The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 803: What's wrong with me

  Yu Qing Luo squinted her eyes slightly, doubting in her heart, slowly bending over to pick up the gauze hat on the ground, and her footsteps were also a little slow.

  This person is a bit familiar, he seems to have seen it somewhere.

  Yu Qingluo tilted her head and thought for a while, and after a while, she was already standing in front of Shangguanjin's room.

  After all, there are differences between men and women. She slowly knocked on the door of the room until a low voice came from inside, and then she opened the door.

   Shangguan Jin was still lying on the bed. His injuries aggravated two days ago, and now his face is still very pale, even his lips are not even bloody. Mengpa started that day, it was indeed the top priority.

   Seeing Yu Qingluo coming in, Shangguan Jin’s tight face instantly eased a lot, she turned sideways slightly, turned her head to look at her, "Why did you come back so early today?"

   "It's hot outside, the sun is very hot, and I will come back." It is strange to say that the temperature in the capital, which has always been like spring all the time, has been surprisingly high these days, as if it indicates that everything is unusual.

In order not to be recognized, Yu Qingluo not only wears a veil, but also uses a carriage to travel in and out. It is almost airtight and it is extremely uncomfortable. But after walking a few steps, I felt a thin layer of sweat, and I couldn't stay outside.

Shangguan Jin said with an'en', pointed to the ice basin on the right, and said, "This weather is really hot. I asked Xiao Er to bring it up not long ago. If you sit there, you should feel more comfortable. "

  Yu Qingluo just glanced, but didn't go there. She had already felt the coolness when she entered the door, and now the temperature is just right for her, she doesn't have to sit next to the ice basin.

  She sat on the edge of Shangguanjin’s bed, stretched out her hand to get a pulse on his wrist, and then said in a low voice, "What have you been up to all day today? Aren't you bored in bed?"

  Shangguan Jin is surprised, Yu Qingluo has always simply talked about the pulse of his illness, and has never chatted with him in such a tone.

  But he felt very happy, this feeling...I can't tell, but there is a kind of strange but very fond of it.

  He felt that this was Yuqingluo caring about him.

  "I didn’t think about anything. When I wake up and sleep, I think about when to avenge you when I’m awake. Those who catch you will definitely not let you go. We naturally want to cut the grass and root."

  Yuqing twitched the corners of her mouth and took her hand back. Without responding to his words, she continued, "Did anyone come to look for you? Has your guard found this way?"

"No." Shangguan Jin said solemnly, and his eyebrows were slightly twisted, "It is also strange, these days have passed, and they shouldn't have appeared until now. I am afraid that...something has happened. "

  He doesn't like Yu Qingluo's mentioning this topic. He and Yu Qingluo have been alone these days, which makes him feel very satisfied.

  Although Yuqing will go out most of the time, he will always be diagnosed after a while. The appearance of caring about him makes him happy every time he looks at it.

  Yu Qingluo laughed, "No, that's weird. When I just went downstairs, I seemed to see a familiar person."

  Shangguan Jin was taken aback, and suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart.

Yu Qingluo got up from the chair, his smile widened, "That person is familiar, I have seen it, and I have seen it by your side, it is indeed your guard. What, is it that guard? I've found it here. Is it possible that you haven't discovered that your master is here? Then this guard is too sloppy. With the power of the regent, it shouldn't allow such a useless guard to stay by his side."

   "..." Yu Qingluo was very upset, Shangguan Jin knew.

   Just now, he was worried that Yu Qingluo would come back at this hour and would have a face-to-face meeting with that person. Now... I didn't expect to see it.

   "Cough." Shangguan Jin gave a light cough, a little guilty.

Yu Qingluo snorted coldly, "You don't have to hide it from me like this. I said, I will always be here until your injury is not healed, and I won't go anywhere. You have a life-saving grace for me, I am not ungrateful. People, this kindness will naturally be returned to you."

  She spoke decisively, and Shangguan Jin's face suddenly became unsightly.

  What is this kindness? What is a life-saving grace? After all, she still looks at it for saving him.

  But he didn't want this.

Shangguanjin's eyes squinted, "Yu Qingluo, you are a wise man, you know how this king treats you. I think you can guess the purpose of my doing this. Yu Qingluo, this king I have never worked so hard for a woman, what's wrong with following this king?"

Yu Qingluo's lips twitched fiercely again, "Master, I have a marriage contract with Ye Xiudu, and even have a son with him. You are the regent of the State of Lei, who is more than 10,000 people. What kind of woman do you want. I am a stubborn flower and willow, and you can't look up after you."

  Remaining flowers and willows? In order to reject herself, she even described herself like this.

  Shangguanjin's heart was short of breath, and a burst of blood surged in his chest, and he spit out a mouthful of blood with a ‘poof’.

  Yu Qingluo's eyes widened and cursed, hurriedly helped him to lie down, pinched the corner of his mouth and fed a medicine in. "How are you doing?"

   Shangguan Jin stretched out her hand and pushed her away, "Go away, don't worry about it."

  Yu Qingluo opened his hand, squeezed his wrist, and then stretched his eyebrows. Fortunately, it was just blood attacking his heart. It should be fine after taking the medicine.

   "Go, go out." Shangguan Jin stared at her viciously, his eyes full of impatientness.

  Yu Qingluo saw that he was emotionally unstable, and immediately got up and went out without saying a word.

  As soon as the door was closed, Shangguan Jin grabbed the soft pillow on the side and threw it to the ground fiercely, "This king asked you to go out, and you really went out? Yu Qingluo, when have you been so obedient?"

  Yu Qingluo at the door shook his forehead and rubbed his eyebrows.

  She really wants to cultivate independence at night, so much to cultivate independence at night, so much to cultivate independence at night. That person must be very busy now, and he doesn't know if he has paid attention to his body.


  Yu Qingluo sighed, touched her stomach, and seemed a little hungry. He turned and went downstairs, went to the lobby, and found a corner to finish the meal.

  As for the Shangguan Jin in the room, she thought, without her, that person would have calmed down.

  The food was served quickly, Yu Qingluo had just eaten two mouthfuls, but saw a person suddenly come in at the door.

  The man's face was a little strange, and he had deliberately dotted two moles on his face to hide his identity.

  The person was directly on the counter, mumbling and inquiring from the shopkeeper.

  When Yu Qing listened, the chopsticks in his hand were put down. The person who inquired... was her.


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