The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 802: Three people become a tiger

  Ye Xiu Duo’s eyes fell on the clan elder on the bed again, and his voice seemed even lower, “The other party is a smart person. This method is too common and clumsy, and the murderer may not show up. But...”

  Ye Xiudu sneered again, his eyes suddenly become full of hostility, "However, there are always one or two who are uncomfortable, and they will definitely get the bait."

Since you want to take the initiative, you can't delay any longer. At this time when the rumors are spreading, the news that the clan is about to wake up is just in time. At that time, those who are skeptical of the rumors and think a little deeper will naturally watch it. Change, waiting to hear the words of the famous clan after waking up.

  Ye Xiu squinted his eyes alone, and discussed the detailed plan with Qiongshan medical veteran.

  In the imperial capital at this moment, the news that was very unfavorable to Meng Lu, the patriarch of the Mongolian clan, became more and more arrogant and crazier.

  Naturally, this kind of news was not unexpected at all, and it all came into Yu Qingluo's ears.

  Yu Qingluo lowered the brim of his hat slightly, put a small ingot of silver on the wine table, and walked out of the restaurant.

  She has a feeling of wind and rain, who is pushing everything behind the scenes. These things were directed at Menglu, presumably he wanted to bring down his patriarch.

  It’s just that, at present, the only person who fits the identity of the Mongolian patriarch is Menglu. The Mongols have regulations that those with flower-shaped birthmarks are eligible to become the patriarchs of the Mongols. Nowadays, there are not many Mongols with such birthmarks. It is almost impossible to find someone else to replace the patriarch.

  Menglu is shrewd and capable, and he was appointed by the former patriarch himself. It is not easy to overthrow him.

  Yu Qingluo sat in the carriage, leaning on the sidewall of the carriage, and thought quietly, could it be that several other people with birthmarks did it? Or is it...just ordinary people among the Mongolian people, who are not willing to succumb to others, and ambitious people do it?

  If this is the case, then the scope is wide.

"Eh, have you heard? The elder Li was also arrested by the patriarch some time ago. I heard that it was because the elder Li knew something shameful about the patriarch, so the patriarch found an excuse to arrest the person. Up."

  Suddenly there was a voice in her ear. Yuqing sat up straight, twisted her eyebrows and raised the curtain of the car, and said to the coachman outside, "Stop aside, I want to get off."

   "Yes." The driver quickly stopped the car. Before it stopped, Yu Qingluo jumped out of the car.

  She turned her head to look, and found that the person passing by the carriage was on her left hand side, seeming to be talking to the people around her.

  Yu Qingluo wrinkled her eyebrows, walked over quickly, and when she got closer, she slowed down again, just followed behind with her ears erected, listening to their conversation.

  The two spoke quietly, but they were not quiet. Yu Qingluo followed them and heard them clearly.

   "Yes, I also heard about it, but this Li clan elder is also very lucky. Fortunately, he was rescued, otherwise our Mongolian clan will lose another good clan elder."

   "That is to say, this patriarch has done a lot of evil things recently. I heard that he was generous and kind, but now I want to come. It's all shit."

   "Shhh, these words can't be said nonsense. Now the patriarch dares to deal with several elders. People like us may die even worse."

"What are you afraid of? No one on the street is talking about these things now, and he can't even suppress it. Now the clan elder is assassinated, the granddaughter of the Yue clan is in the clan mansion, and the Li clan is locked up by the patriarch for some unknown reason. When I got up, things became more and more strange. I heard that the next person the patriarch had to deal with was the old Xiang clan. In just a few days, all of our Mongolian clan elders had troubles. Maybe it's really like the rumors that the patriarch wants to break the Mongolian rule of using children with flower-shaped birthmarks as heirs. He wants to inherit his father's inheritance and make his son the next patriarch, just like the other four countries."

"Really? There are such sayings? No wonder, he wants to deal with several clan elders. After all, other clan elders will definitely not agree with his ridiculous idea. The clan elders are highly respected and will not agree, so I was assassinated, so it makes sense."

  There is a reason for a fart, Yu Qingluo almost wanted to sew the mouths of the two people on the spot.

  Their guess is also really outrageous, to be the next patriarch for their son? Not to mention Meng Lu’s personality, it’s the son of Meng Lu. She also heard Ye Xiu Du’s words. Meng Lu’s son threw himself into the outside world. He really wanted to go out to the Mong people to walk around and browse the name. The rivers of Sichuan, travel thousands of miles of rivers and mountains.

  Ye Xiu said it alone, it must be true.

  Yu Qingluo stopped, paused, and walked back.


  Li Clan elder and Meng Ke both left the prison, I am afraid they will not be at peace.

  I am afraid that the two people hate most are themselves and Nan Nan. She is here now, and almost no one knows. Nan Nan... I don't know if it will be their target.

  Yu Qingluo suddenly felt a little irritable. She wanted to go back, back to Ye Xiudu's side, and back to Nan Nan's side.

   However, Shangguan Jin’s injuries repeated and began to worsen in the past two days. It happened that his guards hadn't been retrieved yet, and he didn't know where they had gone.

  Yu Qingluo even deliberately painted the pattern that Shangguan Jin gave her in a farther place, but the effect was not great.

  Yu Qingluo got on the carriage again and let the coachman return to the Fulai Inn.

  As soon as I got out of the carriage, the second child greeted me immediately, "Madam, you are back. I have followed your instructions and sent lunch to your husband. Don’t worry."

  Yu Qingluo twitched the corners of her mouth, husband, madam...she now feels numb on her scalp when she hears these two names.

  Yu Qingluo wanted to change to an inn a long time ago, but Shangguan Jinshi should not move, otherwise her condition will get worse and her scalp will become more numb.

  Dian Xiaoer saw that she was not talking, and could not see the expression under her veil, guessing that she might be in a bad mood, so she could only step back angrily and stopped talking.

  Yu Qingluo secretly breathed a sigh of relief, no one mentioned her husband in her ear, and she was in a better mood.

  Walking into the lobby, there were a lot of people sitting inside, and I could also vaguely hear some talk about Monroe, buzzing, and my ears were uncomfortable.

  The shopkeeper didn't drive these people away this time, and I must have shaken my heart, and I was dubious about such rumors.

  Yu Qingluo secretly sighed, it was really three of them who became tigers. Even the treasurer who supported Menglu actually changed his mind, which shows how powerful this rumor is.

  She shook her head, did not listen carefully to the topics discussed by those people, and stepped up the steps.

  However, just after taking a step, I suddenly saw someone hurrying down from above and slammed her, knocking off the veil on her head.

  Yuqing twisted her eyebrows and turned her head away. When the person saw that it was her, a trace of guilty conscience flashed on her face, he immediately hung his head and left the inn in a hurry.


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