The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 378: Lord Xiu's...son?

What does    mean?

  Son? ? ? ?

  The son of Lord Xiu? ? ? ?

  On the stand, not only Shangguan Jin was shocked, but also the ministers and women of Feng Cangguo, who also took a breath, looking at Ye Xiudu's cold expression incredibly.

  The emperor secretly let out a breath, Xiu'er, finally said it.

  But the empress dowager and the concubines of the imperial concubine, but their faces are full of disbelief. That child, that child named Nan Nan, is... Ye Xiudu's son?

How is this possible?

  The entire game field, because of Ye Xiu's unique words, became silent, as if even the breathing became clear and audible.

  Yu Qingluo had already ran to Nan Nan's side. The guard who was going to stop her was also stunned after hearing Ye Xiudu's words. When he wanted to go up again, Yu Qingluo was already squatting in front of Nan Nan.

  Looking at the injury on the little guy's arm, Yu Qingluo couldn't help frowning, and asked in a low voice, "Is it painful?"

Nan Nan nodded pitifully and stretched out his hand in front of her.

  Yu Qingluo took a look at it carefully, and there was no serious problem, and then she secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Just looking at the **** appearance, her heart was also filled with anger.

  The player from the Thunder Country is really going to put Nannan to death.

   Ye Xiu Du slightly let go, let Yu Qingluo lead Nan Nan to the side to deal with the wound.

  The emperor saw the ghost doctor passed, and waved his hand, causing the imperial doctor who wanted to go forward to retreat. His face was tense, and he looked at Shangguan Jin on the side.

   "The Regent, the Four Nations Tournament has regulations. Except for fighting, no such fierce and brutal killing intent is allowed. Players in your country don't help me too much."

   Shangguan Jin returned to his senses, although he still felt a little unbelievable in his heart, it was just a matter of urgency, so he had to explain to the emperor first.

He nodded slightly, and laughed in a low voice, "The emperor, Jinglei players are playing with their true ability. How can they be said to be killing intent? In the eyes of the king, it was just a miss that injured the child. Fortunately, The elder son does not have to worry about his life, so it is better to continue the game."

   "Heh." Ye Xiu sneered, "What the regent said is really an understatement, a mistake? The regent is sure that this is also a mistake?"

He suddenly turned around, lifted the child who had collapsed next to the goal, and pulled the clothes on his sleeves. A long thin blade fell out with a bang, hit the ground and lifted up. A piece of dust.

Shangguan Jin squinted his lips and squinted his eyes. He jumped down from the stands, grabbing the comatose viper player who was in his arms for the night, and said cruelly, "A vicious thing that only knows personal grievances. , I lost in the martial arts, and I actually ran into the Cuju game to play tricks. How did this king tell you on weekdays? In the game, you should take the national honor as the first place, and the game is upright. Regarding those personal grievances is gone, it simply loses my face in Shocking Leiguo."

  The contestant was snatched by Ye Xiudu and Shangguanjin, and was scolded like this again, and immediately woke up.

  Only hearing the last words of Shangguan Jin, he understood. Immediately he knelt on the ground with a thump, and bowed his body tremblingly and said confession, "The villain deserves to die, please confess the guilt. The villain did not take into account the occasion of the game, but only wanted to repay the hatred a few days ago. Bringing a knife into the game is worthy of death."

   After that, the viper player suddenly got up, picked up the blade dropped on the ground, and suddenly raised his hand to wipe his neck.

  He knew that the only way to complete the mission was death. In fact, from the very beginning, when the Regent confessed his task, he already knew his fate, and he had no other choice but to apologize to death.

  At least, this can keep his family safe. At least, the regent will treat his parents and relatives kindly.

  His movements are fast and agile, but it is not impossible for Ye Xiu to seize it alone. It's just that Ye Xiudu looked on with cold eyes, especially when he heard the words he said, he sneered several times, and looked at Shangguan Jin sarcastically.

  The usual style of the regent of the Jinglei Kingdom is like this, always looking for a dead ghost to take the wrong thing.

"Master Xiu, this king doesn't know that the child is your son. Otherwise, he will definitely explain to the players from the Thunder Country to be careful and careful, so as not to injure the delicate young son. But if it is on the game field, if the Lord Xiu is If you really feel sorry for Xiao Shizi, it is better to choose Wensai. Now our players are paying for their actions. What about this matter?"

  Shangguan Jin glanced at the little contestant who fell to his death on the ground, his eyes were cold and indifferent, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, still with a trace of smile, fixedly looking at Ye Xiudu.

Ye Xiu laughed alone, "That's it? Is the Regent too whimsical? As everyone knows, Nan Nan overpowered the heroes in the fighting arena and won the first place in one fell swoop. Everyone knows his skills. He was originally the one in this competition. The main force of the Wind Cangguo, everyone can see clearly, most of the points in the game were scored by Nan Nan. Now your Jinglei Guo player injured Nan Nan, so that he can not continue the game, so give us Feng Cangguo The damage caused is immeasurable. The regent thinks that this matter can be forgotten?"

  Yu Qingluo has bandaged Nan Nan's wounds, and raised her eyebrows when she heard this. It is really shameless to cultivate independence this night.

  Today’s game, because of Fengcang’s domestic conflicts, the points were severely lost, and Jingleiguo’s score was far ahead. Looking at the development situation, it is unlikely that Feng Cangguo wants to turn defeat into victory in the future. When Ye Xiudu talked about the topic, Jinglei State was afraid that he would suffer a heavy loss.

Sure enough, Shangguan Jin's face distorted for an instant. He stared at Ye Xiudu and sneered again and again, "Master Xiu is too dear to the young man. Even if the young man's hand is not injured, he may not be able to surpass Jinglei Kingdom in the second half. The score."

"That's not necessarily. When the regent watched the fighting, didn't he also know the strength of my family Nannan? During the fighting, Nannan was also regarded as a useless person by everyone. It was at the last moment that he reversed and won the first place. Everyone is admiring."

  Ye Xiu Duo raised his chin slightly, and his appearance was very awkward, and he felt that his son was the most powerful in the world.

  Shangguan Jin's hand squeezed tightly, "Then, according to Lord Xiu's intention, how should this match be?"

"Postponed, heavy, and wait until my family Nannan recovers from the injury, and then come to the Cuju game." Ye Xiudu opened his mouth cleanly, without giving Shangguanjin any face, as if he couldn't understand his face. Said coldly.


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