Yang Lin secretly took a deep breath, his eyebrows twisted tightly.

   Damn, just rolled and twisted my foot.

  Nan Nan looked at him with something wrong, gave him a strange look, and asked, "What's the matter? Is it hurt?"

   "No." Yang Lin returned him angrily, and then pointed to the ball and humanity behind him, "Be careful, the ball is coming."

Nan Nan immediately looked back, avoiding the legs that the captain wanted to kick over, twisted around with the ball in between, ran away from Yang Lin, kicked it sharply, the ball went into the goal, and finally gave it to Feng Cangguo. Got a point.

   Yang Lin breathed a sigh of relief, and took two steps. He can't let people know that his leg is sprained, otherwise he will really do nothing if he gets off the court.

  Good or bad, it will last until the end of the game. It's just a sprained foot, it's no big deal.

  Thinking, Yang Lin endured the cold sweat on his forehead and ran into the crowd with twisted and vain steps.

  Nan Nan took the lead, but his interest was getting higher and higher, and when his legs moved up, almost no one could beat him.

The players from Feng Cangguo felt annoyed in their hearts, and after tossing for so long, they couldn't get this little thing hurt a little bit. If Ye Lanwei asked later, he would definitely say that they were useless.

  Several people were thinking that, but the Viper player from the Thunder Country suddenly ran to the captain, lowered his voice and hurriedly said, "If you want to deal with him, I can help you."

  The captain was stunned for a moment, and saw the viper player running towards Nannan.

  He gritted his teeth fiercely, hum, now the most important thing is to deal with that little thing. As long as that little thing is injured and off the field, they can really play against Jinglei Country seriously.

  In such a total, his eyes were bright, and he nodded to the Jinglei country players.

  All of a sudden, a group of people targeted South and South, pushing and hitting each other, and the scene became more and more chaotic.

  It’s like a Cuju game. I don’t know where the ball was kicked. Everyone’s goal has become Nannan.

   "Making a fool, it's a bullshit." The emperor slapped the table fiercely, glanced at Pingyuanhou, and then at the calm expression of Shangguan Jin.

  Shangguan Jin took a sip of tea indifferently and continued to watch the game on the scene. It's just that coldness that flashed in his eyes, but it was very bloodthirsty and amazing.

  His purpose is not only to win the game, he also wants the life of the child named Yu Qingnan. This child is too clever and genius. It is definitely a disaster to stay in Fengcang Country. If he is not destroyed when he is young, it will definitely be their confidant worry in the future.

  So, just before going on the field, he had told the viper player and gave him a death order. It doesn't matter whether you win or not. The most important thing is to take Yu Qingnan's life.

  However, things have developed more interestingly. I didn't expect that there would be internal conflicts in the Feng Cang Congress. This gave them a great convenience.

  It's just...that kid is really flexible.

  Nannan sneered, avoiding this and playing that, anyway, the current Cuju game rules are not particularly strict, and it doesn’t matter if you push each other and pinch each other in secret.

  Nan Nan didn't have the slightest fear either. Seeing these people coming aggressively, he became even more imposing.

  Yang Lin frowned and wanted to go up to help, but his feet were damaged. Going up might add burden to Nan Nan.

  However, he was thinking like this, and the next moment, he was already being watched. The Viper player laughed gloomily again, and then turned his head and attacked Yang Lin.

   "Stop it." Nan Nan's eyebrows tightened, and he knew in his heart that Yang Lin must have been injured when he rolled while protecting him, but if he didn't say it, he didn't ask.

   But I didn’t expect that the people from Jinglei Country were so despicable that they would actually attack him.

  Nan Nan was very angry, and it didn’t matter what he had fun playing here, but Yang Lin was in danger.

  Nan Nan shook off the captain's imprisonment and rushed toward Yang Lin.

  He just saw clearly that the snake venom player did not hide a poisonous snake in his sleeve this time, but a thin and sharp blade was hidden. And his sleeves were aligned with Yang Lin's neck.

   Nan Nan took a breath, and threw down Yang Lin without even thinking about it.

  Yang Lin avoided an attack, but Nan Nan was unable to dodge it. The blade scratched Nan Nan’s arm that was used to block it, and blood splashed out suddenly, dyeing Nan Nan’s beige sleeves red.

Several players from Feng Cangguo were shocked, and the body that had originally wanted to jump up suddenly stopped, and took a breath. They just wanted Nan Nan to be injured, but they didn't want to kill him.

  Yang Lin straightened his eyes sharply, his pupils shrank fiercely, and looked at the sweat coming out of Nan Nan’s forehead, and asked anxiously, "How are you?"

  Nan Nan shook his head. Just about to stand up, he saw the viper player who laughed, "Sorry, let's explain your life here."

   After that, the sleeves flew up again and cut off at the back of Nan Nan's neck.

With a "bang", however, the player's sleeves were not yet down, and his body flew straight out, hitting a goal not far away, and his whole body convulsed twice, and he was dizzy. past.

   Before everyone on the field had time to react, Nan Nan was picked up by others, and after a round, he fell steadily.

  Ye Xiudu's face was blue, and his eyes were blood red and furious. Looking at the blood stains on Nan Nan's sleeves, the nerves in his whole body became tense.

   "Nannan, is there anything wrong?"

   Nan Nan glanced at the wound on his arm, the cut was a bit deep, and the blood was still flowing, but it seemed that there was no life worry. Just...

   "It hurts." Nan Nan was tearful and looked at Ye Xiudu with a pitiful mouth.

   After Ye Xiu was alone in her heart, she was too scared, so she hugged his small body and said in a low voice, "It's okay, it's okay."

The whole scene became chaotic because of Ye Xiudu’s intrusion. Everyone in the stands stood up. Everyone looked at the man who suddenly stood in the middle of the game field, watching his soft face and whispering softly. The face is unbelievable.

  That is the dignified prince of Xiu, the cold and indifferent prince who is famous for Feng Cang country, and now he is so caring for a child. Could it be that just because he taught this kid for half a month, he cultivated such a deep feeling?

Seeing that his plan had failed, Shangguan Jin was the first one to stand up and attack him, "Master Xiu, it is now time for the two countries to compete. You broke into the game so unruly, don’t you take the Four Nations Competition too seriously Inside?"

Ye Xiu raised his eyes alone and glanced at Yu Qingluo, who turned over from the stands and ran over here, then raised his eyes and sneered. Mutilated to death?"

  [Author's digression]: These two chapters are supplemented from yesterday, and there will be updates tonight


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