regent didn’t dare to embarrass him. , I went back to the post house in a dingy manner. It's your Royal Highness, it's... embarrassing."

  Yu Qingluo's footsteps stopped suddenly, and looked up at the person who had just spoken.

  Mo Xian followed behind her and reminded her in a low voice, "Miss Yu, that person is a member of the third prince, and I am afraid that he is here to provoke the contradiction between the prince and the prince."

   "Huh, the third prince is not at ease at this knot."

As he was talking, he saw a young man at another table suddenly uttered, interrupting the discussion about the prince and the prince Xiu, and quietly changed the subject, "Speaking of yesterday, I was really scared to death. I don’t know if anything will happen to the Rain Country today when it enters the city. Don’t be like the Thunder Country this day, otherwise you will be scared to be scared.”

  Mo Xian leaned in softly again, "The one sitting at that table is the son of the family who had been acquainted with the Eighth Prince on weekdays. Although he is not a rich family, he can still be regarded as playing with the Eighth Prince."

  Yuqing nodded calmly, yes, Ye Haoran was a fun party, so naturally he knew more people.

  Furthermore, he is a dignified prince, who has no air to talk and laugh with these princes and call them brothers, I am afraid it will be easier for them to protect him. The entire emperor knew that the Eighth Lord and Lord Xiu had a good relationship, and they naturally helped Ye Xiu alone.

  Sure enough, the person who just wanted to provoke gave them a vicious look, only to see that the onlookers were all turned away from the subject and focused on the Heavenly Rain Country, so he couldn’t say more.

  Yu Qingluo laughed, and whispered, "Go, go upstairs."

However, after just walking a few steps, I suddenly heard a mysterious voice from the corner, "Hey, I tell you, I heard that this time, Tianyu Kingdom also brought a princess here, I am afraid it is not only to participate in the Four Kingdoms. Those in the competition still intend to marry our Feng Cang country."

   "How did you know that it was Wind Cang Nation? Now that both the Floating Cloud Nation and the Jinglei Nation are there, you can't be sure that you fell in love with the prince of the Liuyun Nation, or the Regent of the Jinglei Nation?"

"Huh, I think, the princes of our Wind Cang Nation are also personable, and they must have taken a fancy to the prince. However, among the princes, the only princes of the right age are Xiu, the seventh and the eighth princes. But in terms of talent, it was yesterday's Lord Xiu who showed the limelight and was the easiest to be spotted."

   "That's not necessarily true. The Seven Princes and Eighth Princes who went out of the city to greet them today left a good impression on the envoys of the Heavenly Rain Kingdom, and they might be admired too."

   Nannan took La Yuqingluo's hand, and whispered, "The Heavenly Rain Nation won’t fall in love with Daddy."

   "..." Nan Nan, are you belittling Yexiu independence?


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