As soon as Yu Zuolin looked up, he happened to see Ye Xiudu’s encouraging eyes. He couldn’t care about his own status on the spot. He snorted and said, “The regent said that no matter what crime the little **** commits, he doesn’t care. Will blame him. What if he wants to assassinate the regent? Wouldn't he be punished?"

When Yu Zuo Lin spoke, Yu Qingluo couldn't help but twitch at the corner of her mouth.

  Shangguan Jin's sharp and arrogant eyes suddenly fell on him, sneered again and again, "What are you, depending on you, are you qualified to talk to this king?"

  Yu Zuorin was also distressed in his heart, but when he heard this, his anger rose sharply. His original status was not low, but he was demoted recently, but his official style has become a habit before. What's more, now this stall says nothing can lose face, otherwise, would Lord Xiu still look down upon him?

   immediately said angrily, "This official is just telling the truth. Does the regent want to suppress others with power?"

   Shangguan Jin was originally aloof, and even those princes in Jinglei Nation did not dare to talk to themselves like this. Now that I have arrived in Fengcang Country, I just have to intervene with a small eunuch, and there are so many people who come to oppose him, and that face can't come down on the spot.

  If it is Yexiu Du Ion Sail or the second prince of Tianyu Nation, that’s fine. Seeing that they are not low in status and simple characters, he doesn’t care about it. But now, other people didn't speak, and such a small official sitting at the end followed him loudly and loudly. Where did he put the face of the regent of Lei Kingdom?

Shangguanjin sneered. On the spot, he was two steps away from Yuqingluo. He looked up and down at Yu Zuolin for a while, and said proudly, "Well, since Lord Yu said that this king is using power to overwhelm others, then this king will change the way and look at Yu. Do adults have the right to talk to this king? I heard that Lord Yu was once also a famous champion in the military, and even a young general. His skill is definitely good. It is better to compete with this king, lest the adults say that this king will only use power It’s not convincing."

  Yu Zuo was stunned, his brows frowned slightly.

  The emperor didn't hesitate in his heart, and he didn't expect that Yu Zuolin would speak suddenly, which directly offended the regent. Looking at this Yu Zuorin before, he was calm, why is he so reckless today?

   "Why, don't Master Yu dare? Feng Cang Country's champion Wu is just this courageous?" Shangguan Jin looked at him sarcastically.

  This is clearly a provocation. If Yu Zuorin shouldn't let it go, it is not just his face that will be lost.

Even the emperor sitting on it can only squeeze his fingers secretly. Although his heart is not happy, he still smiles on his face, "Yu Shilang, you can discuss with the regent, but you can’t stop. Hurts lives."

  "The minister abides by the decree." Yu Zuolin is a military commander. He believes that his martial arts is not low, and he has a desire to compete with the regent.

  What's more, during the last ghost doctor test, I was stabbed by a killer sent by Weiyuanhou, and I had to trouble the prince to save the young girl. Because of that, Yu Zuolin still feels a little concerned about it. He always feels that he has lost face. He really wants to show off his martial arts in front of Lord Xiu, so that he can tell him that he is also a capable person.

  This time is also a rare opportunity. In that case, it is better to be respectful than fate.

  Yu Zuorin walked out of the position and came directly to the open space in the middle.

  Since it is a contest, and all the people sitting on the scene are people of high status, swords and sticks can no longer be used, so as not to accidentally injure people, it can only be a fist.

   Ye Xiu glanced at Yu Qingluo alone, smiled, and took a sip from the glass.

  Yu Qingluo suddenly had the thought of watching a good show, Shangguan Jin and Yu Zuorin, this is a rare sight.

  Yu Zuolin may not know what Shangguanjin's skill is, but Yu Qingluo has seen it with his own eyes. At the time when he was holding him back, that hand was revealed... Tsk tsk, the only ones present, I am afraid that Ye Xiudu will be his opponent.

  Yu Qingluo walked aside with low eyebrows, trying not to attract attention from others, but secretly began to excite. Yu Zuolin was conceited, and he felt that he was invincible after taking a martial arts champion. In these years, he was not weak in practice and was hardworking when he was a teenager. He was beaten at all.

  Really...Yu Qingluo trembled with excitement when he thought of that picture.

   Ye Xiu smiled helplessly, this woman, even if she is happy, can't do so obviously, she still has a lot of eyes on her.

  Ion Sail just frowned slightly, then sneered. Yu Zuolin was guilty of death, even if he lost face to Feng Cangguo, he was expecting Shangguan Jin to beat him fiercely.

  Qi Hanwei just raised his eyebrows, thinking of the information Qi Zhan told him, he just watched with cold eyes.

  The second prince is still lazy, and his posture has not changed since just now.

   "Please advise the regent." When he walked to the middle of the venue, Yu Zuo bowed his hands slightly, and the courtesy was still very thoughtful.

  Shangguan Jin chuckled, "Teach you, this king is more than enough."

  Yu Zuorin became annoyed when he heard this, his face became gloomy, and he didn't talk much, and he started to fight after he set up his posture.

  Shangguan Jin didn't have the slightest style, and attacked him directly.

  As soon as he makes a move, his moves are very sharp.

   Yu Zuo Lin was startled, and hurriedly bowed his head and turned towards him, his eyes were dull, and he didn't dare to show any negligence anymore. Dang Even with his hands claws, he rushed towards Shangguan Jin.

  Yu Qingluo's eyes were bright. Anyway, both of them are people she hates. No matter who it is, it is good to be injured. She is looking forward to it.

  A trace of surprise flashed in Shangguan's brocade eyes, and then he smiled. It seems that the champion of the Feng Cang country is not a silly person, there are two things.

   Thinking, his attitude became a little more serious.

  The two of them quickly fought hard to separate on the court, and in a blink of an eye, dozens of moves were already passed.

  The literati present were all confused and dazzled. They only felt that the two figures were dangling and moving extremely fast. They couldn't see the moment when they were fighting, they had already started their next move.

  The military attache was full of enthusiasm, but after a while, they started frowning one by one.

  They gradually realized that Yu Zuorin was struggling to fight, and the sweat on their foreheads came out little by little. However, Shangguan Jin is still pressing forward in a cool manner.

  Someone sighed silently. It seems that the regent has responded to this competition.

  He was just thinking about it when he suddenly heard a cry of exclamation. As soon as he looked up, he saw Shangguan Jin’s leg kicking Yu Zuolin’s heart.

  Yu Zuorin was already at the limit, and immediately spit out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person was flying straight behind him.


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