Yu Qingluo just laughed, then ignored it, took his hand and walked upstairs.

  It wasn't until entering the box that Nan Nan regained his nature and began to jump up and down at the table again. Ye Lansheng and Yu Bao'er saw that his energy was okay, and they were not hungry by the meal last night, so they were slightly relieved.

  Yu Qingluo sat silently, remembering what the people downstairs were talking about.

  The princess of Tianyu Kingdom is here?

  Nothing comes from the ground, it may not be without cause, they will talk like this, probably ten ** is true. But this marriage is really strange, the emperor of Tianyu Kingdom would be willing to marry the princess to such a far place.

  Since she is a princess, the identity of the person who marries her must not be low. Those people are right, the only candidates at present are Ye Xiu Du, Ye Haoran, and Ye Haoting. Ye Haoran had Jin Liuli in his heart, fearing that he would be unwilling to marry. There is a Concubine Meng at Ye Haoting’s side. According to her knowledge, Concubine Meng has a candidate in her heart. Now that an exotic princess joins in, she will disrupt her overall plan. I'm afraid he will still use it. Ye Xiudu's reason for not getting married as her elder brother was blocked, although this reason was not new after she had used it several times.

   But this way, it will really kick the ball to Ye Xiudu.

  Yu Qingluo felt very uncomfortable when he thought of this. Then he hummed coldly, slapped heavily on the table, and said coldly, "Don't think about it." Ye Xiudu has a son. If she dare to marry her an exotic princess, she will abuse Nan Nan. The skin can't be.

  Yes, Ye Xiu has a unique son, Nan Nan would not agree to it, what is she doing here.

   Thinking of this, Yu Qingluo slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and got rid of the messy and distressing thoughts in her mind, and then she focused her attention outside.

  Who would know that as soon as he raised his head, he saw four or five pairs of eyes in front of him looking at him in horror.

  Especially Nan Nan, his bulging eyes widened, and he said in surprise, "Mother, mother, I didn't cause trouble today."

  Yuqing gave him a blank look, "It's nothing to do with you, it's up to you."

  Nannan shrugged, just as if her mother was in menopause again, she looked back on the windowsill.

  Just as soon as he climbed up, he heard a bustling cry from the restaurant downstairs, "Come, here, the envoy of the Heavenly Rain Kingdom is here."

  Nan Nan immediately became excited and stared downstairs with shining eyes.

The street below    had long been separated by the moat. Two rows of people stood on both sides of the street, each with a vigorous and serious expression. It was probably because someone accidentally rushed into the street the day before and shocked the regent of the Thunder Country, so today they were extra cautious.

  Yu Qingluo remembered the two mothers and daughters who had been injured by the regent of the Jinglei Kingdom yesterday, and suddenly turned around and asked Wentian, "How about the mother and daughter?"

"I have woken up. The Seventh Prince's people have taken over this matter. It should be settled." After all, it is the people of Feng Cang Nation. Even if those princes didn't care about the ordinary people in the past, they could be treated by other countries. The regent was injured, but he couldn't ignore it.

  Yu Qingluo nodded, then turned away again.

  The voice downstairs suddenly lowered, and the noise and frolics just now disappeared. Although there are still babbling sounds one after another, they are not loud.

  Yu Qingluo knew that this was the Tianyu Nation’s team entering the city, and slowly walked towards this side.

  Sure enough, Nan Nan, who was lying next to the window, already yelled, “Xiao Shengsheng, Uncle Bao’er, come on, come on.”

  Although Tianyu Kingdom was the last to enter the city, this is the first time that Nannan can see the end from the beginning, and the excitement is obvious.

  Ye Lansheng and Yu Baoer ran forward immediately, with three small heads squeezed on the small window sill, which is really funny.

   "Who is that, he looks so handsome."

"That should be the prince of Tianyu Country. I heard that every time the Four Nations Competition, the princes or princes who bring players from various countries are the princes or princes. They are distinguished and will not lose face." Ye Lansheng lives in the palace after all. After two years, even if I haven't seen some things with my own eyes, I still know some things.

  Yu Bao'er nodded her head again and again, still looking curiously at the man sitting on the horse underneath, “He looks very kind, he seems to get along better than Liuyun Kingdom and Jinglei Kingdom.”

"That's not necessarily the case." Nan Nan shook his head sensibly, "Uncle Bao'er, you have to understand that there are many smiling tigers in this world. They look like good people, but in fact they are very bad. I am. Tell you, I have met a lot of people like this, just like my mother..."

  Yu Qingluo paused with her tea-drinking hand, and then placed the teacup heavily on the table.

   Nan Nan turned her back, and immediately realized what she had said. Now it was a natural excuse to say, "I mean, my mother is different from that kind of person. The most cold-hearted person in this world is my mother, right?"

  Wen Tian and Mo Xian, who were standing behind, turned their heads and laughed silently. Yu Bao'er and Ye Lansheng twitched at the corners of their mouths, but they nodded vigorously, expressing their agreement with Nan Nan.

   Yu Qingluo let out a cold snort, this talent stood up, stood behind the three little guys, and looked at the scene downstairs together.

  Tianyu Nation's team was moving very slowly. Although the horse was not only stepping forward, but also laughing very much.

  So when she looked over, the second prince of Tianyu Kingdom had not yet reached the main entrance of the restaurant under her nose.

  Ye Xiu was right. The prince was indeed seized by the emperor. Now it is the eighth king Ye Haoran who is riding his horse beside the second prince of Tianyu Kingdom. But Ye Haoting was slightly behind, guarding the safety of the entire team.

  Ye Haoran was smiling like a spring breeze at the moment, and her speech style was also very royal. Talking and laughing with the second prince, the two seemed to be very topical.

The two princes were just as handsome and unrestrained as Boer and the others were talking about. They were dressed in lightweight and simple clothes unique to the Tianyu Kingdom. They kept raising their whip in their hands, but they only hung them on their fingers and turned them. Very lazy. The corner of his mouth was always smiling, and Ye Haoran seemed to have a good affinity with Ye Haoran along the way, as if he had found a common topic, and he was very good at talking.

  But that's right, Ye Haoran was originally a good friend and self-acquaintance.

Yu Qingluo thought silently, but the second prince who walked downstairs side by side with Ye Haoran suddenly stopped talking to Ye Haoran, raised her head with feeling, and faced Yu Qingluo Mingliang. His eyes snapped open the corners of his mouth, and smiled at him.


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