The players around him immediately agreed. They also became lawless following Ye Lanwei, and those arrogant temperament were not worse than Nan Nan.

  A group of people stood silently on the designated seat, and as soon as the ball was released, many players ran toward the front laughingly.

  Nannan is still the same as in the first half, being pushed by you and bumped by me, stepping on the top of the foot. Even worse than the first half, especially the Hou Ye Shizi, as if there is no posture to play at all, as long as there is a chance, he will go to stubborn Nan Nan.

  All of this, even if ordinary people can't see it, the emperor, Ye Xiudu and others in the stands can see it clearly.

  The emperor had a trace of displeasure on his face, and glanced at Pingyuanhou, the captain was his son.

  Pingyuan Hou hung his head down, not daring to say anything, but he was secretly anxious in his heart. This rebellious son actually ignored the honor of the country at this juncture and went to have trouble with a child. Isn't this intentionally embarrassing the Hou Mansion? Going back must be a good lesson.

Everyone in Feng Cang Country had different thoughts, but in front of the envoys of Jing Lei Country, Liu Yun Country and other countries, they were a little gloating.

  After all, if people are infighting, they can't stop it, right, just watch it live, and think about what the child will be like. For them, a child who stands out and wins the first prize in a fight is really a big scourge.

  They are now wishing that the kid named Yu Qingnan had an accident, lest they have to find a way to get rid of him.

  The competition on the field is getting fiercer, not just the children of Feng Cang Guo, this time, even the players of Jing Lei Guo began to target their south and south.

Nan Nan is very annoyed, can he still play well? So many people deal with him, isn't it a man?

   "I'll help you." Seeing that the captain hit Nan Nan again, a familiar figure suddenly rushed over and knocked him aside.

   Nan Nan looked back and saw Yang Lin Tieqing ** there.

   "These people are too much, they have no sense of responsibility at all." Yang Lin's eyes were angry, and the fingers on his side were pinched tightly.

  He didn't intend to get ahead. After all, those eunuchs were right. Even if he didn't think about himself, he still had to think about his family. Anyone here can't afford to offend his Yang family.

However, seeing those people becoming more lawless, even if he no longer likes Nan Nan in his heart, and is no longer willing to fight against these family children, after seeing the ball kicked in by players from the Thunder Country, Yang Lin finally couldn't bear it and had to Shot.

  Nannan, he has helped.

   "Uh, in fact, I can deal with them." Nan Nan blinked, although these people have been targeting him, but he was not injured.

  Yang Lin glared at him, "Of course I know you can deal with them, but if this continues, we will lose."

   After all, Yang Lin didn't care about him, and ran out again to intercept the ball kicked by the Jinglei country player.

   Nan Nan touched his nose, this Yang Lin is patriotic.

   sighed, and he ran over again.

  However, there are always people who will not please him. After Nan Nan ran a few steps, someone stretched out his leg to stir him.

  Yang Lin turned around, and immediately pushed the person away.

   Nan Nan was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that Yang Lin would actually come to help him.

  The captain seemed a bit annoyed, and winked at other players, and several people came to intercept Yang Lin.

  The game was in a mess. Jingleiguo’s players almost effortlessly scored several goals in succession. Seeing that the scores of the two countries were getting bigger and bigger, Yang Lin felt anxious and kicked the person who stopped him with one kick. Gratitude and grievances, to ignore the honor of the country, is this what you sons of the Marquis family should do? It's a shame to Feng Cangguo."

  His voice was a little angry, and the volume was slightly raised, but it made the emperor and others who were close to hear clearly.

  The emperor couldn't help nodding at the moment, and asked Miao Qianqiu beside him, "Whose child is this?"

  "Going back to the emperor, this is the child of the Yang family, a merchant in the north of the city. The child is called Yang Lin."

  The emperor smiled, "This kid is honest, much better than those dudes who only know to make trouble."

When Pingyuan Hou heard this, he understood what the emperor said. On the spot, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he almost knelt down and pleaded guilty. He was anxious in his heart, but his son didn't pay attention to Yang Lin's words in order to let out a sigh of relief.

   is just a ten-year-old child, and he is used to playing around on weekdays. Compared with children like Yang Lin, he naturally has no multiple sense of responsibility. Ignoring him immediately, he aimed directly at Yang Lin and kicked over.

  Yang Lin evaded as soon as he raised his leg, turned his head and ran.

  Who knows, just after two steps, I saw a face with a gloomy smile, the sleeves in his hands were turned, and he greeted Nan Nan.

  Yang Lin's heart was stunned, isn't this person the player who used the poisonous snake in the Thunder Country's fighting? What plots and tricks does he have now?

  Nannan focuses on the ball on the foot, and also has to guard against the joint encirclement of several players from Feng Cangguo. For the viper player behind, he will certainly not have much defense.

  Yang Lin rushed up, hugging Nan Nan to the side without thinking.

  With this roll, Nannan's ball was immediately snatched away. With a ‘pop’, Jingleiguo scored again.

  Yang Lin watched the viper player actually smiled meaningfully at him, then his sleeve moved, but there was only a gust of wind, and there was nothing.

Nan Nan frowned, stood up from Yang Lin, stretched out his hand to straighten the person, and said with a twitching mouth, "I know you want to save me, but after such a roll, I was scored again."

  "Do you know someone is behind?" Yang Lin was startled.

Nan Nan nodded, "I know, I'm so smart, how could I not know?"

   "..." Yang Lin instantly felt that he was passionate. He pursed his lips and gave Nan Nan a fierce look.

  Nannan is so innocent, what did he do wrong? This Yang Lin's temperament is too uncertain, just like what the mother said, what is that... Ah, by the way, a hidden psychopath.

  Yes, this Yang Lin glared at him all of a sudden, there must be something wrong with him.

  Nannan shook his mouth and kept a certain distance from him.

  Yang Lin is annoyed, this Yu Qingnan is too ignorant. If he saves him next time, he will be an idiot.

   Yang Lin waved his hand fiercely and turned to leave. Unexpectedly, with such a move, a sharp pain suddenly came from his ankle.


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