sighed, Nan Nan looked at her unwilling to take care of herself, so she sat silently on the other side of the chair.

  He was very hungry. With his head down, he dug out the pastry chicken legs from his clothes, and ate with relish in front of the woman.

  The girl's eyebrows are almost knotted, this child...

Nan Nan ate two pieces of pastry, nibble on two more chicken legs, then turned out an apple in the bag, followed by dried fish, then chicken feet, then spiced beans, and a few small grapes. .

  The woman was shocked. He was just a small child. How could he eat so much? His appetite is a bit scary, isn't it?

After eating for a while, Nan Nan felt a scorching gaze on the top of her head, paused, and raised her head, just in time to meet the surprised gaze of the woman.

  The woman watched him raise her head, immediately curbed her expression, and then coldly moved away.

"Um... do you want to eat it?" Nan Nan looked down at what he was eating, and felt almost done. There were still a few steamed buns in the bag. He slowly touched it out and muttered." I still have something here, originally meant to be eaten by my father. But I think you are locked here by yourself, and your face is so ugly. You should be hungry for a long time, so let’s eat it for you."

  The woman's mouth twitched and stared at the two large-faced buns he handed over. She couldn't help but wanted to speak, but she paused and turned her head away.

   "You don't want to eat it?" Nan Nan took the buns back, "Okay, I'll leave it to my father to eat."

  The woman raised her eyebrows, "your dad? You will eat this for your dad? Meng Ziyao can eat it too?" She turned her eyes and tried casually.

"Oh, my dad doesn't know how to eat. I just want to express my filial piety. My dad is very particular about eating. After all, he is the prince." Nan Nan packed the buns and was stunned. After a moment, he raised his head strangely, "Meng Ziyao? What's the matter with Guan Meng Ziyao?"

  The woman suddenly looked at him, "You said your father... is a prince?"

   "En." Nan Nan nodded and saw the **** on the table. She consciously took out a paper bag and gathered it all together.

  Lord? Lord? Is he the son of the prince? How could the son of the prince call Ziqi as his aunt?

  The woman began to ponder, and then her eyes lit up. By the way, Mengzhicheng has a sister who is a noble concubine from Feng Cang Country, her son...

  She remembered that Concubine Meng had two sons. The older one was called Ye Xiu Duo. Because of the flower-shaped birthmark on her body, she could go in and out of the Mongolian people freely, which was very popular with the famous clan.

  This child is now appearing in the Mongols. Could it be...

  The woman began to look at him carefully again, the more she looked, the more she felt that his eyebrows began to become brighter. Yes, this kid is really a bit similar to Ye Xiu's childhood alone.

  "You, who is your mother?" Although there was such a trace of suspicion in the woman's heart, she still didn't believe it and could only continue to ask.

"My mother? My mother is amazing. She is like Shen Yuluoyan. She is like a shameless flower, martial arts is high, medical skills are brilliant, everyone loves, she is the most beautiful woman in the world. The most powerful thing about her is that she is as smart as me. Lovely baby boy, so she has always been proud of me. In my mother's heart, I am ranked first. Well, that's it."

   "..." The corners of the woman's mouth twitched fiercely, she just asked who her mother was, but she didn't ask her mother's temperament.

"By the way, you haven't told me who you are and why are you locked here? Did your uncle lock you here? Are you the enemy of your uncle?" Nan Nan moved closer. A little bit, looking at her strangely, "Also, you and Aunt Ziqi are really alike."

  Uncle? The uncle named Mengzhicheng, it seems that he really is the grandson of the imperial concubine Meng.

  "You and your uncle have a good relationship?" the woman asked.

   Nan Nan curled his lips, looking very unhappy.

  The woman narrowed her eyes and said, "Looking at your temperament, you will have fun with Meng Ziyao."

"Who can play with that bad guy?" Nan Nan was very angry. When he thought of Meng Ziyao's appearance of killing the clan elder with a dagger last night, he was so angry that if it wasn't for his father to stop him, He had to go up and punch him with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

"His man has no conscience and is simply mad. My grandfather was assassinated and unconscious. He actually broke into my grandfather's house in the middle of the night and wanted to kill him. My grandfather is his grandfather's direct and direct relatives. , How could he be so frantic?"

   "What did you say?" The woman stood up from her chair suddenly, "You said Meng Ziyao was going to kill the clan elders?"

   As she said, she walked around the house twice, and then as if thinking of something, she suddenly asked him, "You just said... the clan elder was assassinated and unconscious? Who was he assassinated?"

   "I don't know, my dad is still investigating." Nan Nan glanced at her strangely.

  But she found that the woman's face was suddenly pale, and she looked a bit more terrifying than before.

   "How come? How come? Was assassinated, unexpectedly... so fast..."

  Nan Nan frowned, watching her muttering, but she couldn't hear what she said. But Nan Nan could see that when she heard that the old clan was assassinated, she seemed to be greatly stimulated.

  The woman slowly closed her eyes, and suddenly laughed, "It seems that after all, I can't wait any longer."

   As she said, her eyes suddenly sharpened, she suddenly looked towards Nannan, and said in a deep voice, "You said you are Ye Xiudu's son? Do you have any evidence?"

   "Huh? Evidence?" Nan Nan blinked. He is his father's son. Do you need any evidence?

   "As long as you can prove that you are Ye Xiudu's son, I will tell you something." The woman looked at him fixedly.

  Nan Nan is a little bit distressed, but he can't bring in Daddy, how can I prove it?

   "Does it count as a flower-shaped birthmark on your body?" Nan Nan asked in a low voice. Anyway, the Mongolian people all know about it, and it doesn't matter if you tell her.

  The woman's eyes lit up, she grabbed Nan Nan and opened his clothes. She really saw a flower-shaped birthmark. During the tugging, a silver medal fell off Nan Nan's body quickly, and she glanced intently at it. It was... the silver medal of the patriarch.

   She looked at Nan Nan and asked, "Have you seen the Mongolian patriarch?"

  Nan Nan nodded blankly, "Grandpa Lu taught me kung fu." This is not a secret, it can be said.

  "You play a set of boxing techniques taught by the patriarch to show me."

  "..." He was not a performer, but when she changed his mind to telling herself something, he still reluctantly played twice.

  The woman nodded in satisfaction. That's right, the boxing technique is very precise. It is Menglu's own move. There is a flower-shaped birthmark on her body and the token of Menglu. This child...should not be a Mengzhicheng person.

  The woman took a deep breath, looked at Nannan again, and said, "I am Meng Ziqian and Meng Ziqi's mother, and Meng Zhicheng's wife, Meng Qiyue."


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