My dear has been recognized, and Nan Nan’s identity has been confirmed.

  The emperor looked at the sky, and there was not much time left for the afternoon game. At present, it is still important for the Four Nations Tournament.

  As for Nannan’s identity edict, he will have to wait until the end of the game this afternoon. Also, regarding Nan Nan's mother, he must have a good talk with Xiu'er.

  Since Nannan wants to enter the Royal Jade Butterfly, how can his mother not show up, without an official identity?

The emperor once suspected that the ghost doctor was Nan Nan's mother, but Xiu'er had not admitted it.

  But... this ghost doctor is a person from the rivers and lakes, and his status is not high. Probably, he can only be a concubine for Xiu'er. It's a pity that Nan Nan is not a direct child, and I am afraid that the road ahead will be very difficult.

  I only hope that the Tianfu princess from Tianyu Nation is a good person to get along with, and can treat Nannan kindly after marrying Xiu'er.

Emperor    still couldn’t understand. Since Xiu’er said that Nan Nan’s mother was his beloved woman, she once swore that as long as that woman is his wife in this life, why would he agree to the marriage of the two princes?

What is in Xiu'er's heart?

  It seems that he really must have a deep talk with Xiu'er.

The emperor pursed his lips and glanced at Nan Nan.

  However, not only did he think of Nan Nan's mother, but also the concubine Meng, who also thought of the woman for the first time. Just looking at Ye Xiudu's appearance, it seems that she still doesn't plan to let that woman fuck? Oh, how does this work? Taking advantage of this opportunity, she was pulled out.

  Meng Guifei glanced at Ye Xiu lightly, and asked in a low voice, "Xiu'er, about Nannan..."

"I'm so hungry." Nan Nan stretched his waist quickly, threw himself into the arms of the imperial concubine Meng, and said with a smile, "Grandma, Nan Nan is so hungry. I have been playing games all the time, thirsty and hungry. I want to eat."

  The emperor laughed loudly, "Okay, it’s not too early. The afternoon is the match between Tianyu Kingdom and Liuyun Kingdom. It can’t be delayed. If there is anything, let’s wait until the afternoon game is over. Let’s eat first."

Concubine Meng was about to stop Nan Nan from talking, she suddenly frowned when she heard the emperor's words, and swallowed immediately when she reached her mouth.

  The emperor said so, she naturally held on to it again.

Everyone immediately sent the emperor to the emperor respectfully and respectfully, but he just walked a few steps before suddenly stopped, and turned to look at Yang Lin, who was struggling to support one foot, with a look in his eyes." Your name is Yang Lin?"

  When Yang Lin heard this, he knelt on the ground and hurriedly bowed his head in response, "The Caomin is exactly."

"Very well, yes, a good seed. Since there is such an ambition to win glory for the country, then work hard, I believe you will have a future. Right, give this child a snack, and cultivate it, I will take He gave it to you."

  Ion Sail took a step forward, arched his hands slightly, and said respectfully, "Yes, the minister followed the decree."

  Yang Lin was stunned, some could not react, until Ye Lansheng on the side bumped him, he screamed, "Thank the emperor for grace, the grassroots will work hard and contribute to the country."

  Unexpectedly... such an opportunity would hit me in the head. Following the right, following this legendary character, he will definitely be able to learn a lot of abilities in the future.

  Yang Lin was a little excited. After a while, he raised his eyes and glanced at Nan Nan, his eyes a little complicated. He knew that he would be valued by the emperor, but in fact a large part of it was because of the relationship between South and South.

  This kid is actually very different from what he thought at the beginning, right?

  The emperor nodded, then turned his eyes away, looked at the dozen or so children on the other side, and gave a quick sneer. "Pingyuan Hou."

  Pingyuan Hou Xin was startled, secretly sighed, and it really came. With this matter today, he knew that he couldn't get rid of the relationship, and the emperor would definitely not let it go.

  "The emperor forgive the sins, the Weichen did not educate the children, please forgive the emperor."

"Pingyuan Hou, I don't want these Houmen children to be as responsible as a commoner. I eat the country's salary, but care about personal grievances on such occasions, and let other countries read the jokes. Oh, this matter, I Remember first, if there is another time, new and old accounts, I will calculate them together."

  Pingyuan Hou hurriedly pressed his pale son's head and kowped his head, "Thanks to the emperor for grace, the minister must teach him well when he returns."

   "Huh." The emperor turned around with a cold hum, and strode towards the outside.

  Yu Qingluo glanced at the few children who were completely limp in fright, and shrugged. She also understood the meaning of the emperor's handling. After all, the Cuju game is not over yet, and they still need to continue playing after half a month. Naturally, they can't deal with it seriously.

  But, these children are scared enough, I am afraid that next time, they will never dare to deal with Nan Nan like this again.

  Yu Qingluo shrugged, followed behind Ye Xiudu, and left the playing field together.

  Yu Zuorin stood far away, and tried to walk to Yu Qingluo's side several times, but was squeezed away by the crowd. When she got out of the game, Yu Qingluo's figure had already disappeared in the corner.

  He was annoyed, nothing else, there is still a chance in the afternoon, he can always see her true face.

  However, that child is the son of Lord Xiu, which really shocked the audience.

  Because of the delay in acknowledging relatives with blood, a lot of time was really consumed. The Cuju competition in the afternoon did not take long.

  The emperor had eaten, and he didn’t even rest for an afternoon, so he sat in the stands again, still chatting and laughing with the regent, Prince Qihan Weiji and others, as if nothing happened in the morning at all.

  Probably the only difference is that next to Ye Xiudu, there was a little guy who was as big as a kid.

  Nannan was injured. The emperor specially allowed him to sit here and watch the game, without squeezing in the stands of the players, so as not to get hurt.

  Shangguan Jin stared at the little guy, her eyes a little cold.

  The game in the afternoon was still very enthusiastic. The players from Liuyun Kingdom and Tianyu Kingdom had already recharged for a long time. Once it broke out at this moment, the figure was dizzying.

After just two glances, Qi Hanwei's eyes narrowed slightly. It is strange that the martial arts players that Tianyu Country puts in other competitions are all masters and take the lead, but why is it only in Wudou and Cuju? The players on the table look a lot weaker?

  The second prince was still lazy, just squinting his eyes to look at Nan Nan. Even if the game is coming to an end, even if Tianyu Country's score is surpassed by Liuyun Country, even if he loses the game, his complexion still has no fluctuations.

  Just when the emperor announced the result, he slowly stood up, said a few words to the contestants meaningfully, and got up to leave.

  Who knows just turned around, but saw someone in the stands behind quietly stood up and walked in the direction of the female relatives.

  That seems to be called Yu Zuorin.


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