Although the secret road was closed, Nan Nan was still afraid that the scent of chicken legs would be emitted, so he took a few steps down the stairs.

  A few steps later, a faint light suddenly appeared in front of him, smudging the entire secret room into a dusky yellow.

  Nan Nan tilted his head and probed forward.

  He was very curious about everything, but now that he could not go out, he simply went down.

  As the footsteps get closer and closer, the light gets brighter and brighter, and Nan Nan found out that there are night pearls for lighting on both sides of the wall.

  He couldn't help swallowing on the spot, staring at one of them with burning eyes. Although the beads are not the best, they can be sold for a lot of silver.

  The little hand started to move around, but...can't take it! !

  Nannan restrained herself, turned her head abruptly away from Ye Mingzhu, and almost twisted her neck.

  He continued to walk a few steps inside, and suddenly found that the steps in front of him started to go up again.

  Nan Nan stood angrily on the spot. This is definitely a secret road, isn’t it a maze? How tiring up and down.

   pouted, he was a little unwilling to leave. However, the next moment, a small voice suddenly came from my ear, very soft.

  He moved his ears, and followed the voice quietly to get closer.

  After a short while, a space of nearly 20 square meters suddenly appeared in front of him. The furnishings inside were simple, but there was a man, a...woman, sitting with his back to him.

Nan Nan's eyes widened sharply, and he blinked hard twice.

  Woman, there is a woman hidden in the secret path of the uncle.

  Could it be...this is the legendary Jinwu Cangjiao?

  Ah, it’s not right, right or wrong, my mother said, the status of uncle doesn’t need Jinwu Cangjiao at all. If you want any woman, just marry home.

  So what is this woman doing here?

  Nan Nan couldn't help moving forward, but accidentally stumbled.

  He hurriedly stabilized his body, stood on one foot, spread his hands, and let out a light breath.

   "I said, I don't know anything, so why bother with that?"

  The woman in front of her suddenly opened her mouth, Nan Nan was stunned for a moment, then took another two steps back and hid behind the wall.

  After a while, she quietly poked her head out, looking at the woman who still had her back to him.

  Did she say anything just now? Seems to be saying something, mind? What thoughts? Did you tell him?

   Nan Nan scratched his head, a little distressed, would he ask aloud?

   "It's been so many years, you still don't give up."

  The woman spoke again, and Nan Nan's small eyebrows were twisted.

   Hesitating and then hesitating, he finally couldn't help it, and said lowly, "Well, can you introduce yourself first?"

The woman with her back to him stiffened suddenly. The next moment she turned around and looked at Nan Nan, who was showing a little head in shock, "Who are you... who are you? How did you come in? How could you Appear here?"

Nan Nan was taken aback by her eager expression and tone. She hurriedly put on a guard posture, staring at her with her round eyes, her blushing lips pursed, and she took a step back, "I, I What about me, I just came in accidentally, you, don't scare me, I'm young and not scared."

  The woman opened her mouth slightly and looked at him for a while before she calmed down slowly. Then, he looked at him strangely.

  "You came in by accident?" She had a suspicious look in her eyes, and she looked a little unbelievable.

  This place is the secret room of Mengzhicheng. He guards it very strictly. Not to mention a child, even a martial arts adult, will not necessarily break in.

  What's more, to enter the secret passage, you still need to open the mechanism.

  Nan Nan tilted his head, suddenly felt that this person's eyebrows were very familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

  He stretched out his little hand to cover the upper part, looking only at her eyes, and then shook his head. Then move the palm down, looking only at her nose and mouth.

  The next moment, his eyes lit up, and he said excitedly, "I remember, your nose and mouth look like Aunt Ziqi."

  Aunt Ziqi? The woman stood up suddenly, and walked a few steps forward with some excitement.

  Then the next moment, her step forward was suddenly blocked, and she stopped two steps away from south to south, and could no longer move.

  Nan Nan felt the sound of jingling bells coming from her ears, blinked, and then saw the chains on the woman's hands and feet.

   Locked like this...

  Nan Nan immediately felt relieved, it would definitely not be threatening to lock her hands and feet.

  He took a few steps forward and asked him strangely, "Why are you locked here? Who locked you?"

  The woman had no intention to answer him, but her eyes fell on him eagerly and asked, "Aunt Ziqi you said, is Mengziqi?"

   "Hey, do you know Aunt Ziqi?" Nan Nan asked her.

  He got closer, only to realize that the woman's face was a little pale, it seemed that she hadn't seen the sun for a long time, and her face looked very ugly. The body is also soft and supple, as if he would fall after taking a few more steps.

  Nan Nan pressed her lips, still held her hand, and insisted on supporting her to sit down on the original chair, "Your body looks very bad, come on, drink a glass of water first, you are welcome."

  As he said, he erected the cup on the table, poured a full glass of water and handed it to her.

  The woman shook her head, she had no thought of drinking, "Tell me, why are you here? Your name is Aunt Mengziqi? Whose child are you?"

  As far as she knows, Mengzhi made two sons and one daughter. Meng Ziqian is already more than twenty years old. If it were his child, it would indeed be...and he should be this old.

  What it Meng Ziyao’s son?

  The more the woman thinks about it, the tighter her eyebrows will be twisted.

  She looked at Nan Nan carefully, as if she wanted to see some clues from his face.

  I watched for a long while, but I didn’t see any similarities between him and Meng Ziqian when Meng Ziyao was a child.

Suddenly, Nan Nan's little hand flicked in front of her, and the woman suddenly recovered.

   "What are you looking at? Although I am a pretty good-looking person, I can't stare at me like that. I'll be shy."

  The corners of the woman's mouth twitched. This child is quite narcissistic.

  Not good, this very similar to Meng Ziyao's lawless temper.

  This child, is it Meng Ziyao’s son? Did Meng Zhicheng use him to compose his own words and lower his guard?

   Thinking of this, the woman's face turned cold, her eyes flashed cold, and she turned her back, "Let's go, whether you came in accidentally or someone let you in, I and you have nothing to say."

   Nan Nan felt very wronged. He did nothing. How did this person change his attitude all at once?


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