That is their unique mark of the Mongolian nationality. Except for the Mongolian nationality, no people from other countries have such a special pink-purple flower-shaped birthmark in the whole world.

  No, it should be said that even in the Mongolian people, there are currently only six people with such birthmarks.

  Meng noble concubine is one, and Ye Xiu alone is one, and even the seventh prince Ye Haoting has not inherited it. But now, this little guy actually has one in him.

  Furthermore, as far as she knows, there has never been a person from the Nannan generation who has a Mongolian flag.

  He is the first one! !

  Meng Guifei took a deep breath, her eyes staring at the birthmark became more and more cold.

  The emperor and the queen mother looked at each other. Others may not understand what this birthmark means. However, they knew very well in their hearts that this child was so talented that he was supposed to be regarded by the Mongols as a gift from heaven.

   is the seventh prince, and he can't help but squeeze his hands tightly. God is kind to the fifth brother, even the children of the fifth brother will have something that he doesn't have.

   "Concubine Meng, don't you think Nan Nan is Xiu'er's child?" The queen mother gave her a dull look. She really hasn't been asking about important matters in the palace for too long, and now it seems that the relationship between Concubine Meng and Ye Xiudu is not as good as it has been spread outside.

  What Meng imperial concubine has strict requirements for Yexiu independence, and what Meng imperial concubine has high hopes for Yexiu independence are all nonsense. A mother, no matter how strict she is to her son, shouldn't be this way when she hears that she has a grandson.

Concubine Meng secretly suppressed the blood surging from her chest, her expression tense, and then walked south and south with a smile, squatting beside him, reaching out and touching his small face, with a very gentle expression facing him. He said, "Really a good grandson of this palace, but this palace is not good. I wronged Nan Nan. Can Nan Nan forgive grandmother?"

  Ye Xiu single eyebrows twisted, and almost subconsciously stepped forward to lift Nan Nan away from her.

  However, after seeing Yu Qingluo winking at herself, she still pressed down secretly.

Nan Nan stared at Concubine Meng innocently, his head tilted, "Can I not forgive?"

   "..." The corners of everyone's lips twitched fiercely. The son of Lord Xiu... is really as headstrong as Lord Xiu.

  Meng Guifei's face was stiff for a moment, she looked at the child in front of her, unable to speak for a while.

  A moment later, he raised his head again and smiled sadly, "Then Nannan, how can I forgive me?"

  There was a sense of helplessness in her words. The concubine Meng, who was in charge of the court, actually lowered her posture to a child. This made everyone feel dissatisfied and dissatisfied with Nannan.

   No matter how self-willed, it shouldn’t be so unfilial.

Besides, Concubine Meng didn’t do anything wrong. She values ​​the blood of the royal family. Moreover, the prince Xiu is his son. She is also thinking about the overall situation, and also to realize Nannan’s identity and completely let others have nothing to say. Don't you forgive me?

   "Well, grandma said aloud, I am Daddy's son, I will forgive you."

  Meng Guifei was taken aback, looking at the child in front of her with a distorted expression.

However, Nan Nan continued to say, "Grandma doesn't know. Nan Nan has been very sad after hearing his father say that no one believes Nan Nan's identity. Nan Nan wants to be recognized by everyone, especially when he sees Ping Shizi, Shengshizi, Weishizi, they can tell everyone openly, who their father is and who their grandmother is, Nannan I am so envious."

  As he talked, his mouth squashed again.

"Nan Nan also wants to be recognized by everyone, but he can only be a student without any identity. Every time he sees the queen mother or the emperor, Nan Nan really wants to recognize it, but he can't. If he is regarded as bad-hearted. What should I do with the child? So Nannan has worked hard, hardworking, and wants to behave very well, so that everyone will recognize me and feel that I am so good enough to be a daddy's child."

"Daddy said that fighting is dangerous, but Nan Nan wants to prove himself, no matter how dangerous he is, Nan Nan has to try it. Even if he tries his best, he has to prove that the descendants of the royal family are heroes. I have proved. I thought everyone had seen Nan Nan’s efforts, and I thought my grandmother would also like me very much. So today after my dad said in front of the big guy that I was his son, I was so happy. I thought that grandmother would The first one recognized me. I didn't expect, I didn't expect..."

  Nan Nanyue said that the more sad he was, the more pitiful he was, and finally, covering his eyes, he began to cry.

Ye Lansheng who was on the side was infected by him, and started to choke while holding his hand, "Nan Nan, I don't know, you actually have such a lot of pressure in your heart, I didn't expect you to be so eager for everyone's approval. "

   "..." Stupid Xiao Shengsheng, recognize your sister, you idiot.

  While Nan Nan cried, she looked at everyone's expressions.

  Many people were embarrassed by what he said, yeah, Nan Nan is the son of Lord Tang Tang. As Lord Xiu, his son was questioned in public where he needed to be wronged. Among them, he confessed to his relatives, and the first person to rush out to embarrass him was his own grandmother.

  For a while, everyone's sympathetic eyes fell on Nan Nan again.

  The queen mother stepped forward, touched Nan Nan's head, and sighed, "My child, it's hard for you."

  The emperor's complexion is a bit tangled, where has Nan Nan worked hard? Every time he was asked to read a book to practice martial arts, he was sleeping and eating, and he was obviously a little guy who was too lazy to die. This is really... a set of lies.

   Ye Xiu turned his head silently, yeah, compared to pretending to be pitiful, who could be better than Nan Nan. The little guy's acting skills are becoming more and more capable now, this time has reached the point of crying if you want to cry.

Concubine Meng was forced into a dead end. In addition to admitting her mistake, she could only stand up with a dry smile as Nan Nan said, and suddenly said, "Nan Nan is my Xiu'er's child and the grandson of this palace. Facts have proven, does anyone have any objections?"

  Who would dare to disagree? The person who is most qualified to speak has confirmed his identity, and everyone has seen the result of blood confession. The emperor and the queen dowager seem to be very affectionate to this child, and whoever stands up at this point and said that there is a problem is definitely the first person Xiu Wang has to deal with.

  The three princes and others had a dark complexion. Looking at this outstanding child, they almost broke their teeth.

  The seventh prince's complexion is tense, fifth brother...has a child. It seems that the emperor father valued him even more.

  He couldn't help looking at his mother concubine, and was shocked when he saw the ferocity flashing in her eyes. Could it be that the mother and concubine are going to act on this five-year-old child?


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