The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 820: Nannan's big truth

  Bai Yifeng? Menglu and Qiongshan doctor veteran looked at each other and couldn't help being surprised.

  "Please ask him to go to the side hall for tea, I'll be there right away."

  Meng Lu wiped his face, let out a light breath, turned around and walked out of the room.

  As soon as I walked into the side hall, I saw Bai Yifeng with his back facing him, his head slightly lowered, not knowing what he was thinking.

  Xu heard the footsteps coming from behind, Bai Yifeng turned his head and met Meng Lu's calm eyes. He stepped forward and said eagerly, "Where did Ye Xiu Duo go?"

   "Are you looking for a repairer?"

Bai Yifeng nodded, "I went to the clan mansion, and the guards said he was not there. I thought about the possibility of coming to the clan mansion, so I hurried over. I have something urgent to tell him, he Isn't it here?"

  Meng Lu looked at him with anxious expression. It seemed that things were indeed urgent. He frowned and said, "He has already taken Nannan back..."

   "I'm here." Before Menglu finished speaking, Ye Xiudu's deep and familiar voice came.

  The two people in the room turned their heads at the same time, and saw him stepping in with Nannan striding in his arms.

  He glanced at Bai Yifeng, "Something? Is it Qing'er?"

"It's not about Yuqingluo, hey, it's almost about her, hey, I don't know how to say it anymore, come with me, you can meet someone." Bai Yifeng's mind is a little knotted. He didn't speak clearly, so he paused, and he just took Ye Xiu Du and Meng Lu and walked out.

  The corners of their mouths twitched at the same time, looking at the paws holding their hands. With a light cough, he squeezed away hard.

  Meng Lu pursed his lips, and said, "Lead the way ahead." It was really ugly.

   "Oh." Bai Yifeng was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that he seemed to be...a bit out of order, touched his nose, and then he turned and walked out of the side hall.

  A few people followed him all the way out of the old mansion of the clan, got on a carriage, and went to the inn where Bai Yifeng was.

  Ye Xiu Du put Nan Nan on the soft cushion, looked at the direction of the carriage, and raised his eyebrows, "What the **** is so violent?"

   "You will know when you see it, I can't say it now."

  Ye Xiudu glanced at him contemptuously, and couldn't even speak clearly. How could such a person be the second son of the Bai family?

  Meng Lu turned his head and looked out the window, without speaking, he felt helpless at Bai Yifeng's recklessness in his heart.

  Two quarters later, the carriage stopped at the entrance of the inn where Bai Yifeng was, and Bai Yifeng jumped out of the carriage first.

  Menglu looked outside. This is the back door of the inn, with very few people. When I wanted to come to Bai Yifeng, I also considered their identities and made things easier.

  He then got out of the carriage, but looked around vigilantly.

   Ye Xiu carefully hugged Nan Nan, the little guy was a little vague, he felt that he had lost the comfortable shaking feeling when the carriage stopped, and he couldn't sleep well.

  Opened his eyes now, glanced at his father, and then at the surrounding environment, and said strangely, "Daddy, are we back to the clan residence?"

  But this carriage is so unfamiliar, it wasn't the one he took when he came.

   "No, we still have something to do. If you continue to sleep, Daddy will hold you."

Nan Nan shook his head and continued to lie on his shoulders.

  The group walked into the back door of the inn and walked up to the second floor.

  Bai Yifeng's steward was waiting at the door, and he bowed slightly when he saw him. Turning to see the other two people, he also nodded slightly, "Patriarch, Ye Gongzi, people are inside."

  Meng Lu and Ye Xiudu looked at each other again before pushing the door open.

  It's very quiet, very quiet, there is hardly any sound, let alone... it's human.

   "...Bai Yifeng, no one." Ye Xiu frowned, and went around, but he didn't see who Bai Yifeng said wanted to see him.

  Bai Yifeng was strange. After looking around in the room, there was indeed no human figure.

  He jumped immediately, and hurriedly turned his head and asked the steward at the door, "He went out?"

  The manager shook his head, with a face full of puzzlement, "No, the little one has been guarding the door of the room, and has not left for half a step. It is impossible for the people inside to come out."

  It’s even more weird. How could a good person disappear?

  Bai Yifeng hurried to the window sill to take a look. Below is the street where people come and go. It is impossible to go down here without being seen. And there are no traces of footprints on the window sills, and no traces of people leaving.

  So, people are still in this room.

   "Hey, where are you? You...uh..." Bai Yifeng just yelled, and he saw Ye Xiudu untied his belt and directly blocked his mouth.

  He blinked, hummed twice, and pulled out the belt abruptly. He hurriedly fastened the belt again after a few hoops, while staring at him dissatisfiedly, "What are you doing?"

   "Nan Nan is still sleeping, you are so loud, you will wake him up." Ye Xiudu is even more dissatisfied. His precious son hasn't slept all night, and finally his breathing has stabilized. This **** guy has such a loud voice.

  Bai Yifeng choked, then noticed the sleepy child, gave a dry laugh, closed his mouth hurriedly, and laughed, "I'll be quieter."

  Special Yuqingluo is not easy to provoke, Nannan is not easy to provoke, why is it so inhumane to cultivate independence at night? Their family really gathers like things, and none of them are good things.

  Bai Yifeng gave a light cough, and then smiled at Ye Xiudu, but it was too late, Nan Nan opened his eyes grievingly and stared at him gloomily.

"...Nan Nan, this, I didn't pay attention for a while. I was looking for someone, so I was anxious." Bai Yifeng took two steps backwards suddenly. The child is getting up. He had already experienced it in Tianyu Country. So, now the most important thing to comfort is, "Nannan, you continue to sleep, I'll be quieter."

  Nan Nan twisted his body and got off Ye Xiudu, and reached out to Bai Yifeng, "I want a mental loss fee."

Bai Yifeng slapped his forehead with resignation, put a fifty taels of cash in his hand, and then stared at him viciously, "You dare to blackmail him like this in front of me, if you have the ability, you go Knock it there with my elder brother."

Nan Nan smiled, the anger of getting up has disappeared under the wealth radiated by the silver. Hearing Bai Yifeng's words, he immediately hugged his thigh and said with a smile, "Uncle Bai is the best uncle in the world. Now, don’t worry, you’re good to me, I remember it. My mother said, Second Uncle Bai is rich, Uncle Bai is a bit poor, and we can’t bully the poor."

  En, Bai Yifeng heard these words very comfortably, so he just said, he has great abilities and is naturally rich.

  When he was happy, he put a silver ticket in Nan Nan's palm, "Say more good things in front of me in the future, I love to listen to your big truth, I..."

  His aftermath swept away, his voice stopped abruptly, and he pointed under the bed and said, "I found it, and the person is there."


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