The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 394: She is Tianfu Princess of Tianyu Country

When the emperor heard the words, he glanced at Yu Jianda, and the others were even more embarrassed.

Yu Qingrou cries sincerely, and her acting skills are already perfect. Many people feel that she is indeed happy for Yu Qingluo to live, and she also feels that she is trying to persuade her father to prevent him from committing crimes. A big mistake, this is a filial daughter.

Concubine Meng hooked her lips, took a sip from the cup, and smiled slowly. It seems that the mother and daughter are also wishing Yu Qingluo to die sooner.

  It seemed that Yu Qingluo would have quite a few enemies even without her.

  This time, she wanted to see how Yu Qingluo would deal with them and how to solve the game.

  She doesn’t care about Li, she will die anyway. But Yu Jianda is her biological father, no matter how cruel she is, she won't let her father commit the crime of deceiving the emperor and then slash it all. However, if she admits that what Yu Jianda said is true, then she...heh, even if six years have passed, she still wants it, Shentang! !

  Meng Guifei smiled at the corner of her mouth, and she became more happy.

  This is a dilemma, how can I solve it?

"Master Jade, the young lady is not your daughter. Last time in the post, the young lady and the young man from your house clearly told you that you had admitted to the wrong person. Why, Master Jade, have you forgotten? I want the prince to remind you. You?"

  Meng Guifei was taken aback, looking at the speaker, the anger suddenly surged in her heart. It used to be Shangguan Jin, but now it is Qi Hanwei. These foreign envoys are full and idle, do they have to come and participate?

  The emperor also looked at the speaking prince of Liuyun Kingdom strangely. Why, Qi Hanwei also had to speak for Yu Qingluo?

  Yu Jianda suddenly raised his head and twisted his brows lightly.

  Qi Hanwei stood up Shiran, and walked a few steps toward the middle of the hall, before turning to face the emperor.

   "The emperor, this prince has also learned a little bit about the identity of the young girl. I don't know if I interrupted in, would it make people misunderstand and want to get involved?"

  Meng noble concubine's hand suddenly clenched, this prince of Flowing Cloud Nation is not a good thing either.

  The emperor had heard what he said, and he could only sigh secretly and smiled, "The prince, but it’s okay to say it."

"At that time, the little son of Master Yu was arrested by the prince’s brother because of some misunderstandings. The young girl entered the post to save the little son named Yu Bao’er, and Master Yu, It happened to be in charge of the post house and happened to see the young girl. At that time, Master Yu was very excited and said bluntly that the young girl was his dead daughter six years ago, and that the young girl saved Yu Baoer because he was his biological brother."

  The imperial concubine Meng was taken aback. Is this justifying the young girl or fulfilling Yu Qingluo’s identity?

  Chen Jixin’s mother and daughter were unclear, so they all looked at the talkative prince of Liuyun Kingdom.

Qi Hanwei laughed, and went on to say, "It's just that at the time, the young girl didn't recognize that she was the daughter of Master Yu. As for why she saved Yu Bao'er, it was only because the two were predestined, and Yu Bao'er also said that she was the young girl. She was extremely similar to her own sister, so she recognized the young girl as her sister. The prince believed that the young girl and the dead daughter of Master Yu were indeed very similar, and Master Yu would admit her mistake."

   "No, I didn't admit my mistake, my daughter, how could I admit my mistake?" Chen Jixin immediately retorted.

  Qi Hanwei turned his head abruptly, staring at Chen Jixin with sharp eyes. The coldness in those eyes made Chen Ji shrink in shock.

"By the way, this prince still has nothing to say." Qi Hanwei suddenly laughed again, "Master Yu said, Young Master Yu Baoer is mad. But the young girl is a ghost doctor, and she diagnosed Master Yu. He didn’t have any problems with him, his thinking was clear, and he spoke clearly. He was completely normal. As for why the rumors of madness came out, I’m afraid that someone deliberately caused it. I heard that the doctor who used to treat Mr. Yu, All were invited by Mrs. Yu and Miss Yu, didn’t they?"

  Chen Jixin and Yu Qingrou's faces suddenly turned white, and they covered their eyes.

"My prince remembers that the young lady reminded Master Yu and asked him to think about why Master Yu was treated like this. It is a pity that Master Yu still trusted Madam Yu and did not take the safety of the young master at heart. On the other hand, this prince is very sympathetic to the young man. At a young age, he was locked in a small room and tortured. If it weren't for the kind young girl, he would be ruined in this lifetime."

Yu Jianda was stunned, he, he, he didn’t take Bo’er’s safety in his heart, he just felt that... his wife and daughter were not such cruel people, he just felt that they were innocent. .

  Qi Hanwei was also very disappointed with Yu Jianda. Even if she heard the words of the young girl that day, he was still so confused.

"Mrs. Yu, the second young lady, why the young man was diagnosed with madness? This prince thought, you both know it very well. A man who can be so cruel to the only seedlings of the Yu family, this prince does not believe that Miss Yu is only talented. The sisters shown are deep, tut, it's really disgusting."

   After that, Qi Hanwei flicked his sleeves abruptly and proudly returned to his seat.

  His words are extremely influential. Those words just now will be understood by everyone with a little touch. Therefore, when you see Yu Qingrou's face, all of them will become very ugly.

  The imperial concubine Meng squinted her eyes, this praying for Hanwei is really bad.

Yu Qingrou was stunned for a long time before she reacted violently. When she raised her head, her tears broke down, "I don’t have... the emperor, my mother, I don’t. My brother’s illness, indeed, the doctor personally told us The relationship between my sister and I is really very good. It used to be very good. These sisters all know it, don’t they, sister?"

As she said, she looked at Yu Qingluo with lustrous eyes, and knelt forward a few steps, "Sister, we have been in good relationship since childhood, do you really recognize my sister? I remember, when I was young, I could not walk steadily. You hurt your back in order to save me who fell to the ground, leaving a scar on the back, and it has never been better."

  Meng Guifei laughed, this jade is soft, she wants to be smarter.

   "Miss Yu, is there really a scar on your sister's back?"

   "If I go back to Niang Niang, my sister does have a scar on her back. It's on the left, and there is a red mole on her back."

   "In that case, just check if there is a red mole on the left back of the young girl, you can know if she is Yuqing down, right, the emperor?"

  The emperor glanced at Concubine Meng and nodded.

Concubine Meng immediately raised her voice to the grandmother behind her, "Take the young girl to the back of the palace and check it out. Young girl, shouldn't you refuse?"

  Yu Qingluo smiled and watched the grandmother walk down the steps.

However, just when the mother stretched out her hand to pull Yuqingluo, the second prince of Tianyu Kingdom, who had been lazily sitting in a chair, suddenly stood up, flew out, and directly gave the mother Kick to the ground.

  After that, he said with a force of force, “Princess Tianfu of the Rainy Country, when did it turn to get a dog minion to check her body?”


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