The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 337: Marriage, children are willing

  However, what is astonishing is that the direction in which he fell was actually facing the position of the right-phase ion sail.

Shangguan Jin sneered at the corner of his mouth. He knew that Ye Xiu was good alone, and if he was about to kick in his direction, he would definitely not hurt him.

   is right, but it’s just a scholar who has no force at all. Doesn’t this ion sail just like to show the limelight? Then let him see the fate of going against himself.

   With a "bang", Yu Zuo came to the ground and knocked over a table of Jiayao fruit delicacies. His body was injured again, his face was pale, and another mouthful of blood spurted out. Obviously, how heavy is Shangguan Jin's kick.

  It was only to Shangguan Jin’s surprise that Ion Sail escaped. When Yu Zuo was about to fly, the right-hand body just tilted to the side, but he could not avoid the figure that suddenly flew over his head.

  Although I still hit myself with some eating plates, I am more fortunate than being hit directly. At least he hadn't been smashed by someone, otherwise he would have to get rid of half his life for fear of not dying.

  Shangguan Jin frowned sharply, just now that his movements were very fast. With the right-handed ability, he would inevitably fail to respond and would not have the ability to avoid it.

  He squeezed his lips tightly, and turned his head to look at Ye Xiudu, who was not far away.

  The latter smiled mockingly, but looked up at the sky, as if he didn't know anything.

  "Come here, carry Yu Shilang down and let the emperor see it." The emperor raised his voice suddenly, his face very ugly.

  He had just said clearly that it was just a discussion, but this Shangguan Jin severely injured his courtiers, and even wanted to deal with the right and kill two birds with one stone?

   "Right, you can go down and change your clothes."

   Ion Sail stood up, bowed respectfully, and then whispered, "Chen Zongzhi." After that, after a glance at Shangguan Jin, he turned around gently and gently, and walked out of the Imperial Garden slowly.

When    walked to Yu Qingluo's side, she deliberately lowered her voice and said in a low voice, "Be careful yourself."

  Yu Qing fell in shock, twitched the corners of her mouth, and gave a dry laugh.

  Ion Sail started silently, and when he reached the corner, he stretched out his hand and rubbed it on his waist. It was just because there was a sudden tingling on his waist, as if something was hitting him, he tilted his body a bit, avoiding the risk of being too impersonal.

  That thing, it should be a small stone. In his own opinion, he was saved by Ye Xiu alone.

  Ion Fan gave a wry smile, and then continued to walk forward.

  The atmosphere in the imperial garden was a bit tight for a moment. Everyone knew that Shangguan Jin had refuted the emperor's face. But after seeing Yu Zuolin's fate, one by one was silent, and didn't dare to say a word.

It was Shangguan Jin who took the lead in retracting his gaze on Ye Xiudu, and said to the emperor, "No wonder the emperor, this king did not intentionally hurt Master Yu. It was just that he saw that Master Yu was indeed powerful in martial arts, and this king was on a whim. With proper measures, he started a little harder. However, after only this discussion, this king has indeed seen the wealth of talents in Feng Cang Country. Yu-sama, a military minister, has such skills, and this king admires it."

   Shangguan Jin also had no plans to engage in evil with Feng Cang Country, let alone offend the emperor at this juncture. Anyway, he has already beaten someone, and that tone is considered to be a good one, and it's okay to say two good things.

  The emperor snorted secretly in his heart, but he couldn't say anything, even though he injured Yu Zuolin, he couldn't even give a tooth for a tooth to hurt him seriously.

   Thinking of this, the emperor felt frustrated and uncomfortable, but he was not humble. "The regent is too modest, but this Feng Cang country is full of talents, but it is also a fact. The next four countries competition, there will be a lot of good sons in the Feng Cang country. When the time comes, the regent will meet, don't be like that little eunuch. The same, fancy the talents of our Feng Cang Country."

   Shangguan Jin's eyes sharpened, staring at the emperor and laughing coldly.

  The atmosphere was even more tense for a while. After a while, the second prince of Tianyu Nation suddenly smiled, and the body lying half crooked finally straightened.

He glanced at Shangguan Jin who had returned to his seat, and then at the emperor with deep eyes. He walked out of his seat with a smile, and said slowly, "This prince really thinks that there are many talents in this country. The emperor, Ben Although the prince did not like a little **** like the regent, he still wanted to ask the emperor for personal talent."

  The emperor was taken aback, but after the second prince’s interruption, the tension was diminished a lot.

  He flicked his sleeves and smiled at the second prince, "Oh, the second prince also wants to ask for talents? Which one does the second prince value? But I can't give you these four-nation contest players."

"The emperor is joking, how dare this prince ask for a contestant in the Four Nations Competition. But well." The second prince squinted, but suddenly paused, raised his eyes to look at Yu Qingluo, and then at Ye Xiu Duo. .

  Yu Qingluo's eyelids jumped at that glance, and there was a faint premonition.

The second prince’s smile was still lazy, with a somewhat lazy and yuppy feeling, “The emperor, in fact, it’s not a matter of asking for it. This prince is here at this moment. In addition to participating in the Four Nations Competition, Father The emperor also explained one thing to the prince."

  The emperor was taken aback for a moment, and listened with great respect.

  "Tianyu State and Fengcang State are good for the Qin and Jin Dynasties. This prince has a younger sister who was named Princess Tianfu by his father not long ago. This time she also entered the imperial capital together..."

  Speaking of this, the big guys also understand.

  The emperor’s eyes lit up. This day, Yuguo now took the initiative to show her good, and even the princess had already been brought over. The princess was still named the most noble princess of Tianyu, and she was naturally willing to marry him.

  Especially at this moment there is Shangguan Jin. This Jinglei country always keeps small movements, faintly wanting to show its ambition. If he knew about the friendship between Tianyu Kingdom and Feng Cang Kingdom at this moment, then he should have stopped a bit too.

  Sure enough, when the emperor looked over, Shangguan Jin’s expression was already extremely ugly, staring at the second prince with a sneer.

The emperor instantly became happy and laughed loudly, "Second princes, the imperial sons of my Fengcang Kingdom are all talented and virtuous. I am not boastful. My seventh and eighth princes are all civil and martial arts. All-rounder, he is the prince I depend on very much."

  The only two princes who were of the right age and had not yet married, the emperor was the first to introduce them.

  The Seventh Prince's complexion was indifferent, without the slightest fluctuation.

  The eighth prince Ye Haoran frowned slightly and was joked, but Lier was the only one in his heart, and he categorically refused to marry the princess.

The second prince smiled, but his gaze passed over the seventh and eighth princes, and fell directly on Ye Xiudu's body, "The emperor, this prince heard that the prince Xiu is not married, this day, the princess Tianfu of the rainy country is matched with the wind and the country. Lord Xiu, isn't it a match made in heaven?"

  "..." The emperor was taken aback and looked towards Ye Xiudu.

  Ye Xiu Duo smiled slightly, and stood up and said, "My son is willing."


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