The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 395: What about my name is Yuqingluo

  Meng Gui concubine watched her close nanny being kicked a few meters away, and stood up abruptly. She just wanted to raise her voice to question, but she heard the second prince's voice suddenly resounding like thunder.

  Tianfu Princess of Tianyu Country? Princess Tianfu of Tianyu Kingdom? ? ? ?

  Not only the imperial concubine Meng, but also the emperor was stunned and almost lost his composure and got up from his seat.

  Not to mention the other people present, one by one was even more stunned, even holding their breath.

  Shangguan Jin's whole body was stiff, and she stared at Yu Qing violently. Suddenly I remembered the answer she had given when I arrested her and asked her about her relationship with the second prince of Tianyu Kingdom.

  She said that she is the younger sister of the second prince.

  So, this is...really?

  Even Qi Hanwei was stunned, twisting his eyebrows and digesting it with difficulty. The ghost doctor is the princess of Tianyu Kingdom? She, she is obviously Yu Qingluo, if she is not the young lady of the Yu family, how could she be so caring and considerate to Yu Baoer?

In the main hall, everyone's eyes became uncertain, staring at the smiling second prince in a daze.

  It took a long time before I heard the emperor’s deep voice, "Second prince, you said... Green girl, is Tianfu Princess of Tianyu Kingdom?"

"Exactly." The second prince laughed, turned his head and stretched out his hand to touch Yu Qingluo's head, his eyes slightly spoiled and said, "Qing'er, didn't the second brother tell you? I have grievances. You must tell your second brother in time and don't bear it. Also, even if you are not in the Heavenly Rain Country, your noble status will not tolerate others to blaspheme, and you must use your power in a timely manner."

  Yu Qingluo stretched out his hand and knocked his hand off. Her face was extremely ugly, and it took a long time before she turned her head around to see Ye Xiu Duo who had been watching with cold eyes as if it had nothing to do with her from the beginning to the end, she hadn't said a word.

  She is Princess Tianfu? Why doesn't she know this matter? Damn, they didn't even discuss such a big matter with her. The second prince of affection and Ye Xiudu knew about it, so they just kept it from her, right?

   "Tang idiot, I will settle accounts with you later on this matter." Yu Qingluo lowered his voice, staring at him and warned him viciously.

  The second prince shook abruptly, and the corners of his mouth twitched, still keeping two steps away from her.

When I looked back at the emperor, he regained his style of suaveness and leisurely leisure. "The emperor, this is my Tianfu princess Tang Qing'er of the rainy country. It is also the princess who gave the imperial decree to the emperor. The prince didn't know if there was any red mole on Qing'er, but he also felt that he would not allow others to trample on the dignity of Tianyu Kingdom, and used such absurd reasons to examine Qing'er's body."

  Although his appearance was idle, but at the end of the talk, the momentum turned out to be very compelling, shocking everyone present.

   is Shangguan Jin and Qi Hanwei, can't help but secretly startled. The second prince was not as soft as he saw on the surface.

  The emperor was stagnant, and the second prince said so, he naturally couldn't let people do it anymore.

  But, in any case, he could hardly imagine that the ghost doctor was actually the princess Tianfu who had always been mysteriously ill and never showed up, no wonder... Xiu'er would agree to this marriage.

  Not only the emperor suddenly realized, but the ion sail was also stunned. He clenched his hands for a long time and couldn't recover. He finally understood why Qing Luo didn't keep a distance from him when he knew that Lord Xiu was going to marry another woman. At first he thought it was Nan Nan's existence that made her inseparable from him.

  I understand now that from beginning to end, Ye Xiu wants to marry a woman alone, and it is clear. Although he did not understand why Qingluohui and Tianyuguo had such a big connection.

  Ion Fan felt his whole heart squeezed, and the complicated and embarrassing heartache made his eyes sore. However, it is good for her to be happy, and it is good for her not to be wronged, at least the Lord Xiu is really good to her and can protect her and take care of her.

  She now has status, status, husband, son, and love, which he couldn't give her six years ago. Since I missed it, then he...bless him.

  Ion Fan took a deep breath, and the eyes that looked at Yu Qingluo became softer.

  Yu Zuorin was full of disbelief. Seeing Yu Qingluo, he took two breaths, "No, how is this possible? Are you a princess?"

  Madame Yu's family also sat down on the ground. She originally wanted to tell the emperor Yu Qingluo to deceive herself by pretending to be the royal princess. Unexpectedly, she was really...the princess.

Yu Qingluo smiled and turned her head, tilted her head slightly to look at Yu Zuorin, her voice was bright, "Master Yu, if I am a princess, my second brother has confirmed it for me. Is it possible that the second prince of Tianyu country will still Do you lie to you in this way?"

   "But...but you, you are obviously Yuqingluo." Yu Zuolin involuntarily took a step back.

   "Well, I have another name, which is indeed called Yu Qingluo."

   "Oh, the emperor, she admitted that she is..."

"Why is it in the heart of an adult? Any woman who grows up like this and calls Yu Qingluo to stay is your wife six years ago?" Finally, Ye Xiudu, who has never spoken, said slowly from his seat. Standing up, step by step calmly walked to Yu Qingluo's side.

Yu Zuolin was stunned for a moment, and he saw Ye Xiu laugh alone, "If this is the case, this king will let you listen to why Princess Tianfu of the Tianyu Kingdom is called Yu Qingluo." After that, he lifted up. His hand moved towards the corner of the door, "Bao'er come here."

  As soon as his voice fell, a small figure walked out from behind Ye Haoran. His appearance was generous, his behavior was courteous, and when he walked to the middle of the hall, he respectfully knelt down and knocked his head at the emperor who was above him.

"Caomin Yubao, knock on the emperor." Yu Baoer wanted to watch Nannan and Ye Lansheng's game, so she was in the stands today, just staying far away and minimizing her sense of existence. Many people didn't notice. Whose child is he after all?

  Jade Boa? The emperor frowned slightly. Wasn't this name just the little boy in Yujianda's mansion mentioned by Qi Hanwei?

  This kid... really can't see the slightest madness at all, and the neat gestures and speeches are more generous and decent than Yu Jianda.

  "Get up and talk." The emperor glanced at Ye Xiu alone, thinking about coming, this child was also brought by Xiu'er.

  What happened today, how does he feel that everything is under Xiu'er's grasp?

  Yu Bao'er saluted again, and then she straightened her back and stood beside Yu Qingluo.


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