The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 379: My palace does not recognize

   postponed? Try again?

   Shangguan Jin's face was very ugly. Seeing that this game was about to win, the State of Thunder was about to win. This was still when Feng Cang was fighting. Now that those children know that Nan Nan is the son of Lord Xiu, the next time he tries again, he will definitely not dare to stumble Nan Nan like he is now.

By the time……

  Even if it is calculated with toes, Shangguan Jin can estimate the result of the weight ratio.

"The king disagrees. The game is a game. There are game rules. How can it be postponed? This is not fair to other players." Shangguan Jin glanced at Nan Nan and said slowly, "What's more, Xiao Shizi was injured. It's the hands, not the feet, and it doesn't affect the game."

"Who said that?" Nan Nan raised his head abruptly, no matter how serious, "My foot was hurt, too. When the bad guy stabbed me with a knife just now, I got a slap in my foot when I was avoiding. Shit, father , It hurts..."

   Nan Nan said, as if overwhelmed, she fell to the ground all at once, and her whole body began to tremble.

  It didn’t matter, but it scared the emperor and queen mother in the stands.

  The two hurried down from the stands, especially when they saw the foaming at Nannankou, their faces were full of anxiety.

  "Regent, my great-grandson was killed by your player like this. Is it possible that you still have the heart to let him continue to play?" The queen mother was very distressed.

  She used to like Nan Nan very much, although she didn't know who his parents were, it was obvious that he always felt very kind and pleasant. Now that he knew that this was Ye Xiudu's son and his great-grandson, with royal blood flowing in his body, it was even more precious.

   Although the Queen Mother did not like Meng Guifei, she was indifferent even with her attitude towards Ye Xiu independence, but she really liked Nan Nan in her heart.

  Now I see the child who has always been alive and kicking in front of me foaming at the mouth, and I can't help but get angry.

Yu Qingluo's mouth twitched, and said in a low voice to the Queen Mother, "Don't worry, Nan Nan is not life-threatening. It's just that he was really frightened. Coupled with injuries to his hands and feet, he will inevitably have a sudden situation at a young age. It's just... it seems that we can no longer continue the game today."

  Yu Qingluo sighed and shook his head, looking very regretful.

   Shangguan Jin wanted to say something more, but when she heard her voice, she pressed her lips and said nothing more.

  The emperor looked at him coldly, and said solemnly, "The regent, this turned out to be diagnosed by the ghost doctor himself, so there should be no mistake."

"Since it was said by the ghost doctor, there is nothing wrong with it." Shangguan Jin stared at Yu Qingluo tightly, before looking away for a long time, and quizzically raised the corners of his mouth, "Okay, this king will wait for Xiao Shizi to heal. , And then the Cuju game between the two countries."

  The emperor nodded, and looked back at Qi Hanwei and the second prince who came after him, "I don’t know what the prince and the second prince said?"

   "This prince has no opinion."

   "This was originally a match between Fengcang Country and Jinglei Country, and this prince naturally has no objection."

The emperor gave a wink to the examiner on the side. This Cuju competition is tentatively scheduled for half a month.

Shangguan Jin flicked his sleeves coldly, "I have something to do with this king, so I'll go back to the post house first." After that, people carried the body of Jinglei Country, and led the other trembling and somewhat timid players back to the post house. .

  Qi Hanwei and the second prince looked at each other. Since the morning game is incomparable, they can only wait until the afternoon competition between the two countries.

   shrugged, and the two also said goodbye to the emperor, leaving the arena with their own country’s players and envoys.

  For a while, only the people from the Wind Cangguo were left in the entire game field.

   Nan Nan shook twice, and quickly stood up from the ground.

  The queen mother was taken aback, then lost a laugh, couldn't help but glared at him, then stood up and sighed secretly.

Ye Lansheng had already run down from the stands, and looked up and down at him for a long time before frowning, "Nan Nan, don't do anything that makes people worry about it anymore. If it wasn't for Uncle Wu, that person, Right, it really hurts you as a killer."

"Xiao Shengsheng, don't worry, how could something happen to a person like me?" Nan Nan patted his chest before turning his head and looking at Yang Lin, who was kneeling on the ground and saluting the emperor. .

  He pulled Yu Qingluo's hand and said softly, "His ankle is broken. It was to save me."

  Yu Qingluo laughed, asked the **** on the side to help, and sat Yang Lin on the side with his fingers touching his ankle.

  Yang Lin just raised his head, he couldn't help but took a hard breath, and let out a cry of pain.

  Yu Qingluo released her hand, digging out a small bottle from her bag and handing it to him, “Keep this medicinal liquor well, apply it along the ankle and knead it three times a day, and it will be better after two days.”

  The child rescued Nan Nan, she naturally wanted to give him the best medicinal liquor, and she would carefully observe his condition.

  Yang Lin was stunned, the porcelain bottle in his hand was a little hot when he grabbed it. The ghost doctor is treating himself... the medicine given by the ghost doctor himself... the attitude of the ghost doctor is good and kind... the legendary ghost doctor is also a kind-hearted woman.

  Nannan stood aside and smiled, "It will be fine in two days. After half a month, you can still participate in the game with me, right?"

  Yang Lin was taken aback, his gaze towards Nannan seemed very complicated, but his heart was full of mixed feelings. He had never expected that the child in front of him would be the son of the fifth prince who is most valued by the sage today, and he would be a younger son.

   Such a child would actually go to the dangerous Cong Cong to participate in the battle that threatens his life at any time, Lord Xiu... how can he be willing?

   raised his head, he looked towards Nannan, and still asked a little uncertainly, "You... are you really the son of Lord Xiu? Your biological son?"

  As soon as these words came out, the people who were still silent suddenly had a look on their faces, and their eyes were deep.

  Especially those who have offended Nan-Nan and spoke harshly to Nan-Nan. At this moment, they lower their heads and dare not even say a word.

  As for the dozen or so players who kept stumbling on him during the game, they even knelt on the ground tremblingly, frightened all over, and felt like they might faint at any time. They have always regarded Ye Lan Wei Ma as the head of the horse, because he is the grandson of the emperor. How can they think that the offending is now another grandson, who is still a heavyweight, the grandson of the empress dowager and the emperor Xiu.

  This is really over.

  The third prince and others were extremely angry. They never thought that the child they wanted to get rid of would be the son of the fifth. The fifth child, not even the princess, has such a big son?

  Yes, Ye Xiudu doesn’t even have a concubine. Who gave birth to him?

  Not only the three princes and a few people thought so, but Meng Guifei, who was still sitting in the stands, also thought so.

   She squeezed her hand fiercely, and suddenly stood up from her seat, and said coldly, "My palace does not recognize this child."


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